In search of Alexandir and talk with Fort

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Vek et al
Random's trumps, while cold, does not connect.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Sensing that they don't work Alex guesses it might be the proximity ti Chaos. She pats Scully on the neck and urges her to move faster in a straight line across the jeweled road. Perhaps getting closer to Amber might help.
Vek et al
Travelling along the Jeweled road for several hours she passes to the part of the Black Sway called the Ang Ri Sway.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex sticks to the road. Not having Alexei with her now makes her a bit more cautious in exploring. As she enters the Ang Ri Sway, Alex tries rhe trump of Random again.
Vek et al
The Trump opens and an exasperated Random is brushing hair from his eyes.. "Where have you been? Your trump has been warm for over a year!"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex coughs. Nearly choking on air. "A year?! In Chaos. Dad asked me and Alexei to figure some things out. But i ran into someone during a Dufiro thing. Told me to warn you. But that is clearly to late now."
Vek et al
"Well,maybe. If he was there maybe his newspaper too. So who was it and what did he say?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Nur al din el Musifar, he told me to tell you, that he cannot stop this Party of War or Party of Death. And that they have formed a Party of War on Amber. He can only do so much from his end. This Party will come up by the jeweled road. Other sources have told Julian and Realmapator to come out of Adagalask and fight." Alex takes breath. "He asked me to go intercept Alexandir as someone is pretending to be him making a bigger mess. And the real one needs to go back home or this guys puts him in a little box to bring back. Thats it. And i was on my way to find this Alexandir person."
Vek et al
"OK. So it's old news. Julian led his troops to meet the Dufirosm at Groiseeks Waymet. He met Alexandir Kos Korag there. This was several days ago. The Armies ate encamped there. Trump Agrom. He is there and can pull you through.""""
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"My apologies that i bring this to late, had no sense of timeflow." She nods "Very well, though i am not sure if Alexandir still needs to go, if things are handled. But i will relay the message anyway. If i have your leave, i'll contact Agrom."
Vek et al
Agrom answers, "Alexandra...This is unexpected"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alexandra smile "Ah yes thats me full of surprises. The King told me that Alexandir is with you. I just come from Chaos with a message from him. Can i come through, please?"
Vek et al
He pulls her through. Around her to see a war camp that looks well settled. No sign of a battle exists. There are huge training fields. Colors for Adagalasck and York are in Place. "Alex is over at Grroiseeks. Julian is back in Adagalasck. The Dufiro forces got their asses handed to them on a platter. THe leaders were forced to make deals and the troops were let go though a lot of them stayed behind to make their own deals."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Stepping through she looks around "Seems i missed the action. Thank you. And good to hear, that the battle is done. Was it a long campaign? Suppose that is the interesting part of fighting dufiro, the deals that can be struck. "
Vek et al
"NOt particulary. Alwex and The Dufiro arrived at the same time and pretty much ravaged each other. King Julian arrived to bust the nut at the center. I rode in with him. Messy and quick. Julian, Relmapator, Fortunadus and I ;ed the Adagalasck troops."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alexandra nods "Okey then, Well good to know it happened with such brutal efficiency" She looks on to where Agrom pointed. "It might be a year to late. But i'll go bring that message to Alexandir. That's the price you pay for doing a job in Chaos. Time is weird."
Vek et al
Agrom nods, "It can be. I spent a long time in the Abyss learning that."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Absent-mindedly scratching the spot where she always feels her mark she nods. "Hm yes Abyss would be probably be even weirder and... well more horrible. I like to avoid that if i can." A little sigh "Though chance is dad miggt ask me again to go back with the strange devolpments around the shrines in Zilla. "
Vek et al
Agrom nod, "You won't be able to avoid it. Before you go, speak with me. I won't come with you, but i will be ready to come in need"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex frowns. "Why wouldn't i be able to avoid it? So far staying away from it helps. Although Duncan brouhht me to the edge once. He wanted to go look. " Alex smiles to Agrom "Thank you, i will, when going back there. But first duty calls. " She chuckles "Its what i do."
