Running Sheet Laravella
Laravella, Daughter of Brand
Father:Prince Brand of amber
Total: = Stats+ Powers{c}+ Skills+{c}+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies + Stuff+Storage
- in Stats
- x (x) in Powers
- in Skills
- (x) in creatures/Items
- 0 in Allies (0/0)
- Stuff
- Psyche:
- Strength:
- Endurance:
- Warfare:
Powers {}
Skills {}
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
Items {}
- Signature piece
Comments here for thoughts on character creation. obviously all this is how things played out in my multiverse of Amber! Fun and games.
look at Skills in my game Jeweled Amber Skill Points
Chaosian Options
- If you decide to go Chaosian. Ill pick the Chaosian since she will fit into the ongoing chaos politics. Most likely a Henrdake. Take a look at this for information on the Hendrake family in my game-Benedict/Hendrake breeding program
- VoyaHeirs_and_spares#Voya._Daughter_of_Maylon is a good possibility. A Hendrake royal with Amber blood.
- I've toyed with the Helgram family that has been in the politics of Chaos and would have been a big part of the war. A daughter of this house might be interesting.
- Brand, Fiona, and Bleys dealt with Hendrake and Helgram in fomenting the Black Road War. Bleys and Fiona withdrew from the Chaos forces as it became clear what the endgame for Chaos was once the pattern was damaged. Another character is dealing with Brand now and a lot of his side of the story will be in play. He is claiming that the effort to edit the pattern, using Martin, failed and he was badly deranged by the effort.
Regorian options
- I think a Regorian heritage might be good too. Regor Regor is a major inscription. Regor has a very Russian vibe. Minarets, cold, vodkas, etc... It has been xenophobic and isolationist.
- Brand is a Regorian through his mother Queen Clarissa, as are Fiona and Bleys of course. He could easily have been with a Regorian woman and that might work well.
- Clearly this is a PC you have run before and so you have a character concept for Lara in her own world. What her origins are and how much she knows about it is something to talk about. Right now i have 4 active pcs. one player having two. 3 of them are characters run in other games. Im ok with that though i would prefer a new PC. Since i don't know the history of the character in her worlds I may bounce ideas that are in her world that i don't want in my game. All in all im pretty flexible about things.
You said I plan to take Warfare 25, Basic Trump, Conjuration, Sorcery, Chaos Strength and two 5 pt worlds with Destiny
- First off, i don't encourage taking stats down. If its done i suggest it be one of the first things to try and buy up. Buying down stats implies some physical problem in the race of Amberites. So if strength is bought down there should be a reason; Catastrophic magical accident, touched by a curse, etc.
- Secondly, Two separate shadows is a lot to start with as personal shadows with a Destiny? Clearly there is a reason for this i want to hear. I think we should talk it over and work out. there should be a good reason to spend so much on two shadows.
- Ranks and stats. I don't use Ranks. First Ranks, Second rank, etc. the concept never worked for me. Stats let a PC fit into the Stats of everyone else, PC or NPC.
- Skills. If you read the skill section it explain why i uses skills. 5 pips allows for a fair amount of expertise and some character development.
- Shadow Magic. Listed as a power, a few pips in shadow magic makes her a mighty wizard. Of course the shadow magics don't work everywhere. Shadow_Magic#Warlock_Magery
- Signature Piece. each PC starts off with a good signature piece. In the 40 pip range. Grayswandir, Werewindle. Maybe a wizards staff
- Pet. Each PC will end up with a pet of some kind.
- Elite. Once a Amberite is on good terms with King Random they are assigned an Elite. Basically a body guard. They act as a companion, can travel with the pc, reports back to Random, and acts as a funnel for the GM to feed information to the pc. They don't HAVE to keep them with them but it helps.
- Trumps Obviously 40 pips in Trump is the reason most of the below ideas are point high. However, while i have one pc with Trump he is not really designed to be active with other PCs or NPCS. So having Trump is something I want to have the PCs have more access too. Also nearly none of my NPCs have Trump artist so i envision that if Lara is on good terms with Amber she might get calls to make Trumps for people. So in a way, im allowing abut 20 pips as a kind of Player Contribution since i have an idea how it will work out.
