Midnight RPG Campaigns: Main Page

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It includes information specific to table-top role-playing group's campaign on notable people, places, items, and creatures across the various MIDNIGHT ideas and other games using the D20 based rules!

Fan Created Campaigns

Fan Created Characters

These wiki pages list various MIDNIGHT NPCs and creatures. Characters that are both Fan Originals & Fan Conversions of other media using the D20 Rules are presented.

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House Rules

House Rules, Changes & Additions to the MIDNIGHT D20 Rule System. MIDNIGHT's game mechanics are based off the OGL (Open gaming|Open Gaming License) d20 System, designed by Wizards of the Coast, and is played in much the same way.

House Rules in effect in Kevin's MIDNIGHT game:

No XP penalty for multiclassing. Instead, characters with levels in a preferred class gain a bonus feat at 1st, 5th, and 10th class level.

Bonus skill ranks from high intelligence can be used to buy a full rank in non-class skills, not a half-rank.

[These house rules were adopted from d20 Conan by Mongoose.]

ALL Characters, Settings and Company Copywrites and Trademarks mentioned on these wiki pages are the property of their respective creators. Their mention on this page is NOT intended as a challenge to existing copyrights. They are used here expressly for fan enjoyment. MIDNIGHT is published by Fantasy Flight Games.

This MIDNIGHT RPG Wiki was originally developed by Kevin Perrine.