Vek et al
Agrom nods, "Indeed." He walks over to the Grroiseks tavern and the camp beyond. He is not challenged entering the camp but they do eye Alexandra. Coming to the main camp she sees titans; warriors 16' tall in togas and sword belts, Two of them turn One says, "Agrom! Who have you brought for the king? You know his preferences are for woman of greater stature. But I admire your taste. Will she be willing to be magically enlarged?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex just follows Agrom. Where they are stopped she raises an eyebrow. "Have to dissapoint l, i am not here for that. And i like my size, thank you very much. " She looks at Agrom as he probably knows this camps etiquette better.
Vek et al
Agrom frowns. "Alexandra, this is Galtrak, that is Hazshj. This is my cousin Alexandra." They look to each other. Then say, " Sorry.. it didn't make sense that Agrom would be bringing a doxy. If you do the card signing game we would appreciate a moment. Go in. His nibs is in there with a few regulars" Leading in Agrom says," Part of Alexandir's battle group." Pulling aside a curtain there ate three within. Alexandir is massively tall at 16' with him is a very short man in fox furs, Fortunadas. The last a stunningly beautiful blond woman in leg armor and a purple arming shirt. Agrom says, Lady Alexandra Fres, daughter of Brand
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles to thr two "No worries

And yes i do the card signing game. When coming by in a moment i'll sign for you." 

Following Agrom she just stares inside at the contrast she sees. After a moment she holds up her hand in greeting. "Greetings. " She waits to step further inside untill commander of tent allows so.
Vek et al
Alex stands, giant of a man. "Brand's daughter. Interesting. Fortunadus Enright. Wendy of the Worldly. So what brings you to this, my prison cell"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alexandra inclines her head politely to all present. "Greetings all and pleasure to meet you. To get to the point directly. As i was in fane of Zilla with some dufiro celebration i was approached by a person. Nur El Din Al Musifar. He warned me of the war. And that, there is someone impersonating you in this dufiro war. They also told me to tell you. And these are his words and not mine. To get your ass back to Tosa, else he would put you in a box to carry back." Alex speaks with the most neutral tone she can muster as the messenger.
Vek et al
Wendy chuckles "A tad late:"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex shrugs. "Well, i was also to late with warning my King about the war. But you know Chaos and timeflow. It's a bitch. Thankfully a war has never really been decided by the delivering of merely one message. " Alexandra keeps quiet a moment "Well i did my duty delivering the message. I suppose i will leave you to your gathering. Unless there is need of more information." She inclines her head once more to all present with a pleasant smile. She doesn't turn to leave yet. Giving those present time to decide and answer.
Vek et al
Wendy says,"by all means stay! Let me pour you some wine. Come join me Here!" Fort says, " she's not your paramour? Wendy. I think." Alex says,"Stay if you like. We grow bored holding the Crossroad. A new face is welcome. Otherwise Agrom can find you quarters in the Royal compound:"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles "I could always go for a glass of wine, " She steps closer to the table and raises an eyebrow to Fort "Who is who's paramour?" a smiles to Alexandir. "When i am done here i might continue on to find something else to do. Or check on Arden. it has been a while appearantly. Although i am certain Duncan has it under control. "
Vek et al
Fort says?" Wendy is obf the church of the worldly. Sex is a religious rite. Ah.. Yes. Duncan spoke of you..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Turning to Fort "My apologies, " she nods to Wendy "I do not know of this church of the worldly. I suppose it would be impossible to know of all churches and temples. Unless they come along your path. " She smiles thinking of the Rose temple she had indeed encountered along her path. "Oh Duncan spoke of me. I hope in a positive sense. Or is it time to break open stronger liqour and start the gossip." She says in a most neutral and matter of fact tone.
