Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Character 7

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Charlie :: Robot Bodyguard

Character Quote


|| Physical d8 || Mental d6 || Social d10 ||

Trained Skills

Fight d8

Fix d8

Focus d6

Influence d6

Know d6

  • Corporations d6
  • Alliance d6

Move d6

Notice d8

Operate d8

  • Computers d6

Perform d6

  • Etiquette d6

Treat d8

Trick d6

Untrained Skills

Craft d4
Drive d4
Fly d4
Labour d4
Shoot d4
Sneak d4
Survive d4
Throw d4


Simulacrum d8 "People ain't always what they seem. But some people ain't even people."

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ Made of Sterner Stuff: Step back a physical Complication by exposing your mechanical nature
☐ Trigger: Description

Bodyguard d8 "My job is to keep you safe, not to keep you happy."

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ First Aid: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury-based Complication
☐ Get Down: Gain 1PP when you put yourself at risk to protect another

Former Companion d8 Description

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ Old Habits Die Hard: Step up a Complication to double or step up Social for all Influence, Notice, and Perform rolls in a scene.
☐ Fiercely Independent: Gain 1 PP when you reject someone else’s plans to strike out on your own.

Signature Assets

Repair Kit d8 A collection of tools and spare parts, primarily for self-repair, but can be used for other repair jobs in a pinch


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