- Pattern As a unknown daughter of Brand it is unlikely she would start with pattern. To gain it she needs to talk with Random, or find one to get the Pattern Imprint. Either way it won't cost her pips. All the known shadows of the Pattern are guarded so sneaking one's way to walking the pattern is a good trick and worth the points.
All these options are just ideas. nothing set in stone. just working out a character concept.
Idea 1: 142 Woven Logrus option.
- Stats:25
- Psyche:10
- Strength:Amber
- Endurance:Amber
- Warfare:15
- Powers 117
- (25) Woven Logrus Woven Logrus(Gifted by Brand)
- 25 (10) Shapechange (When the pattern was repaired, Amberites gained 10 pip's worth of Shapechange allowing limited shapechange like finger prints, facial features, webbed feet and fingers, ear shapes.)
- 15 Sorcery
- 20 conjuration
- 40 Trump based on Woven Logrus.
- 5 Shadow Magic Shadow Magic
- 10 Shadows (2)
- 5 skill
- 3 bad Stuff
I like the idea of a PC with Woven Logrus. If she ever gets to take the full logrus she would have 25 pips set aside for it a good idea.
This option would not necessarily be related to chaos. It could easily be someplace else in shadow so she would not have been raised in chaos. This would give her full shapechange.
Idea 2:145 Chaosian option.
- Stats:15
- Psyche:10
- Strength:Chaos(+10)
- Endurance:Amber
- Warfare:15
- Powers:130
- 10 Logrus-Partial (study allowing for future full Lorgus. Allows Logrus based sorcery and trumps)
- 25 (10)Shapechange (Racial)
- 15 Sorcery
- 20 conjuration
- 40 trump
- 5 Shadow Magic
- 10 Shadows (2)
- 5 skills
A bit high on points but workable. It has her having studied the Logrus enough to use sorcery and trumps and ready to someday assay the full logrus. It does not allow her to raise the Sign of hte Logrus or use the logrus for defense, make tendril, etc. Woven Logrus would be an additional 10 pips. Dropping endurance to Chaos, a thing i don't like, would free up 10 pips to buy Woven Logrus.
idea 3:115. Chaos Sway option
- Stats:30
- Psyche:10
- Strength:Amber
- Endurance:5
- Warfare:15
- Powers:85
- 10 Logrus-Partial
- (10)Shapechange
- 15 Sorcery
- 20 conjuration
- 40 trump
- 5 Shadow Magic
- 10 Shadows (2)
- 5 skills
This one drops shapechange and puts Strength at Amber. It has Partial Logrus allowing sorcery and Trump. This assumes some access to Chaos, possibly not actually in Chaos but places in the Chaos sway or the Black Zone..
Idea 4:125 Regorian Option 1
- Stats:30
- Psyche:10
- Strength:Amber
- Endurance:5
- Warfare:15
- Powers:95
- (20) Regor Imprint
- (10)Shapechange (Racial)
- 15 Sorcery
- 20 conjuration
- 40 trump-Based on the Sigil of Regor
- 5 Shadow Magic
- 10 Shadows (2)
- 5 skills
A bit high on points but workable. I really like the idea of a Regorian PC.
Idea 5:120 Regorian option 2
- Stats:25
- Psyche:25
- Strength: Chaos(+10)
- Endurance:Amber
- Warfare:10
- Powers:95
- (20) Regor Imprint
- (10)Shapechange (Racial)
- 15 Sorcery
- 20 conjuration
- 40 trump
- 5 Shadow Magic
- 10 Shadows (2)
- 5 skills
This is a bare bones idea. It is a Regorian one. Giving her Trump, sorcery, conjuration. You mentioned 25 warfare. That's a lot of warfare for a sorceress who may want Psyche to be competitive with other sorcerers. Swapping Psyche and Warfare would give her solid Psyche and a respectable military mind.