Vek et al
Fort laughs."Always time for gossip! " He refills her wine. "Funny was when Lord Duncan rebuffed Wendy's approach at a gathering in Arden. How did he put it Wendy?" She stands "2 faithfully involved, a unpleasant klingon, and a hermaphrodite I've had too often. I need to seek other company. Adou.?" She gracefully stands and leaves. Fort chuckles," He told her his heart belonged to Alexandra and she had blades enough to defend his body. She wasn't amused"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex watches Wendy leave, in wonder of her grace. "I hope my presence does not insult her. Though i am.surprised Duncan spoke of me like that. A year gone, and we have had our issues." She takes a good appreciating drink of wine. "Then again seeint what example in my parents i have for relationships... i think we are doing well enough."
Vek et al
Alex says, "Thank for the message, late though it was. Such things can't be avoided. Agrom, I charge you to serve as chaperone. Fort is no more trustworthy then Wendy. I go to my rest." He leaves. Agrom takes a glass, whispers to it prune juice and brandy, chilled the glass fills. Fort say," relationships are tricky. My own wife is the Primal fox. She allows me dalliance since she might be away for years at a time. A wise policy"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods to Alexandir. "Thank you, though as i do not know how trustworthy Wendy is that is a poor way of comparisons. Rest well. And apologies again for the late message." Smiling to Fort "It is good you have such arrangements. And Primal Fox. Oh my. That is a pairing. For me and Duncan it didn't help our love was at first forbidden. Forbidden fruits and such. Though i think it is still frowned upon, being cousins and all. " She takes a long drink and then thinks. "Wait so Wendy said. 2 faithfully involved, an unpleasant klingon, bit rude to say. And an hermaphrodite she had too often..." She nods to Agrom. "I have read about Klingons. So i know she meant Agrom. I am faithfully involved and so are you, Fort, right? Would that make Alexandir an hermaphrodite?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
And while they talk Alex lets her pseudodragons out of her bag.
Vek et al
Fort says, "You spoke with Nur? What was your impression of him?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex thinks back for a moment staring in her wine. "Anxious, stressed. When i asked who he was to. And about Tosa he reacted intense. Could also be because some horsehead dufiro wanted tk kill two dufrio who were advancing and me. "
Vek et al
Fort thinks a moment, "Horseheaded....Vrxxkren, the Harbinger of Death.Thats enough to make even Nur nervous. His possition among the Dufiro is unique. But even he has enemies. Few, but one would be Vrxxkren and his boss, Hardin Wapaq. " "As for Tosa, he was born there, as was I. We grew to power there. Learned dark secrets there. Knew love. Knew loss. We went into the bardic collegeses together. Became Thrice Crowned Bard together. But gaining that kind of rank means having gone separate ways. " "He wouldn't say it but the Dufirosm realms orriginally started in the Tosain eSway. When their realms failed, catastrophically, Nur rescued theme. Took them to where they are now. Afterwards he could visit Tosa, but it was no longer his home. There is a lot more to the story, but its not worth telling."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex sips her wine listening. She nods "Yeah that's the one. Kind of intense. " Alex then smiles "It is about the same answer about Tosa he gave me. But then more in a pressjng and in your face way. Was just surprised to hear the name." After another pause and drink "I know Tosa is not the same and broken." Realizing she is perhals saying more about a subject, which sbe promised her mom not to talk about, Alex quickly interjects. "Soooo. How did the battle go? And how long are you all watching this area?"
Vek et al
"Battle is idiotic yet we spend years training for it. Being untrained when the call comes is more idiotic. Three forces arrived more or less at the same time. THe Tosians and the Dufiro met first. Quite a mess but I am use to seeing one Alex run a war. Two was messy. Julian's troops arrived invisible, hitting the Dufiro in the left flank. They really never had a chance. But 3 forces each with a few hundred thousand was bound to be ugly. " Leaning back for another drink, "I've fought wars with Dufiro before. They tend to bargain in defeat rather then fight to the death. The practice is called War Debt Binding. As they are defeated they offer to bind to a weapon for a year. Or a mug or piece of armor. Lets a lot of common soldiers have a little more help. Though Alex's troops are armed and armored in what on New Wall, we call a +5 Kit. Top to bottom, rearden plate, wieghtless, silent, self healingfitted. The besagew, or roundels represent unit affiliation and regional recognition. Hes had long enough to arm his pet legions. Armor varies legion to legion of course but Alex's vanity is on full display. I even have a suit. Still, they carry mugs just for the duifiro. Took about 200,000 in War Debt binding."
