Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Character 3

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Gabriel Roux : Knife-Fighting Scammer

Character Quote

I understand that you feel yourself wronged by our bargain. If you'd like me to meet you on the field of honor, I accept. As the challenged party, I choose knives.


Home world:



Physical d8 Mental d8 Social d8


Knife Fighter d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
O Deep Cut: Spend 1 PP to step up a Complication you inflicted with your blade
O This Is a Knife: When you create a bladed Asset such as a knife or a spear, step it up to a d8.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Focus, Notice

Shady Business Man d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Fell Off a Truck: Step up a Complication involving the authorities to create a d8 Asset that was acquired from less than reputable sources.
O Loan Shark: Spend a PP to pass off a social Complication onto another character who owes you something.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice, Trick

Steady d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Got It in One: Spend 1 PP to roll your Focus and add it to your total.
O Sea of Calm: Spend 1 PP to use a Complication as an Asset for one Action; step up the Complication afterward.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, [Throw - Swapped for Notice], Sneak


  • Craft d4
  • Drive d4
  • Fight d12
  • Fix d4
  • Fly d4
  • Focus d10
  • Influence d10
  • Know d4
  • Labor d4
  • Move d4
  • Notice d8
  • Operate d4
  • Perform d4
  • Shoot d4
  • Sneak d6
  • Survive d4
  • Throw d8, Knives d6
  • Treat d4
  • Trick d10

Signature Assets

  • Custom Fighting Knife d8 - Roux had a knife made for him years ago by Xin Crandall, a famous knife maker on Persephone. It's custom fitted to his hand, balanced to his liking, and made from a titanium alloy that keeps it sharp and tough.
  • Forged Letters of Introduction d8 - Roux has a variety of letters, messages, Waves, and the like of people vouching for him. A few of them even actually did.


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