Firefly: Leaf on the Wind - Henrik Mason
Henrik Mason
Birth Planet: Anvil Allegiance: Independent (Formerly Alliance)
Height: 188 centimeters (6' 2") | Weight: 104 kilos (230 lbs) | Age: 32 standard years
Broad shouldered with a brawny frame, Mason has tanned weather worn skin from years working in harsh environments. His long brown hair is shaved on the sides and is often pulled up in a bun so it doesn’t get in the way. A full and often wild beard adorns his face.
He’s normally seen wearing work boots, work pants and a dark red vest with a hood. His arms bear numerous tattoos and scars. His large hands are callused
Mental d8 Physical d10 Social d6
- Craft d4
- Drive d4
- Fight d10 (Streetfighting)
- Fix d4
- Fly d4
- Focus d6
- Influence d4
- Know d4
- Labor d8
- Move d8
- Notice d6
- 'Operate d4
- Perform d4
- Shoot d10 (Assault Rifles)
- Sneak d6
- Survive d4
- Throw d6
- Treat d4
- Trick d8 (Sleight of Hand)
Muscle for Hire d8
Looking scary comes easy to you, and you’re no stranger to hard work. (Fight/Labor/Move)
- Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
- Blunt Instrument: When you fight dirty or use brute force to solve a problem, step up your Labor or Fight until the end of the current scene. Step back Social until the end of the next scene.
- Looming Shadow: When you rely on your imposing size to intimidate someone, use Physical instead of Social. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes on the roll.
Drifter d8
You’ve seen a lot of things during your time in the black and done what you’ve had to do to survive. Little is left to surprise you. (Focus/Notice/Trick)
- Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
- Been There: Create a d8 Asset when you ask for help from an old contact. If you use this Asset in a roll and fail, your contact turns against you. The Gamemaster will reveal why they set you up for a fall.
- Done That: When you tell a Crewmember about a situation from your past similar to the one you face now, gain a new specialty for the rest of the scene. Take or step up a social Complication reflecting your past.
Alliance Deserter d8
You were a pretty good Marine… when you weren’t getting drunk and starting fights that is. (Sneak/Shoot/Throw)
- Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
- Nobbody calls me chicken! Gain 1 PP when your inability to turn down a fight or ignore an insult gets you in a mess of trouble that you could have avoided by being silent.
- Hail of Bullets: When you Take Out a GMC with a Shoot Action, take or step up a Complication to automatically Take Out another from the scene.
Signature Assets
Micro-mesh Armor Vest d6
Taken from a rich and overbearing hear to some Core Worlds something or other when he decided he didn’t have to pay his gambling debts. Needless to say, I hopped on the next outbound freighter I could find to escape the fallout…
Born poor, he served as seasonal worker along with the rest of his family. When work became scarce, joining with the local gangs seemed like a logical step. He rode with them for a while, eventually had a falling out. He had his tattoos cut off and joined the Alliance Marines to escape his homeworld.
He excelled at training and combat, but discipline was much for elusive for Mason. He almost completed his tour when he got in a fight with an the army grunts he was fighting with. Knowing how serious it was and that he’d likely spend a few years in prison, Mason deserted and never looked back.
Unwilling to go home and knowing the Alliance would be looking for him, Mason got himself lost in the rim, working menial jobs for shit pay that made the Marines or even the Union Army look good in comparison.
Eventually the ar came teo a close with the inevitable outcome of an Alliance victory. Things became a little easier. At that point. The Alliance had worse things to worry about than a deserter, and Mason was able to got off those hellish mining stations and get planetside again.
He still wandered… drifting from place to place. It was as much a habit for him as a necessity at this point. He tries to keep his head low, but isn’t afraid the bend or sidestep a few laws if it means staying alive and keeping food in his belly.