Vek et al
"THe Dufiro leadership is a different subject. The soldiers were mostly Spasa of Combat led by War Avasa of Conflict. A variety of others. The leadership were Masoja of War, Death, Rage, the core of the Party for War with Amber. THe dedicated nutbags. We hit them with CHAD specialists. The battle wasn't won when the Adagalasck hi but without them we would have gotten a draw. Julian came in with heavy cavalry and a hundered mounted infantry or orcs, adask, and humans. Really turned the tide. Julian is a magnificent warrior in the saddle." "We have been camped for almost a year. THe problem is that Dufiro led by Warfare Masoja and guided by Vision, Death, and Ragers are making their way around in nearby shadows. Alex sends out troops daily to look for them. Besides, he likes being in camp. Its different then being iin the castles, ruling a realm."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex listens with great interest to Fort's tale of the war. Sitting back drinking wine. Feeling she can relax she does allow herself to drink more. When Fort speaks of Julian she raises her glass. "Oh yes Julian is a great warrior and leader. I have had the luck as a young lady to have served as a ranger in training." She smiles with a faraway look remembering those years fondly. "And i get it. Being in camp has its charms. I know more who prefer it above the confines of a castle. Perhaps i can still be of help jn a scouting party. "
Vek et al
"Join a scouting party if you like. They are going out regularly. None are movements in force."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods Drinking her wine. "I might. Feel a bit useless having brought the message and warning too late and been gone for a year. And besides a lady of Amber i have always first been a soldier. " She smiles. "And a Ranger trained archer might come in handy"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Although if his troops consist of those huge people. I doubt they'd be needing me. " She laughs "So Dufiro are smart jn battle. They don't let themselves be killed but take the chance to make a deal. And as i get it dufiro need tk make deals and do accomplishments to grow. Not bad. And whats a year. " She chuckles slight "Unless you didn't expect to have lost a year. "
Vek et al
"Loss? Babysit more like it. And... between you and I, I don't loose much keeping a version of me here for a time. I get to see Alex and Julian stare each other down. Pick up random Dufiro, and talk to wayward Amberites. A good time."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles

"For me it just feels to have lost it. 

Afn i guess in an multiverse with infinite possibilities those are surely somewhere." "May i ask. The church of the worldly. I had not heard of it. And i do spend all my free time reading and studying. What can you tell me of the church and its followers?"
Vek et al
HE chuckles...."Ah Wendy...... The Church of the Worldly is low on reading but has huge amounts of art. It was created on the World of Paradox. Hmmm Paradox fallen and now its last vestiges gone. Yet some parts of it survive, and some of its people. Wendy is a high priestess of the Worldly. There are few clerics or administrators. As for followers... they are more like attendees. Any hall or room or inn or temple or castle or stadium can be a chuch of the worldly if the banner is hung. Once inside things like marriages and affiances, and arrangements are temprarily set aside. They are places of sexual pleasure. What happens is not generally spoken of outside. Orgies, trysts, anything one might imagine. Some people would put banners in their tents. It was in the adventuring worlds so the church had its clerics. Wendy is a Fighting Cleric. The Library of Pardi, the largest collection of erotic art I ever saw, was taken when Paradox was crumbling and established on New Wall. Wendy holds court there when she isn't running around spreading.....the word....Still, she is a mighty warrior and an old friend. Soome times one has to roll their eyes about old friends."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Listening and drinking, Alex looks in her glass frowning. "World of Paradox? And well if the church stands. Has attendees and their leaders. I'm sure it brings joy to plenty." Alex smiles. "Is the world of Paradox, the same as Tosa? Or a part of? And speaking on religions ir churches and temples. I once encountered a caravan of the Temple of the Rose. Very kind people. Were looking for some people and your name fell too."
