Avengers Comics #2
- seated in his command center... "...You have thwarted my machinations one too many times heroes... Now I shall avenge!"
Dimensional HOLES 1888
The Avengers Battle the Space Phantom
- So what happens?:
- As the Avengers have their monthly meeting a shape changing alien crash lands on Earth and takes the form of a bystander. His victim is sent into Limbo while he uses his form and the alien sets off to attack the Avengers.
- The Avengers see him coming and the Hulk is sent to confront him. Taking the place of the Hulk he starts insulting the avengers when they ask what happened to the intruder. After starting the team fighting amongst themselves he smashes out of the mansion and starts tearing up first the NYC streets and then a missile base.
- The Missile base had been testing a Stark design and Iron Man is sent to investigate. The Space Phantom becomes a passing insect and leaves Iron Man fighting the real Hulk. The Wasp and Giant-Man intervene but Hank gets dragged into the fight although they do manage to work out what is going on.
- Jan flies to get Thor who breaks the battle up with a rainstorm which rusts Iron Man's armour shut. The Phantom decides that Thor would make a great host and tries to steal his form, he is surprised to find himself chucked into Limbo because he can't Thor
- As the Avengers congratulate each other the Hulk is less than happy, he thinks that the Avengers were too quick to distrust him and that they must really hate him. He becomes the first member to quit the team.
- So is it any good?:
- It isn't as good as #1 either artistically or as a story but it is ok. Reinman suits the Space Phantom very well adding a tinge of skulking menace to a pretty standard alien design but he is less suited to the actual Avengers.
- The Space Phantom's powers dont really make too much sense, the man whose shape he uses to break into the mansion returns to the spot where he was copied when he is freed but the Hulk is dumped in the middle of the fight the Phantom has engineered. Thor also claims that the reason he was sent to Limbo was that he could only imitate humans but he had already imitated a wasp (an actual one, not Jan) and a meteorite.
- The story is basically an excuse to have the heroes fight each other and Hulk vs Iron Man takes up a lot of the room just as in #1. Another echo of #1 is that Thor only turns up for the conclusion, maybe Stan had already realised that he could spoil the balance of the team.
- Is it a landmark?:
- We see out first team meeting, get our first glimpse of Hank as Giant-Man, get the first villain to debut in the book and have the first member quit.
- So what happens?:
KARL'S Ideas
- Cossack Rytsar

- " ??? " ... based on the Marvel Character: Baron Zemo (1st Appearance - Issue # ???)
- the Taskmistress

- " ??? " ... based on the Marvel Character: Taskmaster (1st Appearance - Issue # ???)
- the Gray Goblyn

- " ??? " ... based on the Marvel Character: the Green Goblin (1st Appearance - Issue # ???)
the Golden Dawn
- involve the Golden Dawn, maybe replacing them with members of the Hellfire Club, Doom could end up in league with them in an effort to free his mother. This is all a ruse and he is being used so that the Dawns master Mephisto can manifest himself on earth. Dooms recognises his foolish error and attempts to redeem himself and work with the heroes, they have to venture into hell to close the gate and this results in Doom sacrificing himself and becoming trapped in hell....well till the next time!!!
- the Whole Alister Crowly thing and the Golden Dawn is kind of Bunk. So I say don't have him replace the Hellfire Club because that would be retarded, the Hellfire Club is a cooler concept then the Golden Dawn. Just have Crowly be that worlds version of Baron Mordo, and he could be regarded as a fool by most.
- Hydra, is established pretty much as it was, but becomesa criminal organization spread throughout the British empire, running guns, among other contrabrand hidden in legitimate channels.
- A Prussian noble named Wolfgang Struker has decided to create an empire for Prussia which rivals the British empire. Aiding him in his quest are Baron Heinrich Zemo and Johann Schmidt, a disfigured mercenary who claims to have fought in the American Revolution (the validity of this is suspect, considering it would make him almost a hundred years old, and he carries himself as if he were a man of thirty, but few call him on it and live to tell the tale). Struker has assembled an impressive army, and the banner for the army is Struker's family crest: a Hydra.
- To make them even more of a threat, Struker has also enlisted the aid of a swedish scientist named Arin Zola, who has been studying Darwins theory of natural selection and has expanded greatly upon it. Rumor has it he is building a race of creatures which are half human, half rat.
- The Barvarian Illuminati (with their Hydra symbol). Armin Zolo, Modoc (their chairman), The Red Ghost, and a few other genius superscientists belong to it. Advanced Idea mechanics could be party to a second attempt at alien invasion of the world. This time helping the alien Kree government who are kidnapped Mutants for dissection. Perhaps thwarting them from stealing Professor Richard Reed's scientific time Machine.
Baron Strucker
- Baron Strucker: supreme leader of Hydra. Simply have him as a royalist instead of a fascist.
Advanced Idea Mechanics
- "The Society for the Advancement of Intelligentĭa and Mechanisms" (aka. the Maxim-Nordenfelt Guns, Ammunition Industry Munitions) is a French based organization of scientists that have bought into the old saw that governments are obsolete but the true and enlightened scientists are the real geniuses of the world. It has bases in every major country. Really, most of them are leeches off the world of the real geniuses like Starkweather, Doom, Reed, and the like.
- London, Wilbur Day (aka. "London Tower", known petty theif) auxiliary mechanical engineer of The Society for the Advancement of Intelligentĭa and Mechanisms (A.I.M.) is murdered. He is the first of the Ripper's victims.
- London, the dead body of Alexander Gentry (known for the development of his Maxim "Quill" armored plate) is found. Gentry, a former prototype developer from the Maxim-Nordenfelt Guns, Ammunition Industry Munitions (office at 32 Victoria Street SW, London) is considered to be the second victim of the Ripper.
The Hellfire Society
- Composed primarily of former members of the now defunct East India Trading Company, The inner circle of the hellfire club consists of wealthy merchants and chiefs of industry who are determined to regain their lost finances. Instead of mutants, there powers derive from a demonic contract with the mysterious demon Blackheart (who is unknown to all except the inner circle). membership includes Sebastian Shaw, his layabout opium addict son Shinobu (Shinobi always struck me as an odd name), the cyborg Donald Pierce, (who's more like the amazing screw on head, attaching his still human head to various robot bodies) Emma Frost (who controls her husband with psychic powers), and the time travelling Trevor Fitzroy. There current plan involves building giant clockwork men called Sentinels and using them to provoke World War I (which Fitzroy knows about via time travel) early, leading to the eventually collapse of western civilization.
- a Masonic order. Perhaps the most singular club in all of London. The Hellfire Society's admissions policies are as secret as its membership rolls, traditions, initiations, and politics. All that is know is members of this most peculiar club are rumored to have been involved in the most sensational and importable adventures of the age, and every man, woman, and child in the great metropolis of London- and indeed, the entire British Empire- owe their lives and freedom to the secret actions of this club's members.
- One only joins the Hellfire Society by invitation, and the club’s distinct silver ink on black stationary missives always seem to find their way into the recipient’s hand, without passing through normal post channels. Almost as if they were delivered by unseen ghostly hands. But such an invitation means the Hellions have been watching, judging, and assessing- and if you meet their peculiar standards, that ominous black envelope will find its way onto your nightstand or into your smoking jacket’s pocket.
- The Hellions tend to stick to the shadows, lurking in the darkest streets and social circles and political back rooms, moving through the dark places of the world and of society with the easy grace of nighttime predators. They partake of London’s rich and miserable underworld, managing vice and crime rather than trying to stamp it out in a moralist crusade, and they are known to keep scandalously close ties to some of the worst villains in London- though if truth be known, since the Club opened, the criminal underworld of London has been quieter, cleaner, better organized, and less obtrusive. Vice may still rule the slums, but no longer do evil men exclusively rule that vice.
- More troubling perhaps than the rumors of criminal ties, the Hellfire Society is said to be involved in all manor of occult goings-on- spiritualism, the worship of foreign gods, pagan mysticism, invoking the dead, and sorcery of the blackest sort. But despite this reputation for unseemly congress, the Club is still consulted regularly by Her Majesty’s officials on matters of the deepest state secrets. The Hellfire Society serves the empire like a keen-eyed helmsman guiding his ship through dark, shoal-torn waters. Without the Club’s guidance and uncanny insights, the ship would surely founder and break on unseen dangers.
- Perhaps you are one of Dr. Moreau's escaped animal-men. Or a man burdened with one of the Old World’s ancient curses- lycanthropy or vampirism. Or a spiritualist, who speaks with the dead. Or perhaps even one of the Dead yourself. No matter how freakish, bizarre, unseemly, or scandalous, if your heart is sound, the Hellfire Society will welcome you.
- There is an assassination attempt on her Majesty the Queen! The sniper is a gloating pirate and thug using an Air Rifle named Brock "Crossbones" Rumlow. Despite the grevious nature of his crimes, he seems unafraid of the hangman's noose. Perhaps more disturbingly are his confederates whom seem to have the strength of many men.
- It is during this time that London is wracked with a series of powder bombs and threats that Parliament and other land marks will soon join them. Scotland Yard is utterly baffled by the notes that claim responsibility for they are signed by Stephen Rogerson. A great British Patriot and Captain of the Armies whom disappeared while doing special work for her majesty not too many years ago. It is also covered in a special seal that is a Hydra.
- A little detective work and a narrow call to prevent the London Bridge from being blown up will note that most of London's underground is being recruited by Brock and his gang. They primarily focus on immigrants but the core is being recruited from the lower class with a mixture of nationalist rhetoric touched on with class warfare ideas (i.e. National Socialism but don't call it that). Either on the bridge or rescuing Brock they will confront the Mastermen whom fight to the death but may reveal the fact that they are only pretending to be English, they're KRAUTS!
- Mycroft Holmes (who employs Sir Nicholas Fury as his top field agent/Second in command), head of the Foreign Office Information Service, will then reveal that Doctor David Bannerson (whose story reached the London audiences as the case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde thanks to a leak) had helped create a formula that turned a simple man into an extraordinary one. It was used upon a polio victim as a test but created an amazingly skilled man whom was sent to Germany to investigate a revival of the Freemason born Bavarian Illuminati. Hydra. Of course, the players no doubt will realize that the true culprit is Roter Totenkopf. The German diplomat (who wears a ghastly death mask while conducting Hydra business) whom is organizing what he hopes will turn into a general civil war as the Kaiser makes plans to invade Eastern Europe. He has captured Rogerson in a block of ice with the help of his henchman Baron Heidrich Zemo and they've managed to use blood extractions from his still living form to create their supermen.
- If they prevent his uprising, can they stop his "scorched Earth" plan to use a zeppelin to cover all of London in Zemo's Death Dust?
