Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/religion/elven pantheon/amumé othi’än

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<< Back to Elven Pantheon

Amumé Othi’än[edit]

God of Knowledge; God of Kings and Leaders; Patron of the Grey Elves


Superiors: None



Symbol: An Elvish Lantern casting rays of light in all directions

Worshippers Alignment: Any


  • King of the Gods – in this form, Othi’än appears as an incredibly beautiful male grey elf, with pale skin, platinum white hair, and golden eyes. He bears an elven longswordin one hand and a scepter of lordship in the other.
  • The Light of Knowledge – in this form, Othi’än appears as a ball of brilliant yellow-white light.

Clergy: Clerics; Monks;

Clergy Alignment: Any non-evil

Turn Undead: Yes

Command Undead: No

Weapons: Any; Elven Longsword required

Armor: Any

Spheres: Major access to All; Divination; Healing; Protection; Summoning; Thought; Minor access to all others.

Required NWP: None

Bonus NWP: One from following: Ancient History, Animal Lore, Astronomy, Cartography, Heraldry, Herbalism, Languages (Ancient), Languages (Modern), Local History, Reading/Writing, Religion, Bookbinding, Law, Sage Knowledge, Scribe.

Dogma: The discovery of knowledge, both new and old, and the preservation of it for the benefit of Elvenkind; respect for the authority of rightful rulers, as well as holding them to account for the well-being of those they lead; and the investigation of mysteries to discover and reveal truth, whatever the impacts of that might be.

Day-to-Day Activities:

Holy Days/Celebrations:

  • Alióth’a-Othi’än - a tenday period where the vassals to the Elf-King visited the city to demonstrate their loyalty and renew their pledge of service to him.

Holy Sites:

Military Orders:

Priestly Vestments: Robes of White and Gold fabric for ceremonies

Adventuring Garb: Surcoats of White adorned with the symbol of the lantern are worn over armor; shields are adorned with the symbol as well. A white and golden sash is worn over normal clothing.

Notes: Members of the clergy always carry a blessed Lantern of Othi’än with them on missions of the church.

Lantern of Othi’än – an elvish lantern that has been blessed by the priests of the church; functions as a normal lantern but has the following special abilities, each of which can be used once per day, all as if cast by a 6th-level spellcaster:

  • Detect Magic
  • Comprehend Languages (written only)
  • Read Magic
  • Light (on lantern, even if no oil)