Battle of Breaking Iron

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Father, what does that mark mean?[edit]

Clear Moon's youngest daughter, Liantha, pointed at her father's shoulder. In the flickering light of the hearth fire a scar was plainly visible, still red and raw from the branding. It was a sunburst as big as a ripe plum, with five triangular rays extending away from it. The old rider looked down at it and pushed aside his empty bowl of stew, nodding to his smiling wife.

"That's a long story, and my girls should be in bed soon. The sun's been down almost an hour now, and there's plowing to be done in the morning. I think I'm feeling tired too." He faked a yawn with one arm thrown back in a stretch behind him.

The three girls, the oldest only thirteen and the youngest six, all cried out together. "No, father, tell us! The sun's just now going down. Please!"

Clear Moon laughed and said, "All right, all right, I'll tell you, but story-telling is thirsty work..."

Liasta, the eldest, jumped up from her seat and ran into the kitchen after a tankard of beer.

"Hmm... well, mmm... thank you, but now I think my back is starting to feel a little sore."

Lianor, the middle child, leaped from the floor and stood behind her father and began rubbing his back with both hands.

"Good, ah... good. But now my lap seems terribly cold, even with this fire. What should I do about this?"

Liantha leaped onto her father's lap and hugged his chest fiercely, then looked up at him and said, "Please, father, tell us!"

"Yes, I think that's just about right. Now listen closely my girls, and I'll tell you all about how Shouting With Iron set to settle the score with Storm of Amber by waging war on the Marukan, and how he proved his honor without losing a single man entrusted to him, how the great champion Nameless Ravine received his sword from the young wizard Rivers Between Us, of the cunning of Leaf Shakes the Wind and the wisdom of Song of the Silver Wind, and all the brave men who guard Marukan while the old Mahekos watched and our allies folded their hands."

Clear moon took a deep draft from his tankard and began his story.

Intelligence Directorate Briefing #16952, Page 1[edit]

The words in Old Realm had little meaning, and to the uninitiated it sounded like a halting child's school rhyme twisted into nonsense through repitition. Subtle flares of glowing essence snaked out of his mouth and twisted scurried down the speaker's arms, wrapping around his fingers for a moment before scurrying into the corners of the room and disappearing. The ritual completed, Amilar Vondy clasped his hands before himself and took his seat at the long table. In a gruff, breathy voice, he said, "We may speak freely now."

"Thank you." Yushoto Albia folded her gnarled hands before her and inhaled sharply. "I hope I don't need to remind you that information shared in this meeting is classified. The General Staff will be given a summary of our findings, but for the moment we first need to build a coherent picture of what actually happened. I would like to thank Karal Linwei for the superb reconnaisance work the First Field Force has provided us and Amilar Vondy for the information his gens has managed to filter out regarding the activities of the cult. Finally, Yushoto Tarkim has reports from a few of my directorates agents in the field as well."

In the caves beneath the old city of Lookshy, four children of the dragons bowed their heads respectfully to one another. No sound rose from the elegantly jade paneled walls, no echoes and no rasp of a passing breeze. No sounds left the small room, carved in the living granite, to whisper past ancient vaults and silent sentinels.

Yushoto Albia, director of Intelligence for the city of Lookshy, looked at her guests carefully for a moment. Her long, thinning hair, the bright orange of crisp leaves in the fall, was tied in a sever bun high on the back of her head, seeming to stretch tight the graying spruce green skin of her forehead. She pursed her lips and said, "Now, let us begin. What exactly happened at this little skirmish in the hills, and what does this have to do with the Mask of Winters?

Why did we fight?[edit]

Clear Moon coughed and took another drink. "We fought to defend our homes, girl. Listen, a couple of months ago this thunderbird, Shouting With Iron, came up to the border of our lands and decided to cross over and fight with Storm of Amber. It seems they had a history, and if you look at the feathers that the rider wears in his hair then you can probably guess a bit of it. He was a circuit rider before he became one of the Chosen, and he delivered a judgment against the old bird that he could not bear. He chose to further the shame of his previous crimes by seeking vengeance.

"Now, before he could cross the river into our lands he'd have to deal with the Storm's allies. His officers started dying off in the night before he even reached the border. Some say that Leaf Shakes the Wind had something to do with that, but he isn't telling anyone. Then when they reached the river, that wizard Rivers Between Us set it to flooding with his spirit allies. Wiped out hundreds of them. The old buzzard was as blood thirsty as a starved wolf, but when he tried to cross over to fight the boy he was knocked out of the sky by Leaf's knives.