- The Hydra Strikes
- Brock Rumlow is the real name of the Captain America villain Crossbones. His sniping is an homage to Sherlock Holmes return story "The Empty House" where Moriarty's 2nd in command uses an air rifle. His role as a thug paid by the Skull and a traitor fits his origins. He's likely a lower class Londoner here.
- Stephen Rogerson is Captain America here, though now a special agent for the Queen with no real Codename. Perhaps calling him "Union Jack" as a codename is more appropriate since that was the Captain's British counterpart.
- The Hydra born from the Bavarian Illuminati is an adaptation of Hydra that was created as Nazis fleeing the Third Reich to continue their quest for world domination. Effectively, here, they become proto-nazis tied to the beginning German nationalist movement and occultism that LEAD to the birth of Hitler's ideals.
- Masterman was a Captain America villain with Golden Age Superman like powers. Here, they are effectively Super Soldiers like Captain America made from blood transfusions.
- Mycroft Holmes being M is a nod to the League of Extraordinary Gentlement.
- Sir Nicholas Fury is, of course, a nod to Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD but he's yet to ascend to the head of the future MI6 here but still takes orders from Holmes Brother.
- Bruce Banner aka the Incredible Hulk being Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde's inspiration is fitting. Him working on the Super Soldier serum is a nod to Ultimates continuity.
- Most likely Mister Hyde is the Gray Hulk whom is Banner's id than the rampaging green hulk.
- Roter Totenkopf is, literally translated, The Red Skull. Here, he is not yet deformed but merely wearing a mask. He's foreshadowing WW1 German adventurism.
- Baron Heidrich Zemo is in fact Baron Zemo and still a Nazi scientist with a Hooded face cover. Here, he's discovered keeping a patient in a state of coldness to incapitate him while blood is extracted. This is a nod to Captain America's suspended animation in ice.
- The Red Dust is the Red Skull's preferred method of killing a victim. It turns their face into a hideously deformed Skull visage. If history repeats itself, the players probably will knock him into a batch of it and his mask will become reality.
The Societas Extremis
- is on the way to be the first group to get to the south pole. Along the way they discover the Savage Land. Of course in an effort to not be upstaged by those blasted Americans the AVENGERS are off for Queen and Country to beat them to the south pole.
- SHIELD would exist as a secret order dedicated to protecting Britain and the British Empire, each member of the cabal tracing their lineage back to one of the Knights of the Round Table (thus allowing you to bring in Morgan Le Fey and Mordred.) Only the Royal family can order them around, and they are a very secret order. They utilize a blimp/airship that is their "futuristic" air base. With "cloud" generators that keep it hidden.
Ursa Major
- Ursa Major is a member of the Russian imperial army.
AVENGERS Training Ground
- A place designed by Anthony Starkweather where a Hollywood friend of his (it's a place where they're going to devote themselves full time to making movies) has created a mock up of London boroughs with targets that are Loyal Scottish troops willing to take their lumps. Starkweather has also livened it up with explosive charges, hoses to shoot fire manned by their aids, and a team of His Majesty's engineers to rebuild it whenever its demolished.
- After saving Queen Victoria's life, possibly Prince Albert gives the Avengers one of his country mansions to operate from so the rest of London won't be disturbing them. Either that or a Scottish Castle. Perhaps they take over Kravens home?
- A Scotland yard like Police Shield with the symbol of the AVENGERS and hole-punched Babbage cards.
Kang the Conqueror 1888
- time traveling despot from far in the future, the 21st century. Using arcane technologies from the future he has an edge over the Victorian Era, and is determined to shape the upcoming 20th century in his image. As Kang's real name is Nathaniel Richards, and has gone by other aliases, you might want to come up with your own alias.
- the time-travelling Kang the actually the Time Traveller H.G Wells wrote about, gone mad with power and trying to prevent the terrible future he visited.
Dracula, Mordo, and Dr. Strange
- The immortal remains of Dracula have been stolen! Greewich London Burough resident Stephen Strange (a formerly respected physician before taking up Theosophy and Spiritualism) suspects this to be the work of his old rival Mordo, a half-Chinese half-London man whom wishes to bring back the dread Lord. To this end, they with Doctor Strange's mysterious freed slave associate in the American Blade....they have to hunt down the evil one.
- Dracula's Resurrection
- Stephen Strange lives in Greenwich New York and Doctor Strange the Sorcerer Supreme is being adapted to becoming a member of the burgeoning Victorian mysticism movement that oddly had its own Indian/Oriental routes that fits with Steve's origins.
- Blade as an American Slave (explaining his one-name) is of course, Blade the Vampire Killer. In this adaptation, he's no doubt still a Dhampir and probably undergoing treatment with Stephen.
- Wang Mordo is Mordo, Stephen Strange's archnemesis Baron Mordo whom is his rival apprentice.
- Dracula is Dracula but oddly Blade fought him in the Tomb of Dracula series.
The High Evolutionary
- is Dr. Moreau. Makes his experiments a bit more sinister
- Colonel Sebastian Poindexter Moran, he's been described as "the second most dangerous man in London". Second only to yourself. Colonel Moran is the premier assassin in the world and he knows it. Slightly touched in the head, he will either make a wonderful addition to the team or a horrid enemy should someone find a way to target his ability. Colonel Sebastian Moran [Benjamin Poindexte] (The Adventure of the Empty House). Holmes once described him as "the second most dangerous man in London". Sebastian Moran was born in London in 1840, the son of Sir Augustus Moran, CB, sometime Minister to Persia. He was educated at Eton College and the University of Oxford before embarking upon a military career. Formerly of the 1st Bangalore Pioneers, he served in the Jowaki Expedition of 1877-1878 and in the Second Anglo-Afghan War, seeing action at the Battle of Charasiab, 6 October 1879 (for which he was mentioned in dispatches), the Battle of Sherpur, 23 December 1879 and at Kabul. A devoted sportsman and highly skilled shot, he was author of the books Heavy Game of the Western Himalayas in 1881 and Three Months in the Jungle in 1884, and reportedly once crawled down a drain after a wounded man-eating tiger. However, he soon turned to the bad (Holmes attributes this to a hereditary trait), and although there was no open scandal he was obliged to retire from the army and return to London. Outwardly respectable, with an address in Conduit Street, Mayfair and membership of the Anglo-Indian Club, the Tankerville Club and the Bagatelle Card Club, he nevertheless continued in his evil ways.
- He was soon recruited by the criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty, and served for a time as his chief of staff. Maintained in a comfortable lifestyle by Moriarty, Moran soon came to be used solely for assassinations that required his peculiar skill with the rifle, including that of Mrs Stewart of Lauder in 1887. On the break-up of the Moriarty crime ring in The Final Problem (early 1891), Moran escaped incrimination, and followed the Professor to Reichenbach Falls. After witnessing his chief's death at the hands of Holmes, Moran attempted to kill the detective by rolling boulders down upon him, but Holmes escaped. Now left without employment, Moran earned a living back in London by playing cards at several clubs.
- However one of the other players, Ronald Adair, noticed that Moran won by cheating and threatened to expose him. On 30 March 1894, Moran murdered Adair by shooting him with a silenced air rifle that fired revolver bullets. Dr. Watson and a returned Holmes took the case, and Moran, learning that Holmes was back in London, attempted to kill the detective by firing his air rifle from a vacant house across the street from Holmes' residence. However Holmes, who had figured out how Moran killed Adair, fooled the Colonel: what Moran ended up shooting was a wax dummy of Holmes while the real Holmes, with Watson and Inspector Lestrade in tow, hid within the vacant house with Moran without the Colonel's knowledge. As soon as Moran fired, he was seized and arrested.
- In The Adventure of the Illustrious Client, Holmes mentions Moran as being still alive. This story is set in September 1902. Moran is also mentioned in His Last Bow as an example of those of Holmes's many adversaries who have futilely sworn revenge against him. Colonel Sebastian Moran was also the villain in Doyle's Sherlock Holmes play The Crown Diamond written in the early 1900s but not performed until 1921. However, when this play was adapted as the short story The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, Moran was replaced by Count Negretto Sylvius.
- Benjamin Poindexter is a psychopathic assassin. Usually employed by Professor Moriarty.
- Bullseye's real name and origins are unknown. He has used the name "Benjamin Poindexter" on several occasions, but there are also instances where his name is given as “Lester.” but also revealed that some or all of it has been fabricated, probably by Bullseye himself.
- Bullseye grew up in The Bronx, where he lived with his brother and his abusive father. His brother's main form of recreation was playing with rifles, leading Bullseye to become an expert shot. When he was 10 years old, his brother started a fire in their home in an unsuccessful attempt to kill their father. Shortly thereafter, Bullseye was placed in a foster home, and became a baseball player in high school. Bullseye was an extremely talented pitcher, and was offered a scholarship, but instead opted to enter the minor leagues. After three games, he was called up to play a sold-out Major League game. He had surrendered no hits the entire game, and in the bottom of the ninth with two outs, he became bored and requested the coach pull him from the game. The coach refused, and insisted that he finish the game. The opposing team's batter mocked him, accusing him of cowardice. Bullseye threw the ball at his head, killing him. As the ball struck, he said only one word: "Bullseye". He was barred from professional baseball and convicted of manslaughter.
- His cold demeanor and unique skills, however, meant subsequent recruitment by the National Security Agency as an assassin was inevitable, and he was soon assigned to train Contras in Nicaragua. By the time he arrived, however, he claimed to have already been planning to leave the NSA. He had planned on robbing the Contras blind and fleeing, but soon discovered they were desperately poor. Bullseye made the best of the situation: within seven hours of being informed of their poverty, he had led the Contras in seizing a landing strip that the Colombian cocaine smugglers were using as a staging area before moving on to the United States. Without use of the airfield, the smugglers were unable to send new shipments. Bullseye set up Paolo, his hapless Nicaraguan translator, as the leader of the new force controlling the airfield, and let the word spread around. However, Paolo was nothing but a patsy. Bullseye planned to invite several organized crime heads to the airfield to broker a new deal with him as Paolo's supposed "right hand man". He would take their money and disappear, presumably leaving Paolo to suffer the wrath of the Mafia, Russian Mafia, Yakuza and various other criminal elements. This outcome is unknown, as before the deal could be finalized, the Punisher (Frank Castle) arrived.
The Silver Samurai
- could be a Refugee from Japan leaving the Land of his birth because Samurais are no longer needed. He could of been hired as the Honor guard for a dethroned King of the Panthers who seeks to regain the Throne of his homeland hidden in the mist and Jungles of the Dark Continent. Later they meet a Fellow wanderer, an Amnesiac Vagrant who when submerged with water realizes he has titanic Strength and winged toes. They also Meet a the Man from Shangrila with Fists of Iron. They are trying to find Doc Strange hoping he has the solution to their Problems.
The Juggernaut
- would also be Appropriate. He could of been the Good for nothing Brother of Xavier who got shanghaied by Pirates! But he found a legendary Cursed Treasure map that lead to cave temple. In a chest he Found the Legendary Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. Thor, Hercules, and Doc Strange could have formed a group to stop him.
