Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/realms/Blackport/the iron city
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Food, Drink, & Lodging[edit]
Common Crafts & Trades[edit]
Uncommon Crafts & Trades[edit]
Guilds & Associations[edit]
- IC-1 - Domus Eryx
- Huge walled stone mansion of Yara Sepp, General of the Armies of Blackport. Home of Khyria Dami and her mother, Nïól Adäle, the first consort to General Sepp.
Temples & Religious Sites[edit]
Government Buildings[edit]
- IC-2 - Canon Court
- This building is where the Canon Court deliberates on their cases. It is also where the Synod meets for internal meetings when the Praesidium is in session.
Places of Note[edit]
- IC-3 - The Spire
- The citadel and residence of The Sovereign. lies within an additional protective wall inside the Iron City.