"He didn't learn then. He crossed over the river and started burning and pillaging everything in his path. Mind you, he got as good as he gave, since their champion Nameless Ravine and Leaf dogged their steps the whole way. Meantime, the rest of the Chosen petitioned the 'leaders' in Celeren for their support. They gave their support, all right: they sent us out to fight. The circuit riders went out through Marukan and called up the militia to help face the horrible hill tribes and beastmen. Seems even the Illuminated had heard of your father's arms of steel and asked him come help them."

Three little girls giggled.

"You should have seen their fortress. I've been to Blackoak Mountain before, mind you, a couple of years ago hunting bear. I don't know how they build the Plum Blossom Retreat since then. It was all woods before, dark and misty most of the time, creepy and full of old things. Now its all gardens, with all kinds of flowers and pools and fruit trees. A girl not much older than you three was in charge of feeding all of them. Isn't that funny?

"There were five thousand of us in all there, five thousand brave soldiers against almost an equal number of degenerates and half-men, and a prouder army you've never seen. All kinds of spirits and gods and Chosen were coming in and out of that place, organizing the troops, doing scouting missions. You'd have thought that we were going to battle with the old army of Great Forks. I'd swear that legions of Lookshy weren't better organized."

Intelligence Directorate Briefing #16952, Page 4[edit]

The ghostly image of vast plain unfolded over the table, and in miniature a disorganized rabble moved through the grass. Karal Linwei held the Recorder of Everlasting Glories before her, dangling from chain on her wrist. "As you can see, nearly six thousand troops began the trek with the thunderbird. This image was captured by one of our skyships three hundred miles from the Marukan border. Superimposed over this, lets take a look at the same force four weeks after they had crossed the border..."

A second image hovered over the first, this time moving through rolling hills. Amilar Vondy murmured with surprise. "Halfthe troops are gone and they've lost what little coherence they once had. Our spies report that this is largely due to the work of one of the anathema leading the cult, a wretched by the name of Leaf Shakes the Wind. Fortunately, though they are very careful about dematerialized spies, they have no protections against sorcery or charms listening in on their councils. Otherwise we never would have known that Leaf was even an anathema. To date we still haven't been able to get an accurate description of his appearance, unfortunately."

Amilar jumped in, "And he wasn't the only one busy before the battle. A delegation of the anathema cult leaders travelled to Celeren and managed to convince the Mahekos clan to loan them almost eight dragons of militia, practically a full legion. Some of them seem to have quite a way with words. They blew through the assembly, from what I heard. They're not just warlords, that's for certain."

Yushoto Tarkem added, "What's more, they're sorcerer appears to be quite the artificer as well. He recruited one of our technicians, Berren, a youngster working on the third triumph class warstrider assembly line. Apparently he was after the mold for one of the Godfangs, mothballed along with certain other anathema instruments and practically forgotten by the Stores Directorate. Naturally we recruited Berren ourselves to feed us information on their activities."

With a nod, Yushoto Albia stated flatly, "Please inform them of how successful that was."

"Yes... Berren contacted us through the Marukan Redoubt and informed us that their sorcerer technician, Rivers Between Us, was using the mold as a decoration in a sort of museum at his manse. However, Taimyo..."

Karal unrolled a diagram and spread it on the table, "...this is the sword wielded by Nameless Ravine at the skirmish. He most certainly did not possess it two weeks prior. It's like nothing we've seen, and according to our archivist it is not a first or second age pattern. However if you look at the weight, the dimensions, certain aspects of the crossguards..."

Yushoto Tarkem continued, " has the same soul, you might say, as Appointed Blasphemy."

Amilar Vondy rubbed his wispy beard between his thumb and fingers. "Hmm... so the little spy lied. Will he be assassinated, or retrieved for public execution?"

Yushoto Albia shook her head with a twitch. "Not yet. Disinformation can flow both ways."

"Ah... excellent use of limited resources."


Did many men die?[edit]

"Not a single Marukan fell that day."

The three girls gathered closer. Liasta said, "What kind of war is it where no one dies?"

"Oh, my daughters, many men and beasts died that day. They marched on us with thousands of hill men and half-men, those things that are part beast, with hoozes and horns and crude iron axes. We let them come to the gates of the manse, which are made of wood that is like iron. They hurled themselves against it, but it would not give way. All fell according to the plan of Storm of Amber. At the signal, a decoy dressed like the leader led Shouting With Iron away towards the canyon of the Vitreous Fulcrum. He took with him his beastmen, and then we rode out against them.

