Ogre:CharacterCodex:Character Creation

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Character Creation

This section describe all the steps to create your character.

  1. Introduction
  2. Choose your Campaign Setting
  3. Choose your Concept
  4. Choose your Race
  5. Choose your Culture
  6. Choose your Profession
  7. Choose your Character Background
  8. Choose your Skills
  9. Choose your Equipment


There are eight steps to create your character. In each step, you will be able to spend Experience Points (XP) to buy the different attributes and skills for your character. The number of XP you have to create your character depends on the gamemaster and the type of campaign in which your character will evolve. For young adventurer that have almost no experience, 50 XP is a good number to have for character creation.

Step One : Choose your Campaign Setting

Before creating your character, you must decide in which campaign settings you will evolve. Decide with your Gamemaster and the other players what genre, style, era and rules you want to use.

Step Two: Choose your Concept

Think about your character concept and history. Where does it come from ? what its goal in life ? How did he know the other player's character ? What is the role of your character in the group ?

Step Three: Choose your Race

In this step you will be able to choose your race between the differents races offer in your Campaing Setting. Your race represent your physical and mental ability given by your genetics. In this book, only the typical races found in a most Campaign Setting are present, consult the Race Codex for a more complete list of races. A character must have a race and only one race.

Cost for races vary between 0 and 10 XP.

Step Four: Choose your Culture

Your culture represent a set of skills you have learn by living in a certain geographical or political region. Some culture are specific to certain races, but with GM approval, your character may have been risen in a society different from his race. A character may have only one culture. Culture depends on your campaing setting, this section contains general culture, for a more complete list of culture, consult your specific Campaign Setting Codex. A character must have a culture. With GM permission an older character may choose more than one culture if he spend enough time in a foreign culture.

Cost for cultures vary between 2 and 10 XP.

Step Five: Choose your Profession

Your profession represent a set of skills you have learn by working or studying before you became an adventurer. Your character may have done more than one profession before adventuring, but you probably are much older than others because of your longer work experience. You do not need to choose a profession if you did not get any training or specific job before adventuring. Profession depends on your campaing setting, this section contains general profession, for a more complete list of profession, consult your specific Campaign Setting Codex.

Cost for profession vary between 0 and 8 XP.

This step is optional.

Step Six: Choose your Background

While you have decided most of your character background on step 2, your character concept is oriented toward the game story and settings. Your background in this step is oriented toward game mechanics. You can choose special talents and flaws that have an effect on game mechanics and that are explain by your character concept.

This step is optional.

Step Seven: Choose your Skills

Yours skills describe what your character can do and how well he can do it. Choose all the skills that you want your character to be able to do. The more rank you buy on a skill, the better you will be with that skill. Cost for aptitudes and skills vary with the number of ranks you currently have in a skill.

It his recommanded that you keep a few XP for controlling your character fate during play.

Step Eight: Choose your Equipment

You received a certain amount of money when starting your character. With it, you can buy your basic equipement. If you want more money when starting your character, you can buy more wealth with some XP.