Ambercon Northwest 2020
Tolknor's Ambercon
Glory and gore
Initial email sent: Gunner, Medic, engineer, Pilot, captain
Brand's Children
This game is a classic Amber game using the Amber Diceless System as laid out in the Amber rulebook. If you do not have a copy of the rulebook, please contact me in a timely fashion and I will help you.
1. Send me a complete character with the points fully explained and a short background for your character describing: your relationship to your father Brand or why your elder parent has chosen to harbor Brand's children against the might of the Elders, what the shadow you were born in was like, and your basic personality. I will be weaving your histories together so be prepared to be flexible.
2. 125 pt characters
3. You can only sell down to Chaosian level on stats.
4. All of the rulebook powers are available but no advanced versions of the powers.
5. You can only put up to 5 points in Good stuff or Bad Stuff. (EX: 5pts Good stuff and 3 pts Bad stuff)
6. You are all children of the Elders. At minimum, there must be three players in this game and two of them must be children of Brand. So the more players who play children of Brand, the better.
7. I will monitor the characters you send me closely to avoid having a problematic party (EX: every player is a conjuration master). If you have a preference (EX: I want to be the strongest warfare character), let me know when you send in your character. Preference will be given to the first players to send in their characters; However I will try to be fair given our busy schedules.