"I don't know what happened to those beastmen; but I know that for ever hundred that came against us only one survived the day. A few still live in God Crossing, humbled by the experience. The bulk of our riders chased them down, but I don't know what fate actually befell them. I went with the boy-wizard, Rivers Between Us, one scale against nearly a legion of the hill tribesman.

"I don't know how it happened... but with him in the lead they couldn't touch us. Arrows rained on us as thick as the hail in Ascending Water, but they broke on our armor and were ripped aside by the flares of light that surrounded us. By the time we'd driven them to the evacuated crossroads, many of them had routed. Then the fierce general, Cathak Nekuto, and The Zhuque Brotherhood tore them to pieces. Thirty-two against two thousand... and we won. Not a man hurt, but that fool Iszak. I warned them he couldn't manage a horse.

Liantha tugged at his sleeve. "But what happened to the thunderbird? Did he get away?"

"No, my child." Clear Moon looked out the window at the stars appearing in the night sky, spreading over the horizon like a shimmering banner. "No mortal man knows what happened in that canyon. Some say that he smote Storm of Amber with his hammer and the very sun blasted him from creation for his blasphemy against his high priest. I heard some tell that when faced with the righteous fury of Nameless Ravine he died instantly of fright. I heard many wild theories, that there is a fifth chosen with blades like ice that poisoned his very god-spirit, or that the wizard with his hook swords banished him to Malfeas. I even heard of a great beast like a mantis that appeared on the field and rended flesh like grass, and that it tore him to pieces with two click-clicks of its great claws!" The girls shrieked in mock terror as he leaned over with clawlike hands and snatched at them. He chuckled and said, "All that is certain is that seven entered the valley, seven peerless gods, chosen, nightmares, and spirits, but only six remained at the end of the day."

Intelligence Directorate Briefing #16952, Page 67[edit]

Yushoto Albia folded her gnarled hands. "So much for the narrative of the battle. I think we have a fairly clear picture now of how the skirmish progressed, so lets focus a bit more clearly on the capabilities of the essence wielders that survived the day, shall we? Lets begin with the most ambiguous trail..."

Amilar Vondy lifted an upturned palm, "Well, we hardly know anything about this Leaf. Members of my household have talked with several of the riders at the engagement, and none of them recall that he lead as much as a fang. We know he was present, but nothing for certain of his actions."

Yushoto Tarkim leaned forward with a slight bow. "Excuse me, but what about the decoy present at the battle? The disguise was apparently flawless; sufficient to fool Shouting With Iron in spite of his battlefield training. Our maps indicated an essence wielder in the vicinity of the fulcrum shortly after the thunderbird entered. He may have been using stealth charms to evade notice until that point. On the other hand we can hardly sift through all the propaganda we've received from this Nameless Ravine..."

"Indeed..." Amilar scratched his head. "It's actually becoming a nuissance... some of the more impressionable, younger members of my gens have taken quite a liking to his rhetoric. Apparently he's both a scholar and swordsman."

Karal Linwei gave a curt nod. "That he is, and with this reincarnated godfang in his hand he will be a terrible foe. The anathema have at their disposal certain charms that make fighting them a losing gambit; perfect defenses, unblockable attacks, all of these are mentioned in multiple sources on the subject.

Amilar's lips curled. "You have been studying up on the subject, have you?"

Color rose in Karal's cheeks, and she opened her mouth as her hand touched her scabbarded sword when Yushoto Albia rose and stated in a firm voice, "Let's not bicker now. This is unbecoming of your station, Amilar. We'll all should be relearning what we have forgotten in these idle centuries. Next, the sorcerer-architect."

Yushoto Tarkim nodded, "Right. Our contacts in the elemental courts report that with the aid of their deceiver, he has been quite active in the spirit realm, procuring supplies for his manses and support for their army. He's well liked in Nexus since he pays up front for certain rare reagents, and judging by his purchases he is not a demon summoner of any ability. He was seen in the skirmish, but obscured by heavy white jade armor, apparently of realm manufacture. By all accounts he is just a boy, a fair martial artist... but..."

The director nodded her head, "But..."

"The defenses for his manses (three now... terrifying isn't it?) are all... shall we say... well appointed. They're even comparable to our own fortifications. A little too comparable. He may have been trained here. In the city."