- is the first you have to think of, since you have the Vision. And Ultron is the Vision's 'father'. Keeping that would be a good thing, and give that player a more 'personal' enemy. Living steampunk robot, there is little need to change him further... but do make sure his guilt-ridden creator, Henrique Pym, is found by the group to give them some edge on their first fight against him, and sticks around as an NPC! Ultron should also create a Jocasta, which can be a possible love interest for the Vision...
- This is the era that modern computational theory is put to practice, which makes me think of Ultron. Of course his mind would be little more than a series of punch cards -not exactly tyrannical robot material- but this is where it gets fun: punch cards were first put to use to automate loom patterns in the early 19th century. They revolutionized the textile industry and manufacturing in general. Who better to capitalize on the next generation of this technology than a family with vested interest in textiles and fashion?
Enter heiress Lady Janette Van Dyne and her beleaguered, low born husband (gasp!) Henry Pym, chief engineer (and amateur inventor) for Van Dyne Industries.
- Now, since the idea of a fighting loom is too wacky, the 'spirit' of Ultron could actually be reflected in the fabric patterns themselves. Strange, almost hypnotic patterns which occasionally appear in a bad batch, when a card slips or the entire stack in the wrong sequence.
- A mind controlling fabric, patterns that somehow program the mind of the viewer on a powerful subliminal level. Ultron does have mental powers after all - and a plotline revolving around high society being 'urged' by their Van Dyne originals to commit crimes is worthy of an Alan Moore treatment methinks. What's more curious is what causes this malevolent intelligence to appear in the punch cards in the first place. Is it a demon, a ghost, a really odd happenstance or perhaps the 'dark' side of Mr. Pym's genius expressing itself? Your ghost in the machine either way.
The Mole Master
- Professor Richards where he and Ben travelled downwards through Sweden in order to visit the Center of the Earth. Now as Earthquakes are rocking the entirety of the planet's great cities, he believes that it might be possible to alleviate some of the pressures by journeying down a Volcano's lava tubes to deliver special explosives to alleviate the pressure. There, they find Reed's former rival in Doctor Molevic whom failed to reach the Center of the Earth first because of Reed but used his writings to find his way down to the mythical land there and has subjugated it with his knowledge of modern science. With an army of strange creatures created by the Hollow Earth's sunlight radiation, he now plans to take over the world.
Doctor Armin Zolo, The Red Ghost
- Modok was certainly made by Victorian science and Zolo is probably still human than a headless man with a camera for a head. The Red Ghost might have his head sewn on an ape's body.
- The player characters are kidnapped by strange animal hybrids before being taken along with other superhumans to a terrifying island in the middle of the Pacific where a trio have managed to merge human psyhiology with that of animals. Doctor Armin Zolo the German, The Red Ghost the Russian, and the brain in a jar known as MODOK. (Mechanizmed Organism Designed Only for Killing) The three have been studying the work of the late Doctor Henry Moreau and have decided to weaponize it! They think animal soldiers are too weak but SUPERHUMAN animal soldiers are another matter entirely.
- George Tarleton, Scientists at Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM) created MODOK to analyze and probe the cosmic cube and to improve the organization's productivity in its scientific endeavors, while still being subservient to the higher echelons of the organization. To that end they mutagenically altered one of their technicians of average intelligence, George Tarleton, into the super intelligent being, MODOC (Mobile Organism Designed Only for Computing). These scientists unwisely did not take into consideration the theory that superior ability naturally leads to superior ambition.
- It did not take long for MODOC to turn on his former masters and overthrow AIM. He adopted the new acronym for his title: MODOK (Mobile Organism Designed Only for Killing) at this time as he was more of a ruthless killer than a bean counter in his own estimation. MODOK and AIM frequently came into conflict with the Avengers and many other superheroes.
- AIM was not happy with MODOK's megalomaniacal and short-sighted leadership and he was frequently ousted only to return to power again. MODOK was so focused on his personal grudge with various superheroes that he ignored the scientific aspect of the organization and allowed it to become stagnant. The other AIM leaders eventually hired assassins to eliminate him. The George Tarleton variant of MODOK was killed by the Serpent Society.
- a Brain in a Jar. "Clause Modoc" is a former colegue of Henry Pym (chief engineer and amateur inventor for Van Dyne Industries) whom was dying of cancer when he realized electricity mixed with strange chemicals could keep him alive. IT HAS ALSO GIVEN HIM TREMENDOUS PSYCHIC POWERS!
- M.O.D.O.K. - (Mobile Organism Designed Only for Killing)
- M.O.D.O.C. - (Mobile Organism Designed Only for Computing or Mobile Organism Designed Only for Conquest)
- S.O.D.A.M. - (Specialized Organism Designed for Aggressive Maneuvers), which later was changed to:
- M.O.D.A.M. - (Mobile Organism Designed for Aggressive Maneuvers)
The Zodiac
- LMD version, not the criminal cartel) should be Doctor Frankenstein's last Creations; He survived his creature, and broadening his definition of 'science' dabbled in magic trying to understand it, using the essence of astrological signs, to whom all humans are connected, to try and ressurect new golems created with parts of bodies and souls of people from those signs! They killed him, and now wish... something!
The Mandarin
- A mysterious crime lord opposing European occupation of China, the Mandarin uses ancient Chinese black magic and technology built by kidnapped scientists (Such as the charming and debonaire Sir Anthony Stark) to plan the downfall of the British empire. He has bestowed numerous western mercenaries with strange powers. Among them an American named Crusher Creel (Absorbing man), A Russian named Emil Blonsky (The Abomination), and Paul Duvall (the Grey Gargoyle) to act as his minions. His current plan involves using two powerful monsters: A giant mechanical man (Ultimo) and a giant Chinese dragon (Fing Fang Foom) to utterly destroy all of Europe, allowing China to rise as the worlds next Superpower.
Radioactive man
- Chen Lu is a railroad worker in the American West, and like his fellow Chinamen he recieves little respect from his American peers, but he continues onward to support his family. One day, while blasting through a mountain, Chen is caught in a cave collapse and ends up in a hidden chamber, where he is exposed to mysterious green glowing rocks. When he is eventually found, his skin has turned green, and he now has the strength of many men, capable of doing the work of ten men. This is lucky, because after Chen returns to work everyone around him begins to sicken and die, including his wife and two children. Chen is blamed and driven off by the surviving railroad workers, but their blame is justified: Chen is now giving off radiation, ten years before Marie and Pierre Curie would discover the concept. Now Chen is living as a hermit, bitter at the loss of his family and his freakish appearence, as well as his mistreatment in general, he has begun to lash out at nearby downs and at his former employers, endagering people with his rampages and even moreso with his radioactive aura.
- Barbara Morse is a genteel young lady from Georgia who is the daughter of the American ambassador. She moves through high society with grace and charm, always invited to the finest functions. No-one in England knows that she is the master spy codenamed Mockingbird, or that she can match any man in combat or the sciences.
- En Sabbah Nur: One of the last remaining pirates and Captain of The Apocalypse, En Sabbah Nur is a hulking mountain of a man, though apparently lacking the shapeshifting power of his 616 counterpart, he is still a force to be reckoned with. He is immortal or at least claims it, and considering he once took a cannon shot straight to the chest with no effect, few argue his claim. Nur's crew is made up of indviduals with strange and terrifying abilities, including but not limited to the viscious and feral Victor Creed, the deranged and disfigured Wade Wilson, the lookout Calypso, who can see enemy ships coming a mile away, and the monstrously huge Fredrick Dukes. Nur's latest crime is attacking a british trading ship called The Excalibur, and kidnapping the wealthy nobleman Warren Worthington the Third. The Worthington's are wealthy beyond belief, but oddly no ransom has been issued. But what else could the evil Immortal want with the young and reclusive Warren?
Masters of Evil
- Zemo - austrian/german mad scientist and noble.
- Enchantress - Maybe make her crazy and an occultist.
- Wonderman - perhaps an out of work dock worker who hired on for more than he bargained for.
Doctor Doom
- involved in some of the creation of the villains, so they meet Victor Von Doom at a social event as a nice, plesent foreign Aristocrat, he could then either be injured in an explosion at Eton College, while working with Reed. As a twist he could be hurt an attempt to blow up the Royal Family in revenge for England’s failed attempt to make Latveria part of the Empire, 10 years previous, a war the resulted in his father’s death, (Britain obviously gained certain unreasonable trading rights, but left the family in control). He could then return in his steampunk armour and invade of London with his clockwork von doom, with the intention of holding the royal family hostage, whom he will release if Britain agrees to revoke their hold on Latvaria.
- practically as-is; just give him steampunk supertech instead of standard and you're good to go.
- Doom could of kept his story, mixing the feel from 1602 with modern. He could of been a Gypsy who attended the same Univeristy as Richards through hard work, and his mother selling her soul to Mephisto. He picked up witchcraft and Steamcraft by himself, and he could have found Strange Clockwork Designs from a travel from the Future.
- Victor Von Doom aka Doctor Doom as adapted is probably a Gypsy from Transylvania (perhaps the dreaded Mount Wundagore region) that was adopted by a London man passing through to attend British schooling. Possibly Van Helsing whom may have noticed his sharp mind while hunting the beast down the first time. Victor Von Doom attended London schooling before being expelled for a chemical fire (actually an alchemy experiment). No doubt he will take over Dracula's castle and become ruler of the region of Wallachia if left unchecked. He is probably covered in bandages over his face but has an affection for Plate Mail that is made out of Titanium.
- Will they make a friend or enemy in the Gypsy whom has taken over Dracula's castle in the meantime in the strangely educated Victor Von Doom?
- A Scandal in Latveria
- Prince Victor Von Doom, having successfully overthrown the monarch of his region and achieved recognition from several nearby countries has come to London to visit his former properties and keep abreast of the situation. It's a little known fact that the handsome, debonoir, and urbane Von Doom at parties is one of several simaculum that's designed to handle his daily business while he works at his real attire.
- That's when he arrives on their doorstep in his typical wrapped bandages look.
- Victor Von Doom has made a terrible error and comes to the player characters for help. During his time as newly appointed King of Latveria, he made the aquaintance of a fascinating woman in Natasha Romanova aka the Black Widow (for several dead Russian noblemen husbands) . A minor member of the Romanov Dynasty and suitable match for his glorious eminence that would tie him better to his neighbors.
- Unfortunately, Natasha played him for a fool and has removed several important papers that have rather grave importance. The papers prove that he is not the legitimate ruler of Latveria and that he is in fact a common peasant born Gyspy that was a revolutionary. Were it to become known then Austro-Hungarian Empire and/or Russia would invade his province and take it over.