Idea 6:Brand's Prawn. 140
- Stats:45
- Psyche:15
- Strength: 5
- Endurance:5
- Warfare:20
- Powers:95 (20)
- 20 Woven Logrus
- (10)Shapechange (Racial)
- 15 Sorcery
- 40 trump (See comments on trumps)
- (10) Pip of Brand's Doing.
- 5 Shadow Magic-Magery & Dufiro Ritualism (read about the Dufiro)
- 10 Shadows (2)
- 6 skills: Armorer & Leather Worker(one skill), Survival(Arctic), Heraldry, Thari and Swimming. Parkour(explained below)
- 1 Bad Stuff
Ok. after our chat last night i had these thoughts. Your picking Brand is serendipitous.
A frequent of the courts but not a Lady yet since she has not taken the full Logrus. Perhaps her early years were in a shadow in the Black Zone that Brand owned(as in a personal shadow of his with a Woven Logrus) He does not have Logrus but does have Woven Logrus. So she had access to his estate in this shadow and his staff treat her as the mistress now since Brand has not been around a lot before Pattenfall.
Say we start her off a good hundred years before the Black Road War. She was born in a world near Chaos that has interactions with Chaos. She knew Fiona and Bleys while she was a young girl. She might have had a crush on either one of them, your pick. This shadow would be where the trio did a lot of their planning and training for the upcoming war. so a lot of coming and going of Chaosians. She would know a variety of chaos nobles who were polite but aware of your amber blood. There is a Woven Logrus in the realm and Brand, Bleys, and Fiona all learned it. you grew up around it and took it early. Your sorcery and your trump are based on it.
Bleys, Brand, and Fiona taught her heraldry and Thari in preparation for their eventual rule in Amber.
While growing up Bleys took her with him when he exercised. He taught her Parkour acrobatics. He was fanatical about it, he charmed her, and Brand didn't mind. Its a very acrobatic thing she and Bleys did for a time. (I include it since it is important to a couple Pcs and it might be a nice game some day. the youtube vids are wild.)
Eventually Fiona and Bleys broke with Brand and he was angry a lot afterwards. He returned warped, talking about the destruction of the universe and a lot of that kind of madness. he was somehow changed.
Then the wars happened and a lot of stuff we can discuss later happened; her involvement with the Chaosians and the Patternfall War. During those years you met a Hendrake bone warrior named Vek(a PC).
Finding her own shadows and living in them for many years.
Suddenly she was Trumped by Brand. Badly hurt. Bringing him to her realms she nursed him back to health. He said he had taken Deirdre into the Abyss. He gave her to the Serpent to save his own life. She was some how split in two. The unicorn rescued one half of her and stole the jewel from him. The other half the Serpent of Chaos took.
He was badly magically damaged and his healing took a long time.
At one point he grasped her head and did something magical. What it was she never knew. (10 pips above)
Eventually he recovered somewhat. He went to Regor. Sometimes everyone needs to see their mommy. Taking you with him you met Queen Clarissa, the Czarina of Regor, and her brood of children, including the precocious Alexei. As a Child of Brand she was treated well. But Brand was severely magically damaged and got lost. Clarissa assigned Alexei to be Brand's keeper. Clarissa had offered to see Lara through the Inscription of Regor but it never happened. It is your call but Alexei and Lara having had a tumultuous sexual relationship would be very interesting in time.
Lara left Regor. She may have gone back every now and then. Life went on. She lived in her shadows and there it was.
Till recently.
Alexei came to you and told you that Brand had been Captured by Lord Vander, a son of Eric of Amber(and a PC). He was in the dungeons of Amber. He had a lock on an Amberite with access and was going to seek her out. (the PC Carissa)
Your mission, if you choose to accept it:
- Seek out Clarissa and gain the Regor Inscription.
- Locate an Amberite and come to the Court of Amber, requesting to see Brand, as he is her father.
- Interact with Vek
- Deal with Random, possibly swear fealty to Amber, write an article of submission, and gain a pattern imprint.
- Speak to brand in the Dungeons of Amber.
- Pay off 1 Bad Stuff