TROS in the Hammer:Characters ThundersRumble

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NAME: Thunder's Rumble Player's Name: Justin
Philosophy: The ways of the People have always been what defines the People; upholding the old traditions is the only way to see the people be free from tyranny. Faith/Creed: None, agnostic

True Leadership (Major) - Thunder's Rumble gets +4 dice to any pool involving leadership or follower loyalty.
Intuition (Minor) - See TROS pg. 45.
Allies (Minor) - See allies, below.

Flaws: None
Allies: Talks to Lightning - 2nd Aunt of the Fog Among the Trees tribe and mother of Dawn's First Light. She will help out Thunder's Rumble if asked nicely and the request is reasonable. Enemies: Maple Seed Swirling
Background & Notes:
Race: Human Social Class: Peasant
Nationality: the People Concept: Future savior of his people
Personality: Appearance: 38 year old male. 6' tall, 210 lbs. Brown eyes, hair, and skin. Shaved head by ears, in ths style of Fog Among the Trees tribe.
Riding 6
First Aid 6
Hunting 8
Heraldry 6
Battle 6
Strategy 7
Tactics 8
Etiquette (Tourney) 8
Leadership 6
Intimidate 7
Survival 8
Orienteering 8
Mass Weapon and Shield 6
Strength (ST) 7
Agility (AG) 5
Toughness (TO) 4
Endurance (EN) 4
Health (HT) 3
Will Power (WP) 3
Wit (Wit) 6
Mental Aptitude (MA) 3
Social (Soc) 6
Perception (Per) 3/2
Reflex 5
Aim 4/3
Knockdown 6
Knockout 5
Move 7/6
Destiny to free the tribes and make them a great nation 2
Drive to unite the tribes 1
Passion love of the Fog Among the Trees tribe 2
Passion love of Dawn's First Light, daughter of Talks to Lightning 2
Oath protect tribe over self, the "Peoples Oath" 3
Insight Points 8
Armor Worn
Piece AV CP Mod Other Notes
Chain shirt with sleeves 4 - -
Chain coif 3 -1 or 0 if under helm -1 Per
Pot Helm 5 -1 -1 Per
Medium Round Shield 6 - -1 Move, DTN 5
Weapons Carried
Weapon Length ATN DAM DTN Notes
Warhammer (Blunt) Medium Swing 6 Swing 8b 8 +DL+1 Shock, +1 Dam vs. Hard armors. W/in a round, 1 CP to flip from blunt to point.
Warhammer (Point) Medium Swing 6 Swing 9p 8 +DL Shock, +2 Dam vs. Hard armors. W/in a round, 1 CP to flip from point to blunt.
Gezag Recurve Bow Missle 7 6 - 2-4 rounds prep time [Pull arrow: 0 (on ground), 2 (from quiver); knock and draw: 2)]. 2 MP to reduce prep time by one round (Reflex/TN8). Min Str 5. +1 ATN per 45 feet.
Mass Weapon and Shield 11/10
Bow 4/3
Offensive Maneuvers
Name Prof Mechanic MoS Cost
Bash Mass Wpn/Shield Select swing loc. Assigned CP vs. Wpn ATN. Can spend 1 CP prior to roll to add 1 to Dam. Damage. Range becomes agressor wpn range. 0
Bind & Strike Mass Wpn/Shield Must have two wpns or wpn and shield. Assigned CP vs. Wpn ATN or Shield DTN. Opponent loses 1 CP per MoS in next exchange. 0
Cut Mass Wpn/Shield Select swing loc. Assigned CP vs. Wpn Cut ATN. Can spend 1 CP prior to roll to add 1 to Dam. Damage. Range becomes agressor wpn range. 0
Hook Mass Wpn/Shield Hook capable wpn. Assigned CP vs. Wpn ATN. Reduce tgt knockdown by 1 per MoS. Tgt makes Knockdown vs. 8. 1
Simultaneous Block/Strike Mass Wpn/Shield Two wpns or wpn+shield. Both parties attacking. Assign CP to both block/parry and bash/cut/thrust. Each must be at least half as large as the other. Assigned CP vs. Wpn ATN for attack; assigned CP vs. wpn/shield DTN for defense. Damage for attack, reduce attack successes for defense. Range becomes agressor wpn range. If defense succeeds, may be agressor in next exchange. 0
Thrust Mass Wpn/Shield Thrust capable wpn. Select thrust loc. Assigned CP vs. Wpn Thrust ATN. Can spend 1 CP prior to roll to add 1 to Dam. Agressor Ref+1 against non-thrust if init tie on simultaneous attack. Damage. Range becomes agressor wpn range. 1
Defensive Manuevers
Name Prof Mechanic MoS Cost
Block Open and Strike Mass Wpn/Shield Wpn+Shield or two wpns. Prof 6. Assigned CP vs. Shield/Wpn DTN. Reduce attack successes. If successful, can be agressor in next exchange, and MoS added to attack roll. 2
Block Mass Wpn/Shield Shield. Assigned CP vs. Shield DTN. Reduce attack successes. If successful, can be agressor in next exchange. 0
Parry Mass Wpn/Shield Any wpn. Assigned CP vs. Wpn DTN. Reduce attack successes. If successful, can be agressor in next exchange. 1
Full Evasion Any Assigned CP vs. 4. Cannot use if attack on immediately previous exchange. Reduce attack successes. Can be used against multiple attacks in one exchange. If successful, pause in combat, requiring new initiative. If fumble, DL+2. 0
Partial Evasion Any Assigned CP vs. 7. Spend 2 CP if want to take initiative. Reduce attack successes. If spent 2 CP, can be agressor in next exchange. If fumble, DL+2. 0/2
Duck and Weave Any Assigned CP vs. 9. Reduce attack successes. If successful, may be agressor next round and treat opponent as if botched. If fumble, DL+2. 0
Location Chart
Location Body Part Attack Mod AV
I Lower Legs +1 CP vs. Shield 0
II Upper Legs - 4
III Torso - L10/R4
IV Downward/Shoulder - L10/R4
V Vertical/Head - 8
VI Upward/Groin - 10
VII Arms +1 CP L10/R4
Location Body Part Attack Mod AV
VIII Lower Legs -2 CP 0
IX Upper Legs - 4
X Groin - 10
XI Belly - L10/R4
XII Chest - L10/R4
XIII Head/Face -1 CP 8/0
XIV Arms -1 CP L10/R4
Locale Level Other Effects
- - -
Blood Loss

Other Notes, Other Equipment Owned, etc.:

Equipment and possessions:1 Gold and 1 Silver coin, Short Bow + 12 arrows, honeycomb of the Sweet but Painful tribe.

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