- (Doctor Doom claims that, were circumstances different, he could certainly crush both of the mighty nations but he's not yet completed his takeover)
- Now, if the player characters have any prior experience with Doctor Doom then they almost certainly realize this story seems out of character. Doctor Doom is not inclined to bring in outsiders, Doctor Doom would want to rip the woman to pieces himself rather than hire others, and Doom NEVER asks for help.
- In truth, this is Kristoff Von Doom whom is the Doctor's nephew from his now deceased brother and heir to the country. Kristoff the diplomat to Latveria and has heard of the Black Widow wronging his master. Kristoff hopes to head off a war peacefully while Doom would almost certainly welcome it.
- The real question is...who sent Natasha to seduce the Prince...and who is powerful enough to risk crossing him in order to start this war? Loki? Hydra? Mister Mesphito whom wants to claim the souls of the war? Is it perhaps the Jewish businessman Magnus Leshnerr whom has a very special reason to start a war between the two powers hostile to Jews in hopes of building a homeland for the "Sons of Darwin"? Perhaps Cultists of Cthon hoping to release the demon under Wundagore Mountain that Doom Castle rests on.
- And perhaps one of their first real tests should be stopping the mad man who keeps killing off criminals in white chapel--Punisher Jack?
- Scotland Yard's own special operative Francis Kasteel. After returning home from the Crimean War the disillusioned young sergeant was tired of killing. He took a position with Scotland Yard in an effort to route out local criminal elements in London. After many successes he marries the local desk secretary and they have a son. Of course one of the former street gangs Francis breaks up ends up killing his wife and son, and leaving Francis for dead. Wearing a modified infantry uniform Kasteel has taken to the street to punish all those responsible his family's death. And Scotland Yard is after him, not so much for the whole murder angle but because he's bring dishonour to the uniform of Her Majesty Queen Victoria.
- Heart of Darkness type thing with Frank Castle myself. Franklin was probably assigned to deepest, darkest, Africa and while down there saw all sorts of crazy stuff from Imperialism at its worst to heathen ritual (perhaps some skull related things). He came back....not quite right. The Punisher probably wears a very primitive but effective form of body armor (probably actually converted suit of armor) plus wields a sword plus his trusty British rifle with a couple of dozen Colt Revolvers hung up along his armor's side. Frankly, without an assault rifle, the Punisher has to improvise to be just as terrifying as before. Even just take Heart of Darkness as is and replace the protagonist with Frank. Definately needs a trusty rifle, although I would hope that he's not adverse to using some fancy American guns. The Colts and the Winchester repeater are dang fine weapons.
- Another option, if you want to get really weird, is to make Frank an American transplant for some reason. You can keep his background virtually identical but make him a former US Marshal. Maybe's he fled the America in an effort to keep one step ahead of the law, and is working a gun for hire in Europe. That would make for a pretty good Punisher that is similar to the original, but could still fit into a Victorian setting. the Punisher would fit the Old West very well if you wanted to take the Avengers riding across the pond for a bit.
the Shocker
- the Shocker be something like Nikolai Tesla's bastard son, running about in rubber boots with a pair of his father's big cannons strapped to his arms. That puts me in my happy place... idea of steampunk shocker and Pyro wearing long black coats, top hats and gas mask/welding masks.
El Diablo
- Some shifting around could get Diablo (Alchemist), from Spain--someone who survived the Inquisition and turned his unique mind to the study of alchemy to lengthen his life to prevent his deal with the devil (Mephisto) from coming due.
The Sentinels
could be made of Stone! Giving rumor that they are Golems or Giants or Something.
The Wrecking Crew
- A group of London toughs empowered by Loki's magic by enslaving some dwarves to create a crowbar version of Thor's hammer. While the result was a pale imitation, the crew can channel mystical power and transformations that have aided in Loki's study of rune magic.
The Vengeance Society
- A group of supervillains, for lack of a better term assembled by Loki to aid in the conquest of the world. Baron Helmut Zemo, the Rotter Totenkoph, Victor Von Doom, AIM's Grandmaster, Dracula, and others sharing each others discoveries as Loki keeps watch for anything to help him against his foe.
The Enchantress
- A young London socialite that Loki has taken as his mistress. Mora Williams has since been taught magic by the evil Professor in hopes she might become powerful enough to help him defeat Odin's minions. Sadly, while a mighty illusionist and charmer, she lacks potent battle skills and she's since been dumped. Mora would do much to win back Loki's favor or gain the power she craves. Because Amora isn't a part of Norse Norse mythology, it works to transplant her into London society. Nothing is really lost about her character by being a normal girl introduced to the magics of Asgard.
the Executioner
- I like the idea he's a London executioner that got sick of society getting the murderers off free and was empowered by Loki. If you like, you can give him the Blood Ax of the Thunderstrike series. His sense of "justice" is tinged by a hatred for the poor and dispossesed of London along with a belief that whatever is 'evil' is what opposes him. he also secretly lusts for Amora.
the Lava Men
- ???
Count Nefaria
- ???
Mr Hyde
- Basic story from Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde, only the scientists name is Calvin Zarbo. The reason for the name change from the book is because Zarbo's real name was censored for purposes of protecting his family.
Baron Zemo
- A wartime enemy, who in turn forms the Masters of Evil. Zemo could have come out of the Franco-Prussian War (1870), perhaps attempting to bring England into the conflict (a dumb move, but whatever) but failing against the heroics of Captain Brittania.
- Conan Doyle once wrote a short story about one of the first executuions by electric chair, where they pump so much juice into the murderer being executed that not only does it fail to kill him, it also gives him so much "life force" that he heals from almost any injury instantly, ala wolverine. Would be a good origin story for a regenerating villain or hero. Victor Creed possesses superhuman strength, a healing factor, razor-sharp teeth and claws, and enhanced senses. He is a bloodthirsty sociopath who has murdered numerous people both to fulfill his animalistic urges and as a mercenary. it is known that he and Sabretooth were victims of the Cold War supersoldier program Weapon X and that Sabretooth saw Wolverine as competition and tried to make his life miserable. The two have been bitter adversaries ever since. If Wolverine tries to suppress his inner demons, Sabretooth is the exact opposite: he has totally embraced the beast within. Recently he has joined the current team of X-Men under questionable circumstances. Sabretooth becomes partners with the Constrictor and the two act as enforcers for major criminal interests.
The Six whom are Sinister
- A brilliant think tank was gathered together by Secretary of the Navy Nathanial Osbourne whom is suspicious and annoyed at the Avengers sole position. Osbourne has decided to create his own team of superpowered adventurers in order to destroy them. Norman believes that by eliminating the Avengers, he can also save his failing company that will coincidentally be able to produce their own versions of the equipment that his costumed adventurers thrive on. Loki is behind this team's creation more than anything as Professor Moriarty has been playing on Norman's mind. After the players reveal Norman's identify, Moriarty intends to step in and then proceed to up their power level and provide them with several additional benefits that make them even stronger. Creatures made in his laboratories like the Sandman, the Hydroman, the tragic Molten Man, and a vertible army of other beasts. If Norman Osbourne can't be her Majesty's servant, he'll use his new friends support to topple all of England! A recommendation is that Norman also places a traitor on the team before he's revealed.
- First of these recruits is the former Edison workshop engineer Maxwell Dillon. The American Electro wears a special battery pack around his body that employs a strange green fluid that allows more power to be harnessed from the battery than ever before.
Doctor Octopus
- Prussian Otto Octavius, a brilliant mechanical engineer and ex-watchmaker from Holland, has created a specialized harness that allows him to move much like an Octopus. The device is designed after some of Captain Nemo's old designs for underwater work. Hence, why he's known as Doctor Octopus.
- a Dr. Moreau sort, perhaps? Dr. Octavius' unfortunate obsession with the legendary Kraken of the deeps and his own vast surgical skill have led him to surgically implant tentacles to his back, which grant him great strength -- and madness!
- Doc Oc is Osborne's assistant who he felt needed some extra arms to mix his potions just right. He was rivals with both Bruce Banner and Hank Pym, until they had the good fortune to stumble upon the means to breakthroughs (a gift from Marie Currie and marrying a fairy, respectively).
Kraven the Hunter
- Lord Sergei Kravinoff is a Russian Hunter that's almost as famous as Alan Quartermain. Given unimaginable skill as a acrobat and strength equal to even Thor from ingesting strange Wakandan herbs that have merged him with the White Tiger spirit, Kraven the Hunter is being well paid to bag the biggest game of them all.
- the Quartermain legacy. keep Kraven's background as is. Because Kraven's background is lifted directly from The Most Dangerous game. Russian noblemen driven out of his homeland by political pressures but having invested overseas, is wealthy enough to continue his evil lifestyle. Kraven lures the PCs to his country estate where he's removed most of their special equipment. Given some special skills of his own or a host of cohorts, the Hunter intends to try the most dangerous game in England.
- Kraven is Prussian, the players have briefly met him at a party. As he has hunted most of the natural game on the planet, he is now hunting unnatural game. He is going to return in season 2 where he will be hunting a werewolf. He will then return in season 3 where he is running the Hunters Club, using the skin of the original werewolf and a bit of mojo, the hunters can change into a controlled werewolf form and hunt the ultimate prey (man) in the foggy streets of London.
The Vulture
- Adrian Toomes is a French glider expert whom is on the verge of creating the first successful airplane but unfortunately has had his reputation utterly destroyed thanks to a disaster that will allow his rivals in America ("Those meddling Wright brothers") to be able to finish their design first. The Vulture has been promised to be able to build his own plane if he uses his special glider suit and grenades to deal with his enemies.
- Stage Illusion and practioner of alienism Quentin Beck is another American rival. The burgeoning psychiatric genius was a student of Freud and Jung but his past in the theatre destroyed all his credibility as a serious man of medicine. That and his belief that hallcunagenic gases can be used to achieve breakthrows.
The Green Gargoyle
- Rounding out the team is Osbourne himself whom has used the combined knowledge of Octopus' ex-Nemo technology, the Vulture, and his own resources to create the Gargoyle Glider plus a special costume that will protect him with hallucagenic and explosive bombs. He hopes as the Green Goblin he will be taken as a foreigner. He has also increased his strength by stealing some of Stephen Rogerson's formula for himself.
