Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/players/magic items
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- Spear +1, +2 vs. Undead
- Scroll (Protection from Undead)
- Brooch of Clairaudience - 1 shaped like an ear, 1 shaped like a mouth; provide the effect of the Clairaudience spell once per day. When invoked, the bearer of the mouth-shaped brooch will be able to clearly hear anything within a 60 ft range of the ear-shaped brooch for a duration of up to 6 turns so long as the two remain within a distance of 1 mile. At distances greater than 1 mile, the ear brooch immediately teleports back to the location of the mouth brooch. Shielding or other preventive measures work as they do on the Clairaudience spell. A Thief can attempt to place (or remove) the ear brooch on someone with the same chances as their Pick Pockets skill.
- Gold Tiara - (from White King) radiate magic - powers unknown until identified
- Silver Brooches - (from White King) radiate magic - powers unknown until identified
- Dagger +1, +2 vs. Magic Users
- Potion of Clairaudience - This potion empowers the creature drinking it to hear as the 3rd-level wizard spell of the same name. However, the potion can be used to hear even unknown areas within 30 yards. Its effects last for two turns.
- Minor Potion of Healing (2 hp/1 dose)
- Ring of Fire - Base Power: All Elemental Fire Spells 125% (Range, AoE, Duration, # creatures affected, etc. etc.). All saves against Elemental Fire spells cast by wearer at -1; Wearer saves against Elemental Fire spells and spell-like Fire effects @ +1. Single person cannot wear more than one of the Rings at a time.
- Hematite Raven Figurine - Can become a raven for up to 12 hours. Once it has been used, it can't be used again until 2 days have passed. The raven can and will communicate with the owner by telepathic means, informing them of all it sees and hears within the bounds of its intelligence. Command Phrase (must be spoken): "Fly without wings; Dream with open eyes; See in darkness.”
- Ring of Thought - Base Power: All Mentalism Spells 125% (Range, AoE, Duration, # creatures affected, etc. etc.). All saves against Mentalism spells cast by wearer at -1; Wearer saves against Mentalism spells and spell-like effects @ +1. Single person cannot wear more than one of the Rings at a time.
- Mentalism Spells: 1st Level: Charm Person, Hypnotism, Spook; 2nd Level: ESP, Forget; 3rd Level: Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Iron Mind, Suggestion; 4th Level: Charm Monster, Phantasmal Killer, Psychic Protection, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer; 5th Level: Domination, Feeblemind, Magic Jar, Sending; 6th Level: Eyebite, Geas, Mass Suggestion, Tower of Mental Resistance; 7th Level: Descent into Madness; 8th Level: Demand, Mind Blank; 9th Level: Programmed Amnesia
- Solé Family Sword - Does not radiate magic, but had the ability to hit and kill The White King. The metal the weapon is fashioned from is pure white; the guard, hilt, and pommel are fashioned of silver-alloyed steel in the shape of a double-headed eagle, the heads forming the guard, the tail-feathers forming the pommel. The grip is made of a white hide. Engraved down the length of the blade are strange glyphs, “страх тени”.
- Lantern of Othi’än - Following abilities are usable once per day for every 2 levels of the Priest, all at the 6th level spellcaster: Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages (written only), Read Magic, Light (on lantern, even when no oil).
- Spell Scroll - (Pr - Cure Light Wounds, Light, Detect Magic, Resist Cold)