Europa unchained
A campaign wiki for a game based in the Girl Genius Universe and using the Atomic Robo rules
Atomic Robo character creation cheat sheet
Setting Issues and Campaign Aspects
Campaign Aspect A World Ruled by Mad Science
Setting Issues
Legacy: Styria wiped out by unknown forces
Current: Powerful people on the run
Impending: A Dark Design
Current Map
Player Characters
- Anjeza Mataranga "The Silver Fox", played by Muskrat
- Caspar Petros, played by KreenWarrior
- Scudamore Cheese, played by T@nya
- Artemis Trismegistus, played by wormmonda
- Lord Marius Brunvich, played by EnigmaticOne
- Keeffe, played by Insertname
- Dr. Willi Quecksalber, played by DannyK
- Jacques D'Larousse, played by Xadun
Squirrel construct, highly skilled clank pilot and engineer, deeply in love with Sven
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