Nathanial Osborn
- Green Goblin is a Doctor Moreau type who was developing organic weaponary for the military, they especially liked how he breed pumpkins that could explode with devastating force. Then he grafted giant bat wings to his back and went insane
- A professor of biology at Oxford, briefly offered the doctor a glimmer of hope that a cure could be found, but this, like all of his other efforts, ultimately proved fruitless. (The correspondence ended several years ago, shortly after one of Osborne's suggestions resulted in strange and unsettling new abilities manifesting themselves in his monstrous lizard form. The risk, Connors decided, was too great.) He sponsored Pieter through boarding school and pulled strings to get him accepted as a freshmen at Oxford University. What Osborn saw in Pieter was his amazing gift with chemistry, which he thought he could exploit for his own experiments. Professor Osborn had been working on an alchemist elixir that would create an `Ultimate' human – better, stronger, faster, smarter. Osborn was obsessed with this and together they created something… but then it was accidentally spilled over a spider which then bite Pieter and gave him these strange powers. Osborn experimented further and used them on himself to gained powers but in the process it drove him mad! He vowed to destroy Pieter and became the villainous fiend known as the Green Gargoyle! The Gargoyle followed him home and blow up the apartment he shared with his uncle and aunt. His aunt was away at the time but his uncle died in the explosion. (Lizard & Spyder-man)
- Since its steampunk intersteller travel is a no no, if there's gonna be any travel it should only be to planets in this solar system. As a result, the major alien races of Marvel are are located within travelling distance: the Skrull hail from Mars, The Shi'ar come from Venus, the Kree are Neptune natives, The Brood come from Pluto, The Dire Wraiths are from Uranus, and so on. Only major alien baddies (like Xenmu the titan, or Galactus) originate from outside of the solar system.
Space Phantom

- Origin Issue: Thor #281
- Height: 6' 8"
- Weight: 215 lbs
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: Red
- Distinguishing Features: Like all members of his race, the Space Phantom has webbed hands and feet
- Occupation: Servant of Immortus, (former) military strategist
- Place of Creation/Birth: Planet Phantus, Phalbo system, Milky Way Galaxy
- Known Allies: Immortus, the Grim Reaper, HYDRA
- Special Skills/Abilities: Knowledge of sophisticated alien technology far in advance of present day Earth; advanced knowledge of time travel
- Superhuman physical powers: Ability to assume the appearance and powers of virtually any single mortal being. At the point that he assumes the being's likeness, the model is automatically shunted to Limbo, and materializes exactly where he/she was when "shunted." The Space Phantom has no difficulty imitating a number of people in rapid succession, nor does there appear to be a time limit on the period in which h can imitate someone
- Special Limitations: The Space Phantom appears to not be able t duplicate beings who possesses magical enchantments (such as Thor); when he attempts to duplicate such a being he is himself shunted into Limbo
- Source of Superhuman Powers: Bestowed upon him by Immortus
- Origin: The alien who would become known as the Space Phantom was born on Phantus, a world whose people had mastered time travel before attempting space travel. For the Phantoms, a bellicose race engaged in endless civil wars, the invention of time travel devices caused massive changes in strategy. It was now possible to alter the course of battles by doubling back through time to either pre-empt an attack or add reinforcements to a defense. A battle soon became a constantly-shifting event, as opposing forces altered its outcome by causing reality to diverge to encompass ever-increasing numbers of new factors. Finally, at a particularly significant and massively mounted battle, so many divergences occurs that the local fabric of the space/time continuum briefly ruptured, generating an access point, or "hole" into Limbo. Just prior to this calamity, the Space Phantom, a military strategist of high rank, foresaw what would happen and escaped in a chronal capsule. The capsule, however, was damaged in transit and the Space Phantom was stranded in Limbo. There he encountered Immortus, the master of Limbo, who offered to free him from the timeless realm if he would bring Immortus subjects to study. To do so, Immortus granted the Phantom the ability to assume the form of virtually any being he encountered, thereby causing the being duplicated to be cast into Limbo where Immortus could then study him or her. Although the Space Phantom despised Immortus, he agreed to his terms and was dispatched to the vicinity of Immortus's home world Earth. The Space Phantom reasoned that if he could single-handedly defeat the Avengers, his people, once free of their temporal catastrophe, would have no problem conquering the Earth someday. However, when he attempted to dimensionally displace the Asgardian god Thor, he himself was dispatched to Limbo since his power could not overcome Odin's various enchantments on Thor. The Space Phantom slipped back to Earth through a magical interdimensional aperture created by Thor's half-brother Loki to send a mortal to Limbo. The Space Phantom then took the place of the wounded Madame Hydra as head of a splinter group of HYDRA who survived the destruction of the main organization. This deception was ended when the Phantom attempted to duplicate Rick Jones (who at the time was co-existing in the same body as the Kree Captain Mar-Vell). Unable to assume both forms at once, he was shunted back to Limbo himself. The Space Phantom remained in Limbo, with no means of escape, until Thor entered Limbo while attempting to make a journey through time. The Space Phantom enlisted the Asgardians' unwitting aid in freeing his planet from its dangerous temporal predicament. By depleting his hammer's time travel powers. Thor was able to push the planet Phantus out of Limb into real space at a point in time after its temporal catastrophe. The Space Phantom, however, has remained in Limbo, still subject to Immortus.
- The Space Phantoms are the servants of Immortus, the Master of Time. For many years it was assumed that there was only one Space Phantom, but in the course of the Destiny War the Avengers discovered that there was more than one. During a journey back in time to 1873, a trio of Space Phantoms was caught impersonating the Gunhawks and the Black Rider.
- Immortus traps individuals who become lost in Limbo, and due to the nature of that plane, they begin to forget their former lives and change into misshapen beings. Immortus conditions these into servants who can perpetuate his schemes and manipulations of historical events. The Phantoms can assimilate anyone, even to the point of torture and escaping notice of even mind-readers.
- The first Space Phantom first appeared in Avengers vol. 1, #2, copying Giant-Man, Iron Man, and Hulk. During his battle with the Avengers, he attempted to copy Thor and was banished back to Limbo because his powers couldn't affect Asgardians. The Space Phantom was the cause of misunderstandings between the other Avengers and Hulk which led Hulk to quit the team (over comments and actions taken against him by the others).
- The original Space Phantom is revealed to be disguised as Spider-Man in the Beyond! series.
- Powers and abilities: A Space Phantom can assume the form of objects or living creatures, temporarily shunting them into limbo until he resumes his natural form or that of another object or creature. Assuming the form of certain powerful creatures (notably when he attempted to turn into Thor in Avengers (vol. 1) #2) can result in the Space Phantom being forced back into limbo instead. While in the form of another creature, the Space Phantom gains all the abilities of that creature.
- Significant Issues:
- Avengers #2: first appeared on Earth, battled Avengers, shunted back to Limbo when he attempted to mimic Thor
- Avengers #106-108: allied with Grim Reaper; impersonated Madame Hydra, and commanded a division of HYDRA in that identity, battled Avengers, shunted back into Limbo when he attempted to mimic Rick Jones who as then linked to Captain Mar-Vell
- Avengers Giant Size #4: compelled by Immortus to impersonate Mantis to deceive Kang
- Thor #281-282: attempted to trick Thor into freeing the planet Phantus from Limbo; allied with Thor to save Phantus
- Rom #19: encountered Rom in Limbo
- Avengers #268: encountered Avengers in Limbo
- Spectacular Spider-Man #168-170: used as pawn by the Young God Calculus in scheme pitting Spider-Man against the Avengers
- Thor #281: "This Hammer Lost!", Synopsis: Thor dwells upon what he has learned about the Eternals and the Celestials (in Thor Annual #7). He decides that he will travel back in time to when the Celestials first appeared on Earth. But once in the time stream, Mjolnir vanishes and Thor is left in a land of fog and shadows. He is then confronted by the Space Phantom, who tells him he is in Limbo. He tells Thor of his planet, Phantus, and that his hammer is probably at it's core. Thor agrees to help him save his planet, if he will help find Mjolnir. Once on the surface, they are repeatedly attacked by the warring Phantoms. The Phantom leads Thor to a complex containing a shaft that leads to the core. Thor leaps in, but it was a trap. The Phantom planned on using Thor's immortal body like a cork to keep Phantus from slipping completely into Limbo. What he didn't know is that for half of Thor, 60 seconds have past, so one half of his body is Thor, the other half is Don Blake.
- Thor #282: "Rites of Passage", Synopsis: The Space Phantom realizes that his plan is not working and checks on Thor. He discovers that he is losing his godly attributes and transports him out. Thor returns to normal and confronts the Phantom. He tells Thor that he does not know where Mjolnir is but he thinks he can find it. He leads Thor to the castle of Immortus, where they are confronted by Tempus. Thor and Tempus battle back and forth, until finally, using Tempus' own club, he is defeated by Thor. Thor and the Phantom enter the castle and find Immortus holding Mjolnir. He tosses it to Thor casually telling him that he wanted to investigate its temporal properties. In return for the knowledge, he tells Thor the truth about himself. With Immortus' help, Thor saves Phantus, but had to sacrifice every iota of temporal energy in his hammer. Thor does so, but he will never again be able to travel through time. Immortus then transports Thor back to his own time.
Ulysses Klaw
- Klaw is a british scientist who has just returned from a safari in Africa where he discovered a small sample of a strange metal which can produce powerful supersonic waves. He has already produced several tuning fork shaped devices from the metal he brought back which can direct the sound like a weapon, and he is planning to put together a second team to go back and get more of the material. What he hasnt told anyone is that A) he didnt find the material, he STOLE it from the isolated and technologically advanced African kingdom of Wakanda, and B) that he intends to sell the weapons to the highest bidder (among those bidding including HYDRA, The Mandarin, and the Hellfire club). The PC's could be members of the safari, sent by the crown to keep an eye on Klaw, or they could be on the trail of Klaw and his safari band (which primarily consists of four muscle bound thugs who refer to themselves as 'the wrecking crew') in order to bring them in for treason.
Wilson Fisk, the Lynchpin
- (aka the Lynchpin) would rule the London Underworld from his gentleman's club in Mayfair.
- A New York based merchant, Fisk has been hailed by some as "The second Boss Tweed." He certainly acts the part, participating in many of the shady antics of his predecessor. Truthfully though, He is not Tweed's successor, but rather his former employer. All of Tweed's actions were guided from the shadow's by Fisk. And now that Tweed is out of the picture, Fisk has decided to take a more personal hand in his affairs. but fisk is no fool, he knows how powerful public opinion is, and how it got Tweed in the end, so to make sure he keeps a dazzling public image, Fisk employs numerous assassins to silence any opposition to his operations. Among these assasins are Elektra natios, a young Grecian heiress who just returned from a tour of the orient, a deranged prostitute turned serial killer named Mary, and a eyepatch wearing Irishman with deadly aim and no known name (when asked his name, he just snickers and points at his eyepatch, which has a bullseye emblazoned on it).
- The Avengers try to locate and contain the Hulk (a recurring theme in the early years of the team), which subsequently leads them into combat with Namor the Sub-Mariner. And of course the Imperial Submarine can be, perhaps, an answer to the depradations of that under water bandit, Captain Nemo.
