After The Storm: Main Page

This RPG campaign has finished, but the adventure continues in After The Storm: The Second Wave
This is a wiki for After The Storm, a Villains and Vigilantes 3.0 play by post campaign set in near-future New York.
Heroic vigilantes in dystopian New York of near future. Low power level, in the scale of Batman / Daredevil / Arrow. Extraordinarily skilled humans, high tech gadgetry, or superhumans with minor powers.
It is now 2028. Six years after The Storm.
In-Character Thread This is where the game is run
Out-of-Character Thread This is where all discussion behind the scenes is happening
Development Thread This is where the character creation & background info was before this wiki
Player Characters[edit]
Descriptions, Backgrounds and Character Sheets of PCs
Non Player Characters[edit]
Groups and Organizations[edit]
List of groups and organizations
Open Plot Points[edit]
Places of Importance[edit]
Atlas Cyber Cafe & Bar An Internet cafe and bar in the heart of Bronx. An information hub and Hydra's working place No-kill cat shelter The working place of Ms.Elsewhere, owned by Mrs Henrietta Swann
Game System Related[edit]
Villains & Vigilantes 3.0 Rulebook PDF
About pacing, hit pools, and the like
Background Concepts and Fluffs[edit]

Originally posted on the Development thread, page 1
Background Info: Right After the Storm
Background Info: New York's Five-Stage Restoration Plan
Theme Music[edit]
Sasha Zima alias Winter Witch
The GM[edit]
Potted Plant is a decades-practiced-GM, well-adjusted, forbearing, London-metro-map-scheming-ancient-supervill... eh... shrewd planner, with 10 year old twins, a boy and a girl
Description by Cattrina