"Horrible thought. Karal, could you please finish with the rider?"

"Storm of Amber. When I look at these anathema from a threat assessment perspective, he is perhaps the greatest danger to the regional stability. He's a true rider of the Marukan with a matchless horse. His lance is clearly a wonder of the first age, and he's an inspiring leader as well. It's only a matter of time before the Mahekos clan will find their de facto leadership to be no such thing. But I'm getting ahead of myself. There were a few other essence wielders of note in the area... a lunar anathema of no little puissance, a godling, several elementals, a godblooded waiting in the wings..."

Will there be more fighting?[edit]

Clear Moon shook his head. "I don't know, my girls. I can't be sure. But I know that if they call again, I'll answer. When the day was done we were feasted in the manse and given license to enjoy ourselves for a week of celebrations. I've served before, and usually when the engagement is finished we're ready to leave and their ready to be rid of boarding us. I don't know... but this time was different. I was sad to leave the place. It was peaceful there. When we left they gave us all provisions for the journey home and gifts to every person that served; horse blankets and cloaks and a belly full of beer."

"There were many speeches on that day, about our nation, our land, and our people. I don't remember that many of them; I've no head for high talk of that kind. I remember the Storm saying that 'We are the Murakan, and we stand as one man against all who challenge our freedom'. 'Stand as one man', he said, and I could feel that he meant it, that he was ready to defend this land again and again from anything that challenged it. I could see in his eyes that he loved the land, like a true son of Hiparkes, and would die before he saw it dirtied. That's why he fought, that's why we all fought, and that's why I'll fight for him, for all of them, any day!"

His children looked up at him from the floor of the room, their faces filled with wonder at his words. He smiled at them, and they saw that tears were filling his eyes, twinkling in the light of the glowing coals in the fireplace. "You see, my precious girls, I don't have to be afraid for you any more. I used to hear bad news from the south, and think that I'd die like my brothers did, leading a useless charge against an outmatched enemy while the real battle was fought by the exalted generals. I don't feel that way any more. Now we're lead by our own, and they will not waste a drop of this land's blood."

He pointed to the brand on his shoulder. "The night before we left, I heard that some of the fangs were making brands captured swords to remember the fight. This sun here is their sign, you see, and it stands for their high god, who gives them authority and lights our way. When my fang heard, we thought we'd show our loyalty by making our own."

Lianor asked, "Did it hurt much?"

"Oh, it did. It did. We all took the brand and laughed about it, and decided that when we rode out of the manse in the morning we would all tear off our right sleeve to show them as we left. The funny thing was, it wasn't just one or two scales that I saw with the brand in the morning. I stopped at the gate and looked back to see if I could find anyone else that had taken the fire that night. I stayed and checked them all, because I couldn't believe it. Every one of them, every last man in the whole legion, rode out that day with only one sleeve, and when the sun rose it shone of five thousand reflections in the flesh and blood of the Marukan."

Intelligence Directorate Briefing #16952, Appendix[edit]

Yushoto Albia thanked the participants, then rose and excused herself as she moved to her next meeting. Amilar Vondy, bowed to her courteously as she left, then turned to his fellow dragonblooded and said, "Well, all that wind and we haven't left the harbor. What do we really plan to do about these anathema, practically in our midst?"

Yushoto Tarkim sniffed. "Isn't it obvious? They're building a powerbase, antagonizing the Mask of Winters, and drawing us into a war we're not yet certain we can win. This little battle was just the beginning of their mischief. Assassination is the only real solution."

Karal shook her head. "But what if we don't kill them? What if we can't? It's too risky. Besides, they're not our enemies."

Amilar laughed, his weathered face drawing into a tight smirk. "Well, should we embrace them then, and nest with the vipers?"

The taizei smashed a fist against the stone table. "I've had it with your insinuations, you pompous prick. No one knows where this deathlord came from, or why these foolish young exalts have decided to set themselves against him, but they're both tactical realities in the field. We should stay our hand and let the intelligence directorate do its work. We don't know who they are yet... that's the one thing the general assembly will be sure to take from this briefing."

Yushoto moved to the door and turned. "Correct. There are still a few missing pieces... who is this mysterious wretched? Who trained their sorcerer-architect? Can they be killed efficiently... or could they, possibly, stand up to the Mask of Winters? If they can or if they can't, either way one threat to our security is eliminated, but even so... on what terms do we want to deal with the victor?"

Heaven's Mandate