- Hammerhead:
- Tomestone: Lonnie Thompson Lincoln was born in the Limehouse. He is a grade-A body guard and enforcer. He has close ties to organized crime and considerable influence within the prison system. Lonnie started out as troubled youth who was bullied by his peers because he was an African American albino. He became a school bully, taking protection money. The school newspaper was edited by Joseph Robert Robertson, who was going to run a story on Lonnie's activities but pulled it when Lonnie intimidated him. As a hitman and enforcer, Lonnie used his albinism to his advantage. He filed his teeth and nails to points, giving him the appearance of a vampire. He stands over six and a half feet tall. Lonnie eventually gained a superhuman physical constitution. Under a strange set of circumstances, Tombstone was locked in an airtight chamber with experimental gas at the Osborn Chemical Plant. The gas was absorbed into Lonnie's bloodstream and had a Darwinian effect on his body. This resulted in the manifestation of enhanced strength and other heightened physical abilities. Lonnie has managed to hide the fact that he is nearly functionally illiterate, which was probably a large factor in his decision to become an enforcer. As an albino, he is sensitive to sunlight due to a natural deficiency of melanin. He is only capable of speaking in whispers.
the Sentinels
- The Sentinels are a series of radium powered steam mechanical men created in the Plymouth Dockyards by Commander Bolivar Trask of the Royal Navy. Equipped with six inch plating, two inch calibre bolt action cannons, steam blasts from their palm nozzles, cold iron batons and a heuristic Babbage engine gears system, they are Britannia's last line of defence against the supernatural.
- The Asgardian god of evil, Loki, who seeks revenge against his adopted brother, Thor. Using an illusion, Loki tricks the Hulk into destroying a railroad track, and then diverts a radio call by Rick Jones for help to Thor, whom Loki hopes will battle the Hulk. Unknown to Loki, the radio call is also answered by the Kingpin, Dr. Connors and Spyder-man. After an initial misunderstanding, the heroes unite and defeat Loki.
- Loki infiltrated into Victorian upper crust society. His mortal avatar is Professor Moriarty.
- The Hulk perhaps related to Frankenstein or mister Hyde.
- Is the Hulk's rampage that loki fakes one where it tries/does eat the Queen? That sort of thing?
- Aside from that, there are plenty of railroads to derail. No radios but telegraphy could be used.
- Having the AVENGERS fight the Hulk and Namor in Gibraltar would be rather fitting, though I don't think the tunnels are as extensive in Victorian times. No air raid sirens, either. Fitting because Gibraltar has been British for over 200 years (300?) and a symbol of the British empire and major fleet base at the time. In the 1960s it was just another minor base. In the 1880s it is a major symbol of British rule.
The Coming of Ghalac’tuus
- Huge tidal waves begin pounding the coast of the British Colonies in ever-increasing fury. As the colonists struggle against the onslaught, a figure forms out of the foaming surf and warns them of the coming of Ghalac'tuus!
- The legendary Ghalac'tuus is a primordial creature from deep beneath the oceans who, as some legends have it, consumes entire landmasses. Atlantis/Lemuria, Thule and Mu have already been consumed by the leviathan in the ancient past, and now he's awakening again and will feed on the New World.
- He Who Watches: Fortunately, the ageless wise man "He Who Watches," (a Muvian Watcher) the last known survivor of ancient Mu, has been watching and preparing for Ghalac'tuus' return and tells the AVENGERS of an artifact in sunken Mu that can fend off Ghalac'tuus.
- In his mountain on Mu ravenous Ghalac'tuus lies sleeping Mu is a sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean. Before it sank, Mu is believed to be the place where humans first appeared. The ancient Muvians worshipped countless gods, but the most important ones was in legend a "son" of the stars: Ghalac'tuus. Their reverence for this leviathan may have hastened Mu's downfall. There is much speculation about what caused Mu to sink into the ocean. According to the Muvian Watchers, the high priest Zanthu angered the Elder God when he attempted to summon Ghalac'tuus to challenge the power of land devourer. In retaliation, the Elder God destroyed Mu and sank it beneath the waves.
- Mount Ghalac'tuus was a towering basalt contraption on a mountain atop the continent of Mu. Its peak is topped with a colossal, ancient stone fortress/mechanism, which legends claim was built eons ago by a race of beings beyond the stars. Inside the fortress is a huge trapdoor that seals an entryway to the interior of the mountain.
- More than 200,000 years ago, this mountain became the resting place of Ghalac'tuus sacred because it was the dwelling place of the god Ghalac'tuus. Priests of Mu built a temple at the mountain's base and offered regular sacrifies to the god, lest Ghalac'tuus emerge from the bowels of Mount Ghalac'tuus, crawl down its slopes, and bring doom to humanity by devouring the land on which they lived.
- Ghalac'tuus is a member of an ancient race of powerful and destructive beings who lived on earth aeons prior to human evolution. He resembles a cross between a dragon, an octopus and a human figure He now lies dead but dreaming in his mountain fortress/mechanism on the sucken continent of Mu sunken under the ocean somewhere between New Zealand and South America.
- 'Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Ghalac'tuus Mu wgah'nagl fhtagn' - (In his mountain on Mu ravenous Ghalac'tuus lies sleeping)
- The waves be striking the coast of Europe, mostly around the UK.
- They may even consider this Man of Silver appearing from the surfs the enemy, The Man of Silver is actually High Priest Zanthu. Ghalac'tuus, in his infinite evil godness, decided to add insult to injury: not only did Zanthu doom his people, but after his death, Ghalac'tuus forced his conciousness into a statue of pure silver scavenged from Mu, and forces him to act as his servant on Earth.
- Play up how artificial he looks. Creases in the metal, rivets along the sides, plating. Not too much, just enough to make him seem industrial like you have going on with Stark and other scientists in the setting. the Man of Silver just sort of standing on the crest of a wave and riding it all the way to his destination.
- The Mu word for High priest is Zenn-La.
- Or, he could have summoned Ghalac'tuus from the Temple at Zenn-La and make that the capital city of the sunken continent of Mu -- and where the AVENGERS must venture to get the artifact they need!
- "To stare upon the image of Ghalac'tuus was to see a figure that threatened one's sanity. It stood twenty men tall and more with no mortal craftmanship believed possible to make such a thing. The statue of metal and stone that had been shaped by races aged long ago moved of its own accord with its face seeming to be the inspiration of the great heads of Easter Island. What fell force had been summoned by ancient priests to animate the giant was impossible to imagine but it was cloaked in a metal armor that was similar to the garb of the Ancient Atlanteans that their deity ultimately destroyed."
- "But worst, worst terrible was the Colossus' voice that when its open its mouth, spoke with words that could sing the song to end the world."
- From the Necronomicron he is mentioned but Stephen Strange had his own papers penned by a Tibetan Lama known as the Ancient One whom had familiarized himself with relics of Lemuria passed down from old mystics to his order via ancient stone tablets.
- "Perhaps most terrible of the fate of the Mu was that of their last and greatest king. No'Ran the Ra son, ancient God-Emperor that would be forgotten amongst the survivors who fled across the oceans to what would eventually become Egypt, sought to bargain with the awakening creature that had long been appeased by grotesque offers of vast human lives to feed its eternal hungers.
- What words passed between the God and the King, if it even deigned to notice him, was spoken not. All that remains is the account of Shabala the Queen whom escaped to become the mother of Cheops. She spoke of her husband descending from the sky on the back of a holy obelisk as transformed into a living statue of silver. It was from his words that the judgement of their God had come down upon them and they would pay for their periffidy in blood."
- "So thus did Zenna-la, greatest of the Mu cities, meet its end and the continent was laid waste."
- Destroy the statue but the Dread Other Dimensional Presence will simply be able to seek out a new vessel.
- The Stele Stone is silver too and probably covered in terrible heiroglyphics.
- A Standing Stone, orthostats, liths or more commonly, megaliths are solitary stones set vertically in the ground and come in many different varieties. A Stele is a stone or wooden slab, generally taller than it is wide, erected for funerary or commemorative purposes, most usually decorated with the names and titles of the deceased or living—inscribed, carved in relief onto the slab. Stelae were also used as territorial markers or to commemorate military victories. They were widely used in the Ancient Near East, Greece, Egypt, Ethiopia, and, quite independently, in China and some Buddhist cultures, and, more surely independently, by Mesoamerican civilisations, notably the Olmec and Maya. The huge number of stelae surviving from ancient Egypt and in Central America constitute one of the largest and most significant sources of information on those civilisations. An informative stele of Tiglath-Pileser III is preserved in the British Museum.
- The Kaifeng Jews of China left these stone monuments to preserve their origin and history. Despite repeated flooding of the Yellow River, destroying their synagogue time and time again, these stelae survived to tell their tale.
- This one etched with the names of his fallen on the top (facing him) so that he always remembers the cost and prayers of a humble servant to the devourer on the bottom side (facing anyone he flys over).
- similar to this in size, but covered in rivited silver...
- It would be intriguing if someone who thought they could control the power of Galactus and set about constructing a new body for him -- notable for a rash of thefts that desecrate Egyptian tombs and leave with nothing more than obelisks (valuable parts for the new body).
- a great Mist that Covers the World. But instead of a Flying Dutchmen out comes a silver man who sails the stars... Perhaps this Silver Sailor would be regarded as an angel, for he Heralds Judgement that comes in a Year. This could be secret info that SHIELD, The Hellfire Club, and Mr. Sinister (with a prophecy of and from Apocalypse) are aware of. But not only Kang and Immortus come to warn of this event but the Swarthy Man known as Bishop, and a One Eyed Albino with a Clockwork arm also arrive around the world warning of the Comming of Herald.

- Perhaps for the Silver Surfer, make him the Argentine Sailor.
- He sailed a bit too far, and found...something. The only survivor of the group that went after whatever happened to Lord Richards and his crew. now he claims that something terrible is coming, that Judgement Day is at hand, that we must all reprent. If he weren't covered in Silver, no one would heed him...
Lord Roderick Kelly
- senior Member of Parliament, religious zealot and leader of the Dawn of Humanity. His intention is to purge the Empire of these inhuman monstrosities who are not only an insult to Britain, but are obviously the creation of the devil…
Henry-Peter Gyrich
- 3rd Marquess of Salisbury: The creation of the new team has come from the urging of Queen Victoria's Prime Minister (leading his administration from the House of Lords since 1895), Henry-Peter Gyrich, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, with several recent "accidents" and threats to the Queen hopes to alliviate further problems. Along with several of the Queen's lead scientists and researchers he has compiled a master list of the best options for the new AVENGERS and has begun making contact to bring them under contract. He is an Imperialist with plans for expanding the Royal Navy and the formation of Her Majesty's Men (the AVENGERS) that is causing disagreement within the Liberal Party. It is rumored that his care is so great that he would resign following a vote of censure over military supplies. With his status, Gyrich is one of only two humans (the second being the Queen) who can affect the AVENGERS in many difficult ways. He has the need for control. Gyrich in the past has revoked the AVENGERS' priority status after noting several (in his mind) problems with the team. Gyrich oversaw the last months of the previous AVENGERS' activities, until he forbade them to go on a mission to help Captain Britain (John Carter). The next incident involved a security leak. Gyrich took part in a Parliment investigation involving the AVENGERS which claimed they were threats to the state's security. When the investigation was over, Parliment gave the AVENGERS new guidelines to follow. Gyrich formed the Commission on Men of Renown Activities, the oversight body on activities of such individuals across the Empire; there he was part of the team that forced Captain Britain to resign. Gyrich also took part in Stratigem: Wideawake. A project of Parliment commission designed to deal with the problems concerning indigent Men of Renown across the Empire.
