The Inanna Protocol
Scenario Overview[edit]
A mismatched group of Agents from various backgrounds and affiliations combat vast shadowy supernatural and vampiric conspiracies, unearthing the secrets of the Inanna Protocol.
Helpful Resources[edit]
- In Character Thread
- Out of Character Thread
- Recruitment Thread
- Pelgrane's official NBA character/reference sheets and rules summary
- Point use notepad
Player | Agent | Health | Stability | Network | Background/Type | Notes/Points Spent |
Grey Mouser | Mustafa Cetin | 10 | 10 | 15 | Turkish cuckoo | |
EnigmaticOne | Dr. Mario Saltatore | 8 | 8 | 20 | Italian medic | |
Delazur | Andreas Rohr | 12 | 6 | 17 | Swiss asset handler | |
Slack_C | Parker Stilton | 7 | 5 | 15 | American wetworker/hacker | |
inoshiro | Kyungmin Jang | 7/7 | 5 / 5 | 15 | South Korean bang and burner/wire rat | |
The Lore Bear | Evelyn Rousseau | 8 | 8 | 15 | French black bagger/wheel artist |
Important Places[edit]
Please note: While we're using real place names, the game takes place in an ahistorical past. Any resemblance is coincidental and/or for convenience.
Core kickoff location
Important People[edit]
Investigative Leads[edit]
GUMSHOE Resoled House Rules[edit]
Investigative Abilities Rules
With this system, you can roll with Investigative Abilities, according to the usual GUMSHOE roll of a single d6 to beat a set Difficulty, modified by Pool Point spends.
Normally, you don't need to roll for Core Clues, and finding information - although you do need to say you're using the Ability. However, you do need to roll for doing things.
For whipping up explosives with Chemistry, saving someone's life with Diagnosis, Cop Talking a constable out of making an arrest, etc, you have to roll just as with a General Ability. So long as you allocated any initial Build Points to the Investigative Ability, you can still roll for it, even with all Pool Points spent, and still have a chance against the basic Difficulty of the task.
You can still spend Investigative Ability Pool Points for the standard Tactical Fact-Finding Benefits, and rolls don't affect those one way or the other.
You can spend Pool Points from your Cover pool for Cover identifies. To use a specific Cover ID, you need to put at least one Pool Point of Cover into it. You can then pass yourself off as that Cover ID, but if it can be tested. The value of the Cover ID is equal to how many Pool Points you put into it, and you can spend these on any tests, to help you beat the test Difficulty. However, any Pool Points you spend on that ID are used up instead of refreshing later, and you have to refill the ID with more from your pool if you want to keep on using that ID. A failed Cover test means of course that your Cover is blown: you've lost the Pool Points you used and you can't use that Cover again.
For most Covers where you already have a supporting Ability (e.g., Mechanics for a repairman, etc.), any test will have a lower Difficulty (typically 3 or less). The Director may let you use your Ability to test instead of your Cover.
Benefits from General Ability rolls
If there is a relevant General Ability you can use to case a joint, scope out a target, or otherwise set up things for a later contest or conflict, you can gain an extra 1 pool point for that particular objective only. If you roll a 6, you get 2 pool points. Any pool points are for very strictly targeted purposes, though, and only 1 roll per Ability can be applied to that target - first player who rolls, first served, and the rest can't keep trying.