Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul
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Character Generation Guidelines
Character Generation Guidelines
Playing in a game with roots in Colonization
The valley in which play will be centered has seen over 3000 years of colonial history, which includes the domination of the region by a colonial empire. They left the region for 820 years before returning nearly 350 years ago. Three cultural groups (two non-human and foreign to the region, one human and native to the region) have been assimilated into the dominant culture and possess citizenship, though are denied the highest echelons of political power. The human cultural group native to the region has a resistance movement.
The 'ruins' we will be exploring contain a number of factions and cultures of various descent. The majority of wealth extraction that occurs in the game will be of the ancient ancestors of the dominant colonial power, though some will be of other foreign, non-native cultures. We will not be stealing cultural artifacts or wealth from the native population.
The history of this sort of game is rooted in unexamined privilege and the oppression of native peoples. We'll make a conscious effort to conduct our play with intent, avoiding the worst tropes of the genre and seeking to subvert others of its tropes.
The Archontean Empire
The Archontean Empire was formed nearly 3000 years ago on the island of Mithruin with the Compact of Ennius (0 AEP), and colonized lands east to the Grain Islands, north to a foothold in the Borealios islands, and west to the continent of Irthuin.
Its first period of colonization was from 850 AEP to 1680 AEP, thirteen hundred years ago, before the Empire retracted into a dark age from 1900 AEP to 2400 AEP after a civil war. It shrunk its holdings back to Mithruin and the Grain Islands, losing much of its ancient knowledge in the process. A period of military expansion in 2450 AEP saw it re-enter a colonial period, returning to the Irthuin continent in 2639 AEP and re-establishing its dominance in Arcturos and Narsileon.
The year is now 2993 AEP (AEP = 'from the pact of Ennius'), 350 years after the Archontean return to the continent.
Greater Detail
- People and Cultures
- Institutions and Organizations
- the Geography of Burdock's Valley
- Exarchates of the Empire
- Hierarchies & Titles
- Deities