Vek et al
"Slices of shadow connected vicariously. Tosa is is own sway. There are a variety of planets in its shadows. Technologically it is a sword and sorceries age, with advanced wood and clockwork technologies. Much like Amber. In another part of shadow, how far apart is unknown, is a Shade of Amber. A 99.99995% shade. In that shade Many Tosians eventually adventured in its shadows. In a nearby sway was Great Paradox, and its sway shadows. There are a hundred smaller worlds, each with their own stories and adventurers. While many have diverse connections the great connector was a shadow construct called Mac's Bar ." He looks wistful. He pulls a thin box out with hand rolled cig. He takes one and lights it, leaving a strong Hemp smell in the tent. He pushes the tin over, "Be careful.. one will last you a long time. These are from the realm of Euphoria...another long story but a realm connected to Mac's Bar. " "We were young once .......We bold adventurers..."
Vek et al
"Some of us from Tosa. Some from Paradox. Some born on Mac;s Bar. Some in the Shade of Amber. Me, Alexandir lop, Hibbit, Merceno, Beor, Venki, Koob, Nur, Dolki,.........hundreds of us..and leading us all it just always seemed.... was Tolknor.." "Mitcholt and Wendy out to kill evil and shag anyone they could woo"
Vek et al
"Jake and Kirgor came from Paradox. So did the Ravers. Wars...tounaments.. It all happened.. We found to World Stone on Tosa in the Dungeons of Eldimor. Jeremy Fairhand found it. Some touched the stone, others did not. The Ravers found Mac's Bar..We killed them many times.. Knights we were...Koob and Random fought. Tolknor tried to create a pattern and failed, making the squiggle Plymouth. Then he succeeded and made York. Koob destroyed Amber shadows till none were left save the castle. Random abdicated for Tolknor making him king of Amber. Tolknor is a tricky bitch. He erased the pattern in exchange for saving the people. Koob left satisfied to rule in Shade Chaos." "Recently Paradox started crumbling. The people went mad. We rescued who we coulf but Paradox Fell, is Fallen.. The Ravers fled.. My friend.. Beor. a boon companion. A thrice Crown Bard..he stood on the last of rock Paradox recently and he... went beyond....I felt his passage." He takes a long hit and exhales.."To absent friends..." He looks over to Alex with a smile, "Where was I?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex now invested in feedjng her endless curiosity she tskes a cig. Calling her red dragon to her shoulder to light it. Alex sits more comfortably and listens to Fort. When he raises his glass to Beor so does Alex out respect. She then takes her little book where she draws in and takes notes. Flipping to her already growing section around this she jots some things down. "So Tolknor the King of York destroyed the primal pattern. Koob left ruling his little shade of Chaos. The Random their had abdicated to Tolknor. People were taken from the crumbling worlds. And i know they are not allowed to certain points in this realm of existence due to a ruling of our Random. Once those of that close od a shade are near Amber and the pattern shadows will be cast with possible unwanted results." She reads from her own notes there. "So yes Koob left, Tolknor destroyed the primal pattern of that Amber. Thats where you were left."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Looking at her notes. "Oh yes and the world stone Jeremy found. You didn't touch it right? You became Venki's high priest to save him from madness. The others did touch the stone."
Vek et al
He laughs, "Jeremy may be one of our guys but he is an evil creature. He passed the stone around knowing he would be able to dominate those who touched it. He thought any way. Venki started freaking out when he touched it and I realized what was happening. I knelt to Venki, broke his freak out, became his priest. After that we made High Priests rather then stone gods. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Among all groups of people there is bound to be those with challenging morals." Making a few notes she by now sits cross-legged to have her book resting on her legs her drink on one knee and the cig in her non writing hand. "Do you know who the widow's son is?" She looks curiously up at Fort.
Vek et al
He laughs, "Rose Temple lore?