- The Strange Case of Doctor Banner and Mister Hulk
- The Incredible Mr. Hulk should still be "the same". He originally had some intelligence and was able to sit around the table with the rest of the original Avengers, talking plans. It wasn't really until a little later that his story morphed into "Hulk Always Angry!!! Hulk Need Nobody! Hulk smash everything! Graaaaaaar!"
- Doctor Robert Banner, an esteemed Psychiatrist and Physician from Cavendish Square, was studying a way to unlock a persons inner personality, to tap into the hidden strength from within. Normal techniques and theories only led him to dead-ends. So he turned to Alchemy, and during one promising experiment he was accidentilly interrupted by the House Boy, Richard. After the resulting explosion Banner found that, in times of stress he would turn into the entity known as "Mister Hulk" a monstrous specimen of physicality, unhindered by modern society's restraints.
- It begins in 1886, when a London doctor discovers a formula that unleashes the savage, base impulses that rage within him. Desperate to capture the monster, the Scotland Yard Inspector and the alienist assigned to the case enlisted the aid of other exceptional indivuduals. Once the doctor is brought under control, a mysterious secret agent, answerable only to Queen Victoria and known only as "N", brings these extraordinary adventurers together in service to the Empire as Her Majesty's Champions.
- Marie Curie's wondrous discovery of radium was not the first, sadly. The incautious Bruce Banner, working with pitchblende and a strange metal rumored to be from Atlantis in his Manchester lab, discovered its remarkable properties first - but at the cost of his lab and his humanity. Now he hides the form of the Incredible Hulk and fears his rampages. (alternately, go with the Hyde formula...)
- Dr. Bruce Banner could easily be working with Radium and its effect on the human mind. But something will obvioulsy go horribly wrong when he becomes--the Incredible Mr. Hyde! A giant, vicious gray monster that represents the worst of humanity.
- Former mathmatician student Bruce Banner is so cursed to be merged with an Asgardian mountain troll king for refusing to work with Loki on constructing a 'radium' bomb. Instead, the magical result was the mixing of Loki's magic with what he believes to be a simple lab accident as he studied radium. (Indeed, Loki could well be a source of most being's powers) If you want to stick with Gibralta then the Hulk might have been created when Loki was testing his radium bomb for the British crown.
- There really should be Dr. Banner and the Incredible Mr. Hulk... Dr. Banner and Dr. Jekyll could have been competing scientists working on unleashing the human potential. Dr. Banner through his studies of Radioactive isotopes and what the images they created (via X-Rays) could tell him of the makeup of the human body and Dr. Jekyll through the study of chemistry. Dr. Banner could have unleashed his Mr. Hulk personae well before Dr. Jekyll was able to complete his work, with Dr. Banner obtaining some "Queen's Cross" award, leaving Dr. Jekyll awash in his "second rate" attempt. This ends up creating bitter feelings based upon jealousy in Dr. Jekyll, thus when Mr. Hyde was unleashed a titanic battle between Mr. Hulk and Mr. Hyde was inevitable... The real gut punch is that Dr. Banner's result was pure chance through an accident, whereas Dr. Jekyll actually created something that could be consumed by and make anyone into a "Mr. Hyde" like being. (Although nowhere near as great as Dr. Jekyll, due to lingering effects of earlier experiments that had already radically altered Dr. Jekyll's makeup.) Those who drink the "Mr. Hyde" concoction would retain some, if not most of their personae in their stronger form, whereas Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde are two distinct people. Dr. Banner and the Incredible Mr. Hulk would be two separate, but strongly aware of one another, personalities and both could have a strong influence on the other. Like Mr. Hulk being far more civilized than the Savage Hulk in recent years of Marvel Comics. Although, he would still be gruff and a little quicker to anger than Dr. Banner, but does know when to pull his punches and does his level best not to wreak havoc when he must exert his muscle. If he accidentally knocked someone over, after doing his best to keep from even hitting them (Like if he was tossed a football field length) he might say, "Oh dear, sorry about that old chap, let me help you help." then grabbing the scared Englishman/woman with his giant green hand and then brushing them off before leaping back into the fray. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde would be different. Mr. Hyde would be very strong, very mean and also crafty in a cruel sort of way.
Simon Williams, Man of Wonder
- Wonder Man could of been empowered by Ether Instead of Ions!
- Son of Wilford Williams a Munitions Factory Owner who was run out of Business by the innovations of Baron Anthony Stark. Wilford took his own life and his son Simon vowed vengeance. He made a deal with an Evil German Scientist Zemo, making him a Man of Wonder, but in the end could not murder Stark and he betrayed Zemo. Zemo in retribution took Williams life. Recently Simon has risen from the dead, why no one knows. Is anything beyond the capabilities of the Man of Wonder?
Sir Francis Clinton aka The Hawk
- obviously inspired by Zorro and Robin Hood. Rich Blueblood by day, Masked Vigilante Archer at night.
- Hawkeye, a rifleman raised in the frontiers of South Africa. He is a master hunter and the world's greatest marksman, but his manners are often considered uncooth by urban Victorian society.
- Hawkeye is an outlaw gunslinger from the Wild West. Just rough n' tumble enough to ruffle Captain (or whoever’s) feathers.
Black Widow
- Black Widow as a Russian spy who got caught up in the hell of the Crimea
The Black Knight
- Dane Whitman, a young scientist whose ideas are too far-fetched to be given any credence by his contemporaries, discovers he is the descendant of Sir Percy of Scandia, knight of the Round Table. In further exploring his family history he is able to discover the burial site of his ancestor, and there finds his legendary Ebon Sword. Using the scientific theories that his peers ridiculed, Whitman created a winged horse to carry him into battle and started preparing himself for the inevitable return of his ancestor's mortal enemy: Mordred. It is only after he has begun to battle the evil he sees in the world around him that he realizes the sword he is using carries a strange curse.
The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver
- Two gypsies imported as part of a Circus where they were kept as part of a sideshow attraction by the unscrupulous Mister Sinister using his own powers of mesmerism. The two have broken free but their color and foreign nature makes them perpetual outcasts along with their strange abilities. They hide their abilities and dwell in squalor.
- Foundlings from Transia, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff fled their home when the local villagers blamed the strange twins for every misfortune. Pietro, who could run like the wind, and Wanda, who had phenomenal luck at just about anything, wandered Europe until Mister Sinister recruited them into his traveling circus. Billed as Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch, the twins used their talents to amuse townsfolk, who presumed their amazing feats were but mere tricks. One day, while visiting England with the circus, the twins realized Sinister was manipulating them, so they fled hoping to find solace elsewhere. But two uneducated gypsies alone in England could not find reliable work or a safe home. reduced to poverty, the twins did whatever they could to survive and hide from Sinister.
- Eventually Wanda came to be employed by an old woman named Agatha Harkness. Dame Agatha was visiting from America and offered Wanda a job as her companion. Reluctant to leave her brother, Wanda begged Agatha to hire him as well. But Pietro had already made the decision for both of them and ran off without a goodbye. It was then that Agatha revealed her true intentions-- she was a witch and wanted Wanda to become her apprentice! Because of her extraordinary luck, Wanda had already become acquainted with the occult arts in order to explain it away, so she trained in sorcery for seven years, eventually becoming a true witch. Wanda has now returned to England in search of her brother in the hope that he will return with her to America.
- From the Sons of Darwin line: Wanda's hex powers from the comics will be transformed into Luck Control and Probability Control of some sort. Instead of being entropy/bad luck-based, I am re-envisioning them as good luck. After all, one person's good luck is usually another's bad luck anyway.
- From the magic line: Wanda is a trained witch. While the comics-version has always vacillated between explaining Wanda's powers as mutant or magic or both, I'll make the 2 distinct, which will also ease rules efficiency. She'll get some standard magical abilities, but they won't be as powerful as a dedicated sorcerer's would be, which also reflects her newbie status as a magic-wielder.
- Two gypsies imported as part of a Circus where they were kept as part of a sideshow attraction by the unscrupulous Mister Sinister using his own powers of mesmerism. The two have broken free but their color and foreign nature makes them perpetual outcasts along with their strange abilities. They hide their abilities and dwell in squalor.
- also being Victorian, alot of stuff dealing with Cthon and Mt. Wundagore would fit. Perhaps Cthon is just another part of Lovecraft's Mythos? Not only that but The Scarlet Witch (pre-reality bending godhood) and Quicksilver would need little transplanting from when they were first introduced to when they became Avengers. Scarlet Witch - maybe Cthon takes her over and starts to emerge into the mortal world.
Doctor Strange
- the heroic moniker of the revered doctor and professor of naturalism of the same name. Professionally trained at both Oxford and Arkham Universities, the good doctor has made a name for himself as a sleuth of unnatural means. Wearing his trademark deerstalker hat and his mysterious Eye of Agamotto Strange has long been one of the leading minds on the natural and supernatural world. Sir Stephen was knighted ten years ago for his work in determining the causes of and outlining preventative cures for outbreaks of malaria learned from his long sabbatical in the Himalayas.
Moon Knight
- Marcus Spector. The only super hero whom has an origin where "believes was given incredible superhuman abilities to fight crime by an Egyptian god" and it's completely the product of his deranged mind. The Anubian Hell Hounds is partially because he occasionally fights Werewolves.
- Civil War veteran and mercenary Marc Spector tried to lose himself in Africa after the horrors of the war. While in Egypt he was marked as the chosen of the Egyptian God Khonshu and with the help of the god's secretive moon cult, he takes vengeance on the wicked and corrupt as Moon Knight
Ghost Rider
- Ghost Rider / Night Rider - the cowboy version.
- Beowulf, the ancient pagan warrior champion, possessed of superhuman vigor and tenacity. A frail and devoutly Christian doctor has, through an accident of psychic archaeology, found himself as the spirit's chosen conduit into the living world.
- John Henry found a hammer buried deep in the mountains while working on the railroad. Grabbing it, he found himself infused with the power of Thor, the Norse God of Thunder. The thing about John Henry is that he is incredibly fucking cool as he stands for mankind's last stand against the industrial age. Needless to say John Henry died competing against Tony Stark's steamhammer, it was this sacrifice that called the lightning...
