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Rupin Addwealth

Species: Human Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic good Class: Ranger Current level: 6 2ndClass: Dark Lantern Current level: 1 3dClass: Extreme Explorer Current level: 2

Rupin is quite hard to put in categories. When in the company of friends he's relaxed and usually tries to act cool. When in the company of danger he's nervous and actually cool. He's smart and stubborn, and quick on the decisions, even though he seldom thinks through his plans. He got a dry wit and a tendency to complain sometimes, but his niceguy attitude and constant smiling is enough to patch up any such personality flaws. His only "true" friend so far though is Dey. But to make up for it he trusts her a hundred percent with his life. Born a rebel, but too caught up in business to create a fuss, the best way to gain insight in his personality is through his pet. A Dog he named Cat.

Rupin is a fairly average human. Average height, average weight and average looks. His hair is the same colour as the fur of a rat and he keeps it clean but unkept. He probably doesn't even own a comb! His eyes are hazel eyes are usually smiling togheter with the rest of his face. On his left upper arm and on his backhe got a pair of tatoos. The one on his back is a picture of a fireball and the words fixin' stuff! and on his arm is heart and the words elven chicks inprinted. Rupin usually wears a pair of green baggy pants, a brown studded leather longcoat, a red scarf and a pair of big leather boots. His armed with a composite longbow and some exotic arrows. When not used the longbow is usually strapped to his shoulders. Rupin also got an armlet on his right arm. The armlet looks fairly mundane and got small ingravings on it. The ingravings picture hearts pierced by arrrows and small fat kobolds with bows. Connected with a short metal chain to the armlet is a pair of very small masks. One of hte mask is a smiling face, the second mask is crying.

Rupin Addwealth was born somewhere in Breland for about twenty-something years ago. His father was carter for house Orien, and it wasn't unusual that Rupin tagged along. It's also probably his father that learned Rupin some basic hunting and the noble art of smuggling, or dealing with exotic goods, as they prefered to call it. Although Rupin's mom did learn Rupin about morals and ethics, abiding to the law never really struck his as necessary. Therefore it was pretty much expected that Rupin would start to do smuggling of his own when he reached that age. During the war nothing much is known about what Rupin did (Dey does not know and neither does she care), but it's believed that he sold weapons to local partisans instead of activly participating in the war. After the war business made him move to sharn, where there's always needs for someone who can make items mysteriously appear out of nowhere. It was in Sharn that Rupin also meet Dey, and they started to more or less cooperate, Dey's city slicker life making up for Rupin's country bumpkin way of life. When Dey got some problems with the her local gang Rupin helped her out of the city, and since then they've been making their way towards Caer Shadowfast to start up their business from scratch again. Because of troubles in Sharn Rupin is going under a false name, and will probably do so for the rest of his life (because he likes his name). Rupin has bought a shack in Caer that he calls The Warehouse. It's attended to by the old half-elf Deadlus. Rupin's real name is actually Rupert Carter. Five years ago he meet Rhael and Maiet. A meeting that proved to be quite unfortunate to him, as he almost ends up killed. He's saved by the gnome druid Jokre, who also gives him the armlet he wears.


Rupin's dog

This grey and black hunting dog was a farewell gift from Rupin's family. It's the puppy of Rupin's father's prized hunting dog, Shadowfeller. Cat reminds people of Rupin, but Cat's a lot more well behaved. He really likes to be petted, just like his owner.

During the fight against the true Lycanthrope, Rupin is bitten. His armet reacts to the bite though, and it transforms Cat, making him larger and more dangerous. It doesn't stop the lycanthrope from killing Cat though. Cat is later resummoned by the power of Rupin's armlet.

After that, Dey is kidnapped by the two bounty hunters Rhael and Maiet, but Rupin and Cat hunt them down, and after a dramatic fight they manages to save Dey. Maiet is backstabbed and killed by Dey, but Rhael manages to escape.

