Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/religion/elven pantheon/amumé othi’än

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Amumé Othi’än

God of Knowledge; God of Kings and Leaders; Patron of the Grey Elves







An Elvish Lantern casting rays of light in all directions

Worshippers Alignment



  • King of the Gods – in this form, Othi’än appears as an incredibly beautiful male grey elf, with pale skin, platinum white hair, and golden eyes. He bears an elven longswordin one hand and a scepter of lordship in the other.
  • The Light of Knowledge – in this form, Othi’än appears as a ball of brilliant yellow-white light.


Clerics; Monks;

Clergy Alignment

Any non-evil

Turn Undead


Command Undead



Any; Elven Longsword required




Major access to All; Divination; Healing; Protection; Summoning; Thought; Minor access to all others.

Required NWP


Bonus NWP

One from following: Ancient History, Animal Lore, Astronomy, Cartography, Heraldry, Herbalism, Languages (Ancient), Languages (Modern), Local History, Reading/Writing, Religion, Bookbinding, Law, Sage Knowledge, Scribe.


The discovery of knowledge, both new and old, and the preservation of it for the benefit of Elvenkind; respect for the authority of rightful rulers, as well as holding them to account for the well-being of those they lead; and the investigation of mysteries to discover and reveal truth, whatever the impacts of that might be.

Day-to-Day Activities

Holy Days/Celebrations

  • Alióth’a-Othi’än - a tenday period where the vassals to the Elf-King visited the city to demonstrate their loyalty and renew their pledge of service to him.

Holy Sites

Military Orders

Priestly Vestments

Robes of White and Gold fabric for ceremonies

Adventuring Garb

Surcoats of White adorned with the symbol of the lantern are worn over armor; shields are adorned with the symbol as well. A white and golden sash is worn over normal clothing.


Members of the clergy always carry a blessed Lantern of Othi’än with them on missions of the church.

Lantern of Othi’än – an elvish lantern that has been blessed by the priests of the church; functions as a normal lantern but has the following special abilities, each of which can be used once per day, all as if cast by a 6th-level spellcaster:

  • Detect Magic
  • Comprehend Languages (written only)
  • Read Magic
  • Light (on lantern, even if no oil)