Llayne's Characters - Kyran Galvaynes

Kyran Galvaynes

Physical description
Kyran’s frame leans toward the tall and lithe. His casings are predominately made of forged mithral though his inner workings and some exposed elements are blackened bronze. His casings are covered with fine engravings and are accented by copper inlay.
He wears a simple button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of tan pants that are tucked into his casings just below the knee. He doesn’t wear boots since his feet are tougher than leather and it gives him a better feel for the ship. Kyran wears an orange sash around his waist.
His favorite piece of clothing is a sleeveless trench coat all in charcoal and black with orange trim and bronze buttons. He doesn't wear any weapons at all to mislead people into believing he's not a threat. When he fights, he creates metal weapons using magic... his favorite being a heavy spear.
Character Sheet
High concept: Mythril Skinned Skyship Master
Trouble: Fierce and Flighty
Aspects: Protecting My Family Legacy, Phase 2, phase 3
Fate Points: 3
Refresh: 3
Stress | |||||
Physical | OOOO OOO | Mental | OOOO | Magical | OOOO O |
Consequences | |||||
Mild | N/A | Moderate | N/A | Severe | N/A |
+4 | Great | Physique |
+3 | Good | Fight, Rapport |
+2 | Fair | Athletics, Empathy, Magic |
+1 | Average | Drive, Notice, Stealth, Will |
Windborn Soul
- Kyran has always felt at home in the sky... like that's where he was meant to be. He receives +2 to Drive when flying.
Imposing Presence
- Mithral armored plates, imperious gaze. In his time as a Corvette Commander Kyran learned the art of intimidation. He can use Physique instead of Provoke for intimidation, provided the target can see him.
Natural Metal Mage
- Metal magic always came easy to Kyran... enough so that he became frustrated when the other elements proved more difficult to control. He receives a +2 to Magic when using the element of Metal to Create an Advantage.
Kyran has mastered control of the magical element of Metal.
He often uses this to create pole-arm weapons during combat or creating barriers or spikes to shape the battlefield.
Kyran has spend countless hours engraving intricate scdrollwork engraving into his casings using magic, and can also modify or reinforce his body to suit the task at hand.
He can also use his magic to repair his body, though the effort leaves him drained.
Supporting Cast
Riku, Little Brother
Description & Personality
At nine years old, Riku hasn’t yet transitioned to a full-sized body, and stands 4’4 inches tall and weights 61 pounds. His casings are brass with a brushed metal texture, but some are painted a deep green both to contrast and accent his natural color as well to proclaim his love of Gerdermia.
He wears a simple black toga-like garment to ‘protect his modesty’ but is proud of being Automaten and hates to cover up unless he must. On his waist is a belt with multiple pouches containing small tools and pieces of whatever project he’s tinkering with.
Always a bit precocious, this has gotten worse since his parents were killed. He’s especially good at annoying his brother Kyran.
High Concept: Brazen Automaten Brother Trouble: Overwhelming Emotions
Fate Points: 1 Refresh: 1
Physical: OO Mental: OO Magical: OOO Mild Consequence: N/A
+2 Provoke
+1 Crafts, Magic
Riku can control the magical element of Lightning.
XXX, First Mate
Vetta, Gnome Engineer
Description & Personality
Vetta is as bad with people as she is good with Skyship engines. Extremely tall for a Gnome, she's always grungy and her brown and white fur is marked with grease smudges.
Always jumping on and climbing around her engines, Vetta's green pointed hat has become battered and now hangs limply down the back of her head. Her coveralls have faded to a drab gray and their numerous pockets and pouches are stuffed with tools and repair parts.
Though she doesn’t like most people she’s recently discovered that she dislikes Riku less than most. The unlikely friendship has done wonders for the boys vocabulary and worries his older brother to no end.
Vetta doesn’t talk about her past much, but she does seem uncomfortable around other Gnomes.
High Concept: Grungy Gnome Engineer Trouble: Not Fit for Polite Company
Fate Points: 1 Refresh: 1
Physical: OOOO Mental: OOO Magical: OOOO Mild Consequence: N/A Moderate Consequence: N/A
+3 Crafts
+2 Athletics, Provoke
+1 Physique, Stealth, Survival
I made it myself
Use crafts instead of shoot when using a ranged weapon of you made with your own hands.
High Concept: Mithral-Skinned Skyship Master
Kyran was born almost 40 years ago to the Automatens Valdeas and Hanushi Galvaynes. His mother Hanushi was a Gerdermian court mage, a master of Lightning, while Valdea was a legendary Magitek craftsman. Together they forged some of the greatest pieces in the Gerdermian armory. Both were around 200 years old when they decided to have children... which was not uncommon for Automatens since they don't age like biological beings.
Growing up in the Capital was exciting, and Kyran took advantage of every opportunity. He trained with the guards and explored as a young man, and then studied for years with his mother and other mages before suddenly joining the Gerdermian Sky Fleet.
He proved a good officer, but since he didn't come from a Navy family his advancement opportunities were stymied. The Lord Commander of the Sky Fleet had long been arguing for the creation of a battleship to keep pace with the larger countries, but the King was more worried about pirates raiding his shipping lanes, and went the opposite route and ordered a handful of corvettes built for war.
Too small to be a true warship in the eyes of the Navy, the King had trouble getting volunteers to command them. That offered opportunities to many young officers for positions they normally couldn't reach... and Kyran was promoted to Commander. He performed so well that he was able to upgrade his coverings to the light, durable and extremely expensive metal, mithral.
Invoke: When Flying, when having a Skyship would be of aid (quick rescue) for defense when his mithral plates block a blow, or when their lightweight magical nature would be a boon.
Compel: When being an Auotmaten would be a hindrance in different parts of the world, when his mithral plates attract those willing to kill or injure him to claim it, or when it's silvery color reflects light while he's trying to stealth.
Rising Conflict
Trouble: Fierce but Flighty
Throughout his life Kyran would throw himself into whatever.
Invoke: alksdjf;laskdjf;laskdf
Compel: aksldfj;lasdkjf;alskdjf;
Phase One
Aspect: Protecting The Family Legacy
Vivamus a nibh sem. Donec rhoncus orci at pretium mattis. Integer sed dignissim turpis, iaculis sagittis felis. Maecenas ac nunc et ante commodo maximus. Donec nibh risus, luctus quis enim id, bibendum faucibus orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed quis euismod metus. Ut laoreet varius leo at fermentum.
Invoke: alksdjf;laskdjf;laskdf
Compel: aksldfj;lasdkjf;alskdjf;
Phase Two
Aspect: Something...
Vivamus a nibh sem. Donec rhoncus orci at pretium mattis. Integer sed dignissim turpis, iaculis sagittis felis. Maecenas ac nunc et ante commodo maximus. Donec nibh risus, luctus quis enim id, bibendum faucibus orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed quis euismod metus. Ut laoreet varius leo at fermentum.
Invoke: alksdjf;laskdjf;laskdf
Compel: aksldfj;lasdkjf;alskdjf;
Phase Three
Aspect Something else...
Vivamus a nibh sem. Donec rhoncus orci at pretium mattis. Integer sed dignissim turpis, iaculis sagittis felis. Maecenas ac nunc et ante commodo maximus. Donec nibh risus, luctus quis enim id, bibendum faucibus orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed quis euismod metus. Ut laoreet varius leo at fermentum.
Invoke: alksdjf;laskdjf;laskdf
Compel: aksldfj;lasdkjf;alskdjf;
Aspect: Phase 3