During the banquette at New Cyre, Rupin bonds with King Boranal, who as a token of their new friendship, makes him an official Dark Lantern. After reciving his training at the citadel, Rupin is giving his first mission, to hunt down Concord Krauser (and save the princess who was kidnapped, but Rupin forgets about this part of the mission), who turns out to be a former friend and accomplish of his, who possibly sold him out to the elves.

With the help of Cassius du'Shadowfast, Rupin joins Patch's party into the forgotten forge, where he meets and befriends Tacono, a cannith clockmaker. He's also forced to kill Tacono's childhood sweetheart, Cynthia, before she killed him. And finnaly, he fough the gigantic titan warforged controlled, Mecha, a specialized warforged meant to be controlled through mindpower of a pilot sitting inside a cockpit on the top of the titan's head. After Rupin defeated the titan, he had one final showdown with Krauser, which ended with Rupin knocking Krauser down from the titan, thus killing him.

Rupin later on got himself involved with the defense of a threatned village, which earned him the fury of one of the Twelve Gods, nr 8, Jimmith Bluesummers. After a long fight, which ended up with Jimmith winning at the cost of his arm and his pride, Jimmith has held a grudge against Rupin, which he hopes to repay.

During the Chuthlu campaing, Rupin kills Dey's father, Jok, on the orders of Vice Admiral Ramirez. Although he's unaware of what he actually did, Rupin feels betrayed by his commanding officer, and decides to take his revenge. He also draws the Knight and the Rogue from the Deck of Many Things Marie found.

At this time, Rupin is wanted by the Dark Lanterns, after he tried to assassinate Ramirez. The whole thing ended up in a fiasco, and Rupin disappeared.

Roleplaying tips

Rupin usually puts up an air of confidence around him. He's tries to be relaxed, and he smiles alot, and when around his employees and companions, he'll try to steer the conversation, and he can be very spontaneous with his ideas. He can be very dense and eccentric though, and any of his spontanous ideas will usually prove to be atleast hazardous, if not downright lethal. When he's actually put under pressure though, then his confidence will quickly disappear, showing the real Rupin. A man who isn't confident or relaxed. He's actually rather nervous and easily annoyed, but also very determined and tough. Rupin is pretty well rounded, but leaning towards toughness. He's a guy who can take a beating and still get up. And his fightingstyle usually reflexts on this. Although he uses a bow, he got no problems with going into melee (possibly because he's aware that he's a poor aim), and he often improvises a weapon when he doesn't know what else to do. And if he got nothing else, he'll use his fists.

Personality quirks: Put a :D at the end of Rupin's sentances once in a while when he feels confident.

Rupert Carter[edit]

Rupert "Rupin" Carter

Chaotic good human male Ranger 6/Swashbuckler 3/Extreme Explorer 3

Rupin is back, meaner and leaner that ever before! After his attempted murder on Ramirez, Rupin plunged down into the ocean with the wreck of Ramirez's airship, Hydra. Although he lost his left leg, and badly injuried his left eye and the head around the eye (leaving some heavy scar tissue), he somehow manages to survive the crash, although heavily wounded. Luckily, the sailor Patric Blach from the Hydra is with him, and Rupin can be nursed back to health.

Since then, after a week of drifting aimlessly on the ocean, the two hit shore at Darguun, where hey are subsequently lost, until they are found by the local populance. The two ends up spending three months in Darguun before resurfacing to civilization from Droaam of all places. Exactly what happened in Darguun nobody besides Patric and Rupin knows, but at least Rupin got his left leg reattached, that's for sure.

When Rupin and Patric return to Caer Shadowfast, they make it just in time to save Dey and company from Krow Gutripper and the Gutripper's gang. During the fight, Rupin proudly proclaim that from this moment on, he is Rupert Carter once again. And then, Rupert Carter proceeds to make out with Dey (now Min again).

So that must mean that everything is OK again, right?

Created by Papermonday

Shadows over Cyre