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alrx nods "When i encountered them they were looking for the King of York. Which is Tolknor. And the Widow's son. Which seems to be a myth but maybe not. " Alex shrugs. "Just trying to get my notes more complete"
Vek et al
"As far as the Rose Temple is concerned, Tolknor is the Widow's Son. When Paradox started crumbling the Rose Temple folk left, seeking Tolknor. Its an old complicated joke. He isn't interested in them finding him. You should know about Rose though.. Rose the drug, and its worshipors, the Rose Temple..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks up curiously "Alright, what should i know about Rose? I didn't know it was a drug. "
Vek et al
He nods,"Yes, its a drug. The most potent I know of. I've only seen it a few times. I've had a vastly adultereated version of it and that version plays heavily in the Rose Temple. They seek Tolknor, calling him the Candyman in their secret teachings. In its adulterated form it gives visions, euphoria, causes one to be peaceful and gentle.. other things." He takes a big hit. "The pure Rose..." "It makes one able to Time Travel anywhere at will. And makes you insane. How you manage the two effects is telling. There is a sect of them. Transylvanians. They have a small council. They are quite mad. And Tolknor is one of them
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex blinks. "Oh wow Abbot Dulcia did not seek this after you. Really? Time travel, mad sects. Oh this is fantastic. I mean interesting, had not read about that yet." Noting things down she nods smokes drinks. "Just to make sure this is a casual talk or am i working myself in a debt of answers later to be returned? "
Vek et al
He chuckles, "Dradra, if it was anyone else I would have long since have taken you to my chambers and managed things differently. As I said, the Fox and I have an arrangement. We are just talking.... When the time comes I need aswers from you, i'll just ask. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks up suprised at the name. "Dradra... have you been talking father? He is so far the only one calling me that." She smiles and chuckles. "Well thankfully i have my silent and brooding chaperone with me." She nods to Agrom. "And to make it clear. I am very much faithful to Duncan. Just have to say that out loud." "And doubt i would have interesting information for you. But if you need answers you can always ask." Writing some things down she nods "So what happened to the Random who abdicated to Tolknor?"
Vek et al
he says, "Agrom. Go make the rounds of the camps. check the guards on duty, Avoid Alexandir and Julian. If you see Relmapator bark like a dog at him. Go now." Agrom stands suddenly,." I have to go make the rounds of the camps. check the guards on duty, Avoid Alexandir and Julian" He steps out of the tent
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex raises an eyebrow, "Alright then, " She looks with a quizzical look at Fort. "You had to do a show of power?"
Vek et al
"Well, Agrom tends to get difficult. Besides, it was time for him to go do those things. Now what happened to the Random that abdicated. He and one of Tolknor's grandsons drive a very cool car around shadow. He goes by the name Hazarda. His running buddy is Timothy Elhue.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks to where Agrom left and nods "Very well. So Random or Hazarda, heh typical name, he is riding around Shadow here as in our realm of existence." Drinking smoking and thinking she nods, writes and drinks. "I suppose they are just like most not allowed near the center of things? "
Vek et al
"Interesting question. I don't know. Not sure he ever tried"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Has King Random ever met Hazarda? And well if he was not specifically allowed i think he can't. Or that is what i understood from Arlo." Alex chuckles "Meeting a shade of yourself is... weird."
Vek et al
Fort chuckles, "It is" i have to close. go ahead and shat. i may answer on the phone chat
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Okey. Yeah night for you. 😉 alex is still full of questions 🤣
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks again very curious to Fort. "So perhaps this could come off as rude. But are you a shade of someone here? Like Hazarda and King Random? Are there more from your shade that live here?" As a kid in a candystore she sits with her arms leaning on her legs head resting on her hands.
Vek et al
"Chad brought many Tosaians. We are far enough of to not be shades of the family . That said there are shades of me
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods. "Didn't it freak you out? I know it freaked me out when i met a shade of mine. She was so different."
