Tome Robber: Star Voyages of the Zephyr - Petra

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Private Name: Iseldis Tanase
Apprentice Name: Red-55
Birth name: Dhyanna Julanar


  • Struggle d8
  • Discern d8
  • Conceal d8


Checked SFX are active.

Adventurer Scholar with a Sword d8 - short phrase in character voice

☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ SFX: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This: - Add your Adventure die to your dice pool when you do something ill-advised because your 'sense of adventure' made you do it
☐ SFX: Why'd it Have to Be Snakes? - Create a d8 Complication to add both your Struggle and Discern dice to your dice pool in a test, contest, or struggle that involves solving problems in an exotic locale

Undercover Reformist Red Wizard d8 - short phrase in character voice

☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ SFX: Comply, or Know Our Wrath - Spend a Plot Point and create a d8 Red Wizard-related Complication to force an Extra or Minor GMC to do your bidding on the strength of the Red Wizard reputation
☐ SFX: I Know What You Did - Spend a Plot Point to have kompromat on a fellow Red Wizard or one of their agents

Secretly a Romantic d8 - short phrase in character voice

☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ SFX: They Seem Nice - Gain 1 Plot Point when putting your trust in someone else lands you in a bad situation
☐ SFX: Seeing the Best in Others - Spend a Plot Point to step up or double your Compassion value in your pool for the duration of a test, contest, or challenge when you're helping someone who others discount

Signature Assets

Makeup and costumes d6 "Let's see if my chest full of solutions can help..."

Cowardice d6 "The first one to cover is the last one to get shot. Not my fault Joe was bigger than me."


Moody solves problems. Good thing, given how many he causes.

His kind are a dime a dozen on the Rim; fast-talkers who'll sell you on a used fluctuator just good enough to get you out into the Black before it coughs up its last breath. The trick to survival is talking faster'n your mark can think, and hightailin' faster'n everyone can shoot.

In the Unification War, Moody had a plum job at the space port on Hera where he'd sell Alliance traders some parts of questionable manufacture and then sell the Browncoats information on the ship's flight plan and how long it had before its internals gave out. Just helpin' out a ship in distress. Needless to say, Moody found himself on the Rim not long after a few too many of those offerings of assistance.

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