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Halflings of Trinity follow the same mechanics as those found in the SRD, located here.


Halflings are relatively common in Trinity, having originated in the southern fields of Sarteri, then moving northward when the Ronkan Empire destroyed itself.

Unlike in other settings, halflings are a rather serious - though still curious - people. Their history has been plagued by assaults of mysterious creatures known as prophet moths, and they have developed weaponry to fend them off, chief amongst them the gunblade.

Personality: Serious and tending to be protective of others, halflings tend to be cautiously optimistic. Often having come from a life of living in caravans always on the move, halflings put little value on material goods aside from what they can carry, and often feel at home wherever they stand. They are not cowardly, but have no qualms with running from a fight which they cannot win - though a halfling will stand in the face of fear that most other races would run from.

Physical Description: Halflings are rather short, slightly taller than moogles but standing much shorter than the vast majority of other races. Males rarely develop facial hair, though they are known for having unusually hairy feet. Their clothing is more functional than stylish, often having a great many pockets, as space for possessions on caravans is painfully short.

Relations: Halflings try to get along well with most people they meet, as they are a wandering people and have a tendency to simply wander through the nations of others with no regard for national boundaries. Most races afford halflings the same respect, treating them distantly but equally and leaving them to their own business.

Alignment: Halflings have a tendency towards good, as all members of a caravan must watch out for one another. They also have a slightly tendency towards law, as breaking the laws of a caravan can possibly mean death of all its members.

Halflings on Adnez

Halfling Lands: Halflings once dwelled in great numbers in Sarteri, but now the majority can be found in caravans in southwestern Chaliraz, where they traverse the grasslands in long caravans that follow a yearly path. Halflings in other lands coexist peacefully with the natives, most dwelling where the natives dwell, though halfling caravans on other continents are not unheard of. Halflings are not fiercely protective of their land, but they are of their caravans.

Religion: Halflings are not a religious people. They often worship the Saints, while disapproving of the Lucavi. Halflings are more interested in morals and ethics than religious matters, and often follow Saints who uphold their peoples' virtues.

Language: Halflings speak Lynaen, a gently-rolling tongue. Halflings rarely make use of writing, however, and much of their traditions and stories are passed on orally - most times, the only writing present in a halfling caravan will be the name of the caravan on each individual wagon. Halflings are a wandering people, however, and often pick up other languages.

Names: Halflings names are a combination of their given name and the name of the caravan from which they originally hail - these names spring from the time of the Woodland League, and have been kept the same ever since. Halflings that hail from a city or have no caravan use the name 'Eld, the general halfling name.

Male Names: Liat, Locke, Mat, Minu, Roth, Tella.

Female Names: Ashe, Cara, Eiko, Lena, Pelo, Shar.

Caravan Names: 'Balar, 'Cathari, 'Eld, 'Entyl, 'Lynaen, 'Nasyln, 'Mejis, 'Ned, 'Soleil, 'Syth.

Adventurers: Halfling life tends to produce adventurers, as they are wanderers at heart. Halfling culture does not disapprove of those who would leave their caravans - some threats are beyond the scope of the halfling people, and may call upon the halflings to assist in their solution. The majority of halflings not already in a caravan are often pulled to the adventuring life by wanderlust.

Halfling Racial Traits

Halfling racial traits can be found at the link above. What follows is how halflings in Trinity differ from those mechanics. These halflings are usually known as highlander halflings.

  • -2 Str, +2 Per. Halflings are not strong, but have keen perceptions.
  • Small. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ¾ those of Medium characters.
  • A halfling’s base land speed is 20 feet.
  • Gunblade Proficiency: Halflings treat gunblades as advanced hybrid weapons rather than complex. Halflings are trained almost from birth to use gunblades.
  • +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks in regards to chocobos. Halflings have raised chocobos for the entirety of their race's history, and they know how to raise and ride them.
  • No bonus to attack rolls with thrown weapons or slings.
  • Automatic Languages: One Common language, two Trade languages, Lynaen. Bonus Languages: Any.
  • Favored Class: Choose one - gunslinger, scout.

Halfling Subraces

What follows are the halfling subraces and how they differ from what is listed above.

Lowlander Halfling

Lowlander halflings hail from Ashkar, where no caravans exist. However, halflings that dwelled here had joined themselves with the nation of Dralin, which most had pled allegiance to in place of a caravan.

Without guns or chocobos, the halflings gradually became focused on martial weaponry.

Lowlanders are as per standard halflings in d20, except as follows.

  • No bonus to attack rolls with thrown weapons or slings.
  • +2 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks. While Dralin was part of the Empire of Ashk, the halflings assisted in the various resistance movements, and became adept at identifying Ashkian agents.
  • Automatic Languages: One Common language, one Trade language, Quenya, Lynaen. Bonus Languages: Any.
  • Favored Class: Choose one - defender, knight.

Outrider Halfling

Outrider halflings went the furthest from Sarteri, wandering by boat until they reached the lands of Lotharien. There, they adapted to the cold, and gradually lost their traditions - with no cause and no sense of racial identity, they gradually fell to using their quickness for personal gain.

Some outriders remember their heritage, and avoid falling into the trap that other halflings of Lotharien have. However, much like the lowlanders, they have no access to guns or chocobos, and so turn to martial practices.

Outriders are as per standard halflings in d20, except as follows.

  • Automatic Languages: One Common language, one Trade language, Lotharie. Bonus Languages: Any.
  • Favored Class: Choose one - knight, rogue.