Vek et al
"Viva LA difference . Y first shade I seduced" He suddenly changes in to a gorgeous short blond women with long blonde hair ""All bards of certain level gain this full shape
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex laughs "Oh no i will never seduce that one. She was... evil-ish. Not my type. I am attracted to softer women." She smiles thinking back to Jasmine. "A bard? That must be a wonderfull calling. To gather stories song and such. Share them."
Vek et al

"Bards are complicated in the adventuring worlds. Story tellers. Scholar. Druids.

Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles "I have always admired Bards. At least what i've read about them. There was once a point in my life that i really wanted to travel and play music, write music, sing, mom said i first had to finish training. She always had a plan. Possibly still does. " She holds out her hand and focuses to call her blue violin to her "Made a deal with a dufiro for this one. There is no Dufiro in it though "
Vek et al
He examines it not being presumptuous to make music. "Finely made. An expert in their profession as well as their race I am sure. I am certain there is a story on it. With the Dyfirosm there is always a story."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles "I have made some.dufiro friends. It was a very interesting shop. The owner wanted tales and music as payment. Which i have plenty. I sang to her my song about Jasmine. It was sufficient. It plays like a dream. I am sure it has a story. I do not know it though. Perhaps next time i am in Fane of Zilla"
Vek et al
"Will you share her calling name? Her work is fine. Avasa of Music I guess? With a profession of woodworker. specializing in musical instruments? Working the Blue Wood isn't easy. Spasa of Earth-preferance for wood. Hmmm Avasa of Earth-specializing in woods maybe. As for Avasa of Music with Spasa of Song in its life path. I even know what you could pay it. As I said, I dealt with the Dufiro a lot once upon a time. You know, you area musician, aqwq Ranger of Arden, an Amberite...I could easily see you enrolled in the Bardic College at Ichil, or Wall. From there it would not take long to rise through the schools. Every so often you take a year in some fast time bardic college.. You would learn a lot about the Tosian and York worlds. The Bardic Collleges of Paradox were removed years ago as the realm began crumbling. They are in Plymouth. You would be both welcome and a celebrity of sorts..."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Apologies i do not have her calling name, just what she called herself. And she has a shop in Fane of Zilla, her name she gave me is Hunoila. She drives a fair bargain." Alex's interest is piqued. She sits more straight up. "Really. you think so? That would be something. That actually sounds fantastic. Bardic College. I can now and then take a break from my duties right? to fullfil my own thirst for learning." She takes a big draw from her cig. Thinking, imagining. Exhaling en drinking some more wine she smiles wide in her enthousiasm. "So how would one enroll in such a college?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Recalling some things in between her enthousiasm of the possibility of learning to become a bard. "Oh if you look for an earth dufiro, who makes musical instruments, i can recomment you someone. She is that friend i spoke about. At whos elivation i was and defended, she even was elevated to Illuminar. Quite the event. Her name is Adgleax. She is a fanastic musician."
Vek et al
he nods, "Excellent. I'll seek her out. My own instrument making skills are vast but its good meeting people in the trade.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles "If you mention me, or Duncan, she will be most likely happy to deal. " Swirling her glass she douts for a moment. "So, if i want to do something like a new school or college. I have to inform Duncan about it. i am afterall holding the resposibillities of the second Warden. thgouh have to do it in such a way my father doesn't hear of it right away. i somewhere doubt this is along the lines of his plans. "
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Fort looks slightly embarassed, "Do you know a ranger named Jacque?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks with a raised eyebrow to the slight embarassed look of Fort. She then nods "yes i do, Duncan had brought him and the Jaquen his own rangers to Arden. They have their own area they live and work. Why do you ask?"
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Fort says, " A few months ago he was appointed Second Ranger"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex her face suddenly changes from her enthousiastic happy to disapointment. Leaning back she pulls a long drag from the cig holds it long and then exhales. "Well guess that gives me all the time in the world to do what i want to do. Still should contact Duncan though. as we are in a relationship and i've been gone a year."
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Fort says, "As I understand it Random sent Duncan and a troop of Rangers to trail a force of ranger like azcalan troops that attacked Diago Raks."