Firefly: Reavers of the Rim - Character 02
Magdelena "Maggie" Horner :: Wrangler[edit]
Hoo boy, we roped us a big 'un![edit]
|| Mental || Physical
|| Social
Trained Skills 
Untrained Skills
| Fight | Fix
| Fly
| Focus
| Influence
| Know
| Notice
| Operate
| Sneak
| Trick
Checked SFX are active.
We're All Just Animals - Instinct. Survival. Blood. Breath. We're more alike than different.
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☑ SFX, Dolittle: When you create an Asset based on interacting with an animal, step it up.
- ☐ SFX, Trust Your Instincts: Reroll all dice in a roll. Both 1s and 2s count for jinxes on the reroll.
'Till the Cows Come Home - You get the job done. No matter what needs doing or how long it takes.
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX, Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: Spend 1 PP to roll your Labor and add it to your total once per scene.
- ☐ SFX, Helping Hand: When you take the time to help out with hard labor and don’t ask for recompense, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to your Labor.
Eight Seconds - Back on Whitefall, you got yourself quite a name wrangling roughstock and impressing judges.
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX, For the Crowd: If you have a Complication at a
or higher, you may add your Perform to any roll made to avoid being Taken Out.
- ☑ SFX, Hold Tight: When you hurtle into ill-advised action, replace your Drive or Move with a
. If your roll is successful, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to the skill’s normal rating.
Signature Assets 
Shāshǒu Colchester Shepherds are bred from Sihnon Wolfhounds and Londinium Mastiffs — you might mistake Shāshǒu for a horse at a short glance.
Rope. So Much Rope Bare minimum you've got enough to hogtie a few rowdy folk. Come prepared and you can strap down a whole cargo hold.
Maggie's been a lot of things — ranch hand, rodeo star, veterinarian, ship's medic, dog trainer — but as much as she keeps alternating between jobs planetside and in the black, it's become clear her hat hook belongs on a ship. So when she gets that wave from Mel about a new job? She's there. As long as she can bring her new best friend.