Running Sheet Agda Alak Sar
Alak Sar
- Knight of Amber.Fourth Class (Sergeant).
- Knights of the Elites
- "Agda" Knight of Wall-Fifth Class-Awarded for Valor in Battle for the Kingdom of Wall. Knighted by Duke Dolki Fairhand
- Champion Sling Cycle rider-Randal.
Points. {81}[edit]
Total: 23(44)=45 Stats +9 Powers +25 Skills +{8(32)} Items +0/0 allies/Enemies +4 Stuff+0 storage.
35:15 Psyche. End 10. STR 10
Statistics. 45[edit]
- Psyche: 5
- Strength: 16
- Endurance: 14
- Warfare: 10
(4 GS working toward Amber Psyche)
Powers. 9[edit]
- 1 Cantrips. :Alak Spells
- 5 Magery :Alak Spells
- 3 Thievish. :Alak Spells
Skills. 25[edit]
- 3 Motorcycle racing-Sling Cycle
- 2
- 2 Vehicle Mechanics
- 1
- 1
- 1-Dolkian Battle Katas. Blade and Archery
- 2 Horsemanship-Dottles. Racing
- 1 Joust
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Horsemanship
- 1
- 2 Games of Skill. Throwing games.Darts, knives, stars
- 1 Axes
- 1 short swords
- 2 Card-games and card magic
- 1
- 1
- 2 Acrobatics
- 1 Parkour
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Gymnastics
- 1 mimicry
- 2 cooking - Casual
- 1
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.
- 2 Gardening
- 1 Family Plot Vegetables
- 1 Orchard Fruit.
- 2 Ceremonial Drink Service- Dolkian Coffee
- 1 Wall Tea
- 1 Eldimiorian Absinthe
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Technology
- 1 Pip Skill -Rasak-Military Command and Communications.
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak- Medical Training
Thievish Tops[edit]
Allies & Enemies[edit]
- 1 Unknown Ally
- 1 Unknown Ally
- 1 Enemy-Tosa
- 1 Enemy-Diego Raks
Dolkian Blade(6)[edit]
- Dolkian Style Katana (Granted)
- Tot-6
- 4} Deadly Damage
- 1}Rack a spell-Ink Wound
- 1}Rack Spell-Return to hand
Dolkian Great Bow and Quiver (10)[edit]
- 2 Vs Gun
- Quiver & 10 Arrows
- 2 Double Speed
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Alt Form-Broach
- 1 Ability-Arrows Return to Quiver
- While the Quiver comes with 10 specific arrows, it will hold 50. Arrows in the quiver, over time, will come to match the 10 magical arrows but will lose those powers if separated for a significant amount of time. The included 10 are nearly indestructible and may be used as a melee weapon.
Rearden Half-Plate. (12)[edit]
A gift from Folks on her knighting.
- 4-Invulnerable-5 Transfers Acts like full plate.
- 1-Self-heal
- 1-Alt Form-Bracer
- 1 Ability: Call to don/return.
- 12
Rasak Knife (5)[edit]
- 4 Deadly Damage 4
- 1 Ability-1 Return to Hand/Return to Forge on death
- 5 x3 horde 15. Benedict & The Rasak Graduates
Death Wheeler (12)[edit]
(44 pips Osric)
- Vitality 4 (superior materials and durability)
- Movement 2 (spinning Rings)
- Deadly Damage 4
- 1 Ability: Call to hand/Return
- 1 Alt Form: Hiking Staff.
- 12
Graduate Cord[edit]
A symbolic uniform cord worn by graduates in all situations. 16" long.
No magical powers to begin with. It is often magicked later..
Van Real Glasses. 8[edit]
Non Magical-2 pips[edit]
- 2 Vs Firearms-Protection from general road damage and effects against the eyes. Multi-spectrum eye protection from incoming effects. Lasers, flash, blinding light, rock, sand, insects, etc
Magical-6 pips[edit]
- 2 Vs Firearms-Protection from general road damage and effects against the eyes as well as specifically aimed firearms
- 1 ability – See through Invisibly.
- 1 ability -See through Illusions.
- 1 ability -X-ray Vision. Thermal Vision, See retained heat signatures.
- 1 Ability-Binocular/Microscope vision
Dolkian Syphon Coffee Maker (5 Pips)[edit]
A siphon style coffee maker used in the rituals and distinguished homes of members of the Dolkian Following.
- 1 Mobility-Speed-Efficient
- 1 Extra Hard-Unbreakable glass.
- 1 Alt Form-Upright to brew, Flat to store.
- 1 Heats to cook or keep. While set up, brew stays hot without going bitter.
- 1 Ability-Proof against poison.
- 5 Pips
Samovar (10)[edit]
- 1 Double Stamina
- 4 Invulnerable
- 2 Rapid Healing
- 2 N/N Samovar, 10 glass, Fire Pot-adjustable
- 1 Ability: Cleanse Samovar & Glasses
- 10
Stuff 4[edit]
- 4 Good Stuff (Helps with Racing)
- Attended Fantalin- Course Royal Rights
- Attended Nasty Place
- Attended Dolkian Stable Scholars
- Studied Magic in the Wizard School at Fairhand's Folly
- Studied Weapons Kata at the Dolkian Great Hall
- Holds the Rank of Warrior at the Gesheka Games
- A Dreanan Blue. [[1]]
- Mostly Vegetarian
- Mostly a non-Orthodox Committal Dolkian -PoC
- Serious, unnervingly quiet, efficient. Skilled at stalking and evasion.
- A Grand Champion Winner of the Pa D'armes Tourney during the New Year City Celebration CCC.
- Distinguished herself in battles on Deiga, Caratin, At the White Fall Battle at Diega Raks on the Jeweled Road, and while on duty in the City of Wall. *Served in the Amber Embassy in the city of Wall, Tosa for 10 years. Said to have gone native.
- Uses the Tosian term "Agda", in reference to her knighthood[[2]] received while on Embassy duty in battle defending a Princess of Wall.
- Known for her use of Rearden Armor. It was a gift from the House of Korag.
- Recently promoted Corporal of Elites, after 10 years of Embassy duty in the City of Wall, capital of the Kingdom of Tosa.
- Served in protective services detail to Carissa ak Gerard.
- Resigned from the Elites for a time to raise a child.
- Married Rede Feldane[[3]]. Has a son named () serving in Star Fleet.