Firefly: Reavers of the Rim - Episode 4
Episode 4 :: Dead Man's Hand
In an effort to distance themselves from the gangster Adelai Niska, the crew take a Trade Guild job in Persephone City on the core world of Persephone, working security for a summit being held at the luxury resort known as Aces and Eights - referred to locally as the Dead Man's Hand.
Persephone (2nd planet of protostar Lux; White Sun System | Moons: Hades and Renao)
Eavesdown (sister city to Persephone, geared more toward Borderworlders than Corefolk)
- Eavesdown Spaceport
- Berth 705-A - Outrageous Fortune's bay in the spaceport
- GinGin's (Spaceport Bar)
- Madame Rouge's (pawn and fence)
- Big Fin Pho (Fancy Noodle Emporium)
Persephone City
- Aces & Eights (Dead Man's Hand) Luxury resort on the river
Trade Guild
Sons of Londinium (gang; collective owners of Aces & Eights)
Five High Houses
- Hóng Tiān'é (Red Swan) Tong
- Sǐ Zi (Dead Sons) Tong
- Yān Gǒu (Smoke Dog) Tong
- Tiānhé (Sky River) Tong
- Mei-mei (Little Sister) Tong
Han Triad
Marius Shin (Trade Guild Contact: Core)
- Adelaide Boggs (Marius' ma'am on the ground // crew's guide for the job)

Hackle and Withers Smith (Titled owners of Aces & Eights)
Ke Jian (Speaker, Red Swan Tong)
- Original owner of the Outrageous Fortune
- Miss Fortune's Father
Cheng Nguyen (Speaker, Dead Sons Tong)
Syaoran Kim (Speaker, Smoke Dog Tong)
- Billie Anderson (
Trade Guild Contact: RimMob Arm Candy)
Rìluò Lin (Speaker, Sky River Tong)
Xiānjìng Alice (Speaker, Little Sister Tong)

Jan Hai (Triad captain of the Han arm of the Triad)
- Bean (loyal muscle)

Madame Rouge (Eavesdown fence)

Jasmine/Jazz (independent gang leader)

Châu/Pearl (verse-class Hacker)

Dorian Hale {Publisher)