Ogre:CharacterCodex:Character Creation:Background

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Character Creation[edit]

This section describe all the steps to create your character.

  1. Introduction
  2. Choose your Campaign Setting
  3. Choose your Concept
  4. Choose your Race
  5. Choose your Culture
  6. Choose your Profession
  7. Choose your Character Background
  8. Choose your Skills
  9. Choose your Equipment

Background options[edit]

While you have decided most of your character background on step 2, your character concept is oriented toward the game story and settings. Your background in this step is oriented toward game mechanics. You can choose special talents and flaws that have an effect on game mechanics and that are explained by your character concept.

More talents and flaws are described in the Background codex.


Hearing, Excellent[edit]

Description: You have excellent hearing making it easy to hear sound far away.

Effect: Range increment for Listen skill is increased.

Origin: People are born with Excellent hearing.


Range Increment Cost
25' or 5 sq. 2 xp
30' or 6 sq. 4 xp
40' or 8 sq. 8 xp


Description: You start with more money than normal.

Effect: You received a bonus to your starting wealth level.

Origin: The may have receive a heritage from your parent, come from rich parent or simply have invest more time working than other in your youth.

Cost: 1 xp per Wealth Level higher than your starting level.

Sight, Excellent[edit]

Description: You have excellent sight making it easy to see things far away.

Effect: Range increment for Spot skill is increased.

Origin: People are born with Excellent sight.


Range Increment Cost
25' or 5 sq. 2 xp
30' or 6 sq. 4 xp
40' or 8 sq. 8 xp


Description: You are particularly good with an attribute, aptitude or skill.

Effect: Choose one particular attribute, aptitude or skill. You received a racial bonus to this ability.

Origin: The bonus you have may come from innate ability, gifted by the stars at birth or simply by receiving special training during your youth.


Effect XP Cost
+1 bonus to any aptitude or attribute 5 xp
+2 bonus to any aptitude or attribute 10 xp
+1 bonus to any skill 2 xp
+2 bonus to any skill 5 xp
+4 bonus to any skill 10 xp



Description: You have some defect with your legs or any other appendage used to move.

Effect: You have a speed penalty for all your movement.

Origin: Depending on the severity of this flaw, you can use your legs but with difficulty or cannot move them at all. You can also choose at the worst severity that you do not have legs at all. The cause of your speed penalty might be from a disease or an accident you had.

XP Bonus:

Speed Penalty XP Bonus
x2 square 5 xp
x4 square 10 xp
Cannot move 15 xp

Hearing defect, Deaf[edit]

Description: You cannot hear anything at all.

Effect: You are under a constant deaf effect: you automatically fails Listen checks, and has a -4 penalty to all skill that ask for voice.

Origin: Deafness may come from birth or may be cause by a disease or an accident.

XP Bonus: 10 xp

Hearing defect, poor hearing[edit]

Description: You have poor hearing making it difficult to see listen to anything.

Effect: Range increment for Listen skill is decreased.

Origin: Poor hearing is generally cause by a defect at birth but some people lose hearing acuity after an accident.

XP Bonus:

Range Increment XP Bonus
15' or 3 sq. 2 xp
10' or 2 sq. 4 xp
5' or 1 sq. 8 xp


Description: You cannot speak.

Effect: You cannot use any skill that needs voice: Performance – Voice, Language – Innuendo for spoken message. You also suffer a -4 penalty to skill where voice is important, but not essential: Influence, Investigation – Gather information and Interrogation, Merchant - Trading.

Origin: You can be mute since you are born, had an accident or a trauma so great that you refuse to speak thereafter.

XP Bonus: 5 xp


Description: You have an irrational fear for something that is pretty common and generally harmless.

Effect: As soon has you are in presence of the thing that causes your phobia, you suffer from a fear effect.

Origin: Most phobias come from a trauma or really bad experience someone had during their childhood.

XP Bonus:

Fear Effect XP Bonus
Shaken 2 xp
Scared 4 xp
Frightened 8 xp


Description: You start with less money than normal.

Effect: You received a penalty to your starting Wealth level.

Origin: You come from a poor family, are jobless or just suffer bad luck losing all your money in a fire or it has been stolen.

XP Bonus: 1 xp per Wealth level below your starting level.

Sight defect, Blind[edit]

Description: You cannot see at all.

Effect: You are under a constant blind effect: everything has a total concealment from you.

Origin: Blindness may come from birth or may be cause by a disease or an accident.

XP Bonus: 10 xp

Sight defect, Hyperopia[edit]

Description: You have poor eyesight making it difficult to see things near you.

Effect: Everything around you has the benefits of some degree of concealment.

Origin: Hyperopia is generally cause by a defect at birth but some people lose eyesight after an accident.

XP Bonus:

Concealment Effect XP Bonus
One-tenth 1 xp
One-quarter 2 xp
One-half 4 xp
Three-quarters 8 xp

Sight defect, Myopia[edit]

Description: You have poor eyesight making it difficult to see things far away.

Effect: Range increment for Spot skill is decreased.

Origin: Myopia is generally cause by a defect at birth but some people lose eyesight after an accident.

XP Bonus:

Range Increment XP Bonus
15' or 3 sq. 2 xp
10' or 2 sq. 4 xp
5' or 1 sq. 8 xp


Mutations are only available to races that have been genetically manipulated before they were born like Genes. Most talent option might be explained by genetic manipulation. Mutation chosen at character creation does not count toward your mutagenic resistance.

Costs for mutations are always as follow

Light: 2 xp

Medium: 4 xp

Heavy: 8 xp

Natural Weapon[edit]

Light: Claws, Bites, Horn 1d4

Medium: Claws, Bites, Horn, Tail, tentacles 1d6

Heavy: Tail, Tentacles, 1d8 + Reach

Sight, Improved[edit]

Light: 1 less concealment level

Medium: 2 less concealment level

Heavy: 3 less concealment level

Movement, Extra[edit]

Light: Poor Maneuverability

Medium: Average Maneuverability

Heavy: Good Maneuverability

Movement, Improved[edit]

Light: 1 more maneuverability level

Medium: 2 more maneuverability level

Heavy: 3 more maneuverability level

Natural Armor[edit]

Light: You gain 1 Damage Resistance

Medium: You gain 2 Damage Resistance

Heavy: You gain 4 Damage Resistance