Buffalo Soldier Sergeant Sam Wilson was marked with the totem of the falcon and now finds he can soar above the clouds and speak birds. Partner to Captain America.
X-men = the Baker Street Irregulars
- Lord Greystoke, aka Lo-Gan of the Apes
- searching out wheelchairbound detective Xavier Holmes (a man so brilliant they said he could read minds) to find out about his past. Holmes had gathered... odd youths to help him, which he called the Baker Street Irregulars. The best mashup, however, was Holmes burly half-brother, Cain "The Juggernaught" Mycroft...
Iron Man
- The Steel Knight, a brilliant scientist and nobleman who has constructed a suit of nigh-invincible electromagnetically-driven battle armor.
Hank Pym
- Dr Frankenstein could be a Henry Pym analogue--and Frankenstein's monster is "Ultron", since the original creature was a thing of intellect, but not a human one--while Vision could of course be the creatures attempt at a wife--a female "monster" akin to its own nature, but of course turns to the aid of Humanity.
- Doctor Pym, one of the world's premier scientific geniuses. A master of chemistry, biology, and differencial engineering, and creator of a number of astronishing inventions that enable him to battle delinquents.
- Galatea, the clockwork automaton. Created by Dr. Pym's rogue creation, Adam, to destroy Her Majesty's Champions, she instead rebelled and joined their ranks.
- The Golem and his father Goliath: Jewish Rabbi Ezekiel Pym has long studied the Secrets of God to communicate with insects, gain the strength of Goliath, and work upon protecting his people from evils that would imperil them. To this end, he has created two golems from parts of his own spirit. One that works to destroy all whom have oppressed the Jews from his anger. The second being a much more forgiving and noble man that was constructed out of the image of the slain brother of his wife Jeanette, Simon.
- Cable is basically the same as in the comics, except that the dark future he has escaped from is one ruled by Nazis
The Grey Gargoyle
- the creature who brought the group together. Possessing a wicked cunning and brutal, inhuman strength, he is barely controllable and soon slips his leash, ready to wreck havok once again.
Black Panther
- T'Challa, an African tribal prince and epitome of the Noble Savage. He is a supurb physical specimine, a trained hunter and warrior, and steadfastly brave in the face of danger. He is also a spy among the group, hoping to ascertain how much of a threat this group might pose to his homeland.
- One thing I could see is Vision having steam whistles or other noisemakers as forms of communications, something loud and unmistakable to signal when danger is near.
Luke Cage
- a freed slave turned bounty hunter
- Kurt Wagner as a British Privateer and captain of the Nightcrawler
She Hulk
Jennifer Walters as a early suffaragete who was subjected to experimental hormone injections in order to make her more "managable" which turned her into a giant of a woman.
Iron Fist
- Iron Fist would be stuck down in London dock fighting the opium smugglers.
Iron Man
- An American tycoon, wounded in some brushfire colonial war, he turns to the power of Steam to save his life; now, Tony Stark manages his transatlantic commercial empire as well as fighting the good fight in his pneumatic armor.
- Tesla and Starkweather: Nikolo Telsa is the world's most reknowned theorist on the variety of uses of electricity but one of his students has recently returned from study back to his homeland. Sir Anthony Starkweather is particularly famous for adding his expertise to the using electricity for countless British inventions. His family munitions business in Starkweather Enterprises is a staple of the British Empire with most of the shells in their Navy being made by them.
- However, the Queen is concerned since Sir Starkweather has been something of a recluse ever since returning from China. The formerly gregarious and libertine gentleman has barely left his mansion and spent all of the rest of his time travelling to his factory in a carriage. He's dismissed half the workers and the other half are kept from certain areas. He's even turned away several of the Queen's more trusted agents. Most disturbingly of all is the fact that they have noticed he's constantly accompanied by Chinamen that came back with him.
- In truth, Anthony Starkweather was critically injured in the Boxer Rebellion by a knife blow to the heart. A Taoist mystic and rabble rouser saw the failure of his design and combined his knowledge of 'chi' mysticism with Stark's own electrical studies to keep his heart going through routine applications of electricity to his body. This man, known as the "Mandarin" to the Chinese immigrants of London has returned with his newly enslaved British Lord in order to force him to construct devices that will allow him to wreck all of London including a powerful mechanical man. Stark is meanwhile designing a clock like device to keep his heart going.
- Can the Avengers defeat Stark in his giant electrical Steam-Machine? If they do, can they do so without harming him and realizing he's on the side of angels? If they do, they might find out that the Mandarin is not relying solely on Stark but has tremendous mystical powers to draw upon if Western Science does not fail.
- The British museum has brought in countless Terracotta warriors and a Dragon Statue into their front doors...
- Lord Iron: Baron Anthony Stark was a English manufacturer of weapons and scientist far ahead of his time when he was captured by Captain Nemo after his latest battleship was sunk. Studying the strange sciences under Nemo, he realized that he needed to serve a greater cause than himself. Having adapted the technology, the Steam powered Iron Giant now protects London as he has constructed his own sub and operates from a Mysterious Island alcove off the British isles. He struggles with drink and his own prediction of a War like any other. Maybe Stark could build a drilling machine, or while testing his new Mk3.2 Airship it gets blown of course and crashes in the Land time forgot.
- Curse of The Steam monster
- Anthony Starkweather is Iron Man in this origin with his Telsa origins being able to tie him into the mad science of the day. His Boxer Rebellion origins fits his original origin and the use of electricity to stimulate his heart as a defilibrator as he works on a pace maker is a nice way of keeping anachronistic technology believable yet tying into Tony's origins.
- The Mandarian in this story is a Chinese Revolutionary but his origins are more clearly magical in nature despite his using of technology. He takes heavy influence from Fu Manchu.
- The Terracotta warriors as Golem shocktroopers is based on the Invincible Iron Man cartoon.
- The Jade Statue is Fing Fang Foom, Iron Man's occasional Godzilla like Dragon opponent. Here, he is no longer an alien but an orietental dragon.
The Fantastic Four
- could still of been working on somesort of Ether Transversing Golden Durigible, or a Moon Train or something.
The Shields of Britain
- Henry-Peter Gyrich, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury envisions eventually "A permanent department for skullduggery, denied military operations, and intelligence gathering. The Shields of Britain." The Swords of Britain would have to be after the War of the Worlds. The Torchwood Institute formed to research and combat "renown" threats to Great Britain, and use their findings to make the British Empire great. To those ends, it acquires and reverse engineers technology by any means deemed necessary. While described as "beyond parlament", they are known to cooperate with the AVENGERS to some extent. There appears at present to be some sort of rapport with the Prime Minister although historically this may not always have been the case. To those that have come in contact with Torchwood, they are primarily believed to be a special forces team.
“Fantastick Voyages - From the Earth to the Moon”
- Jules Verne is currently writing a fictionalized account of the efforts of Professor Richard Reeds, his stately wife Susan, young dandy and rake Jonathan, and retired Army officer Benjamen. The four of them have yet to experiment with their Moon Cannon that they plan to use to take themselves to the Moon in a shell.
- Instead, they come asking for help because several mysterious deaths have occurred around the construction site. Investigations will reveal dead workers and their doubles with INCREDIBLE STRENGTH. Yes, SKRULLS have impersonated the work crews. But why are they trying to sabotage Reed's canon?
- Because they realize the Moon Canon can be used to attack their ships in orbit as they plan to infiltrate English Society and take it over from within!
“Fantastick Voyages - the Center of the Earth”
- the Fantastick Quartet - Another of Reed's plans was detailed earlier in the career of Professor Richards where he and Ben travelled downwards through Sweden in order to visit the Center of the Earth. Now as Earthquakes are rocking the entirety of the planet's great cities, he believes that it might be possible to alleviate some of the pressures by journeying down a Volcano's lava tubes to deliver special explosives to alleviate the pressure. There, they find Reed's former rival in Doctor Molevic whom failed to reach the Center of the Earth first because of Reed but used his writings to find his way down to the mythical land there and has subjugated it with his knowledge of modern science. With an army of strange creatures created by the Hollow Earth's sunlight radiation, he now plans to take over the world.
the London Trumpet
- makes for a better name. The bugle just seems so low brow for a proper British newspaper. For a bit of fun though I'd make JJ Scotish. So he's now loud, obnoxious, and you can break out a terrible Scottish accent whenever you have him speak. I'd just keep the name simple as J. Jones Jameson. For a really odd twist you could make him a wealthy transplanted Dane so you can include wide ranging East Indian Trading company stuff. It also you means you can have him yell at the players when they mispronounce his name. James John Jameson: Ack! That damn Spyderma'an! Every day I turn to see him travellin from wall to wall across London doing God knows what with the citizenry! He could be laying eggs in the women for all we know. People think we need some filthy insect-man to protect us? Not in mah paper! That was basically my thought. I'd do my level best to imitate Sean Connery's accent and be as bombastic as possible. The more ridiculous it sounds coming out of you the better the effect. JJ is nearly comic relief, so its only appropriate that he make wildly inaccurate claims, and use dubious science (as a well educated gentleman of course) to back up all of his claims. The best part is the more dubious the science, the more likely the citizenry are to believe it, what with all the crazy inventions that they had during the late Victorian period.
Xavier's Grande Carnivale of Oddities!
- influenced by the Elephant Man, of the X-Men existing in the guise of a traveling carnival sideshow, thilling the crowds of Europe and protecting the freaks and oddities they find along the way.
- "Ladies and gentleman, marvel and be astounded by our fiery-haired and beautiful fortune teller! Witness the collosal strength of the Iron Giant of Russia! Gaze upon the unique features and stupendus acrobatics of the Blue Devil-Man! All this and more can be seen, only at Xavier's Grande Carnivale of Oddities!"
IMPERIAL Marvel Locations
- Avenger’s Mansion: The Tower of London.
- The Daily Bugle: the London Trumpet.
- Doctor Strange’s Brownstone: Greenwich Borough, London (it appears as a quaint little cottage of the lower middle class)
- Fisk Tower: A gentleman's townhouse built right in the middle of the Whitechapel hell hole.
- The Baxter Building: Reed Richards dreams of a bridge across the English channel but nearly bankrupted himself and only got the tower for it built.
- Hell’s Kitchen: the Limehouse area
- Hellfire Society Brownstone: An exclusive gentlemen's club just a stroll down from Parliament.
- Kraven’s Mansion: A "Hound of the Baskervilles" moore mansion that Kraven rents so that subjects must keep on the 'hunting track' lest they drown.
- Latverian Embassy: Victor Von Doom has rented a gentleman's home in London before converting it as his men negotiate for recognition from Parliament.
- Morlock Tunnels: Newly constructed sewer system
- Riker’s Island Prison: Isle of Man Atoll with Castle ontop
- Starkweather Solutions: A series of interconnected factories and mills in London's South Side that are strangely the most clean and least overworked in London yet still competitive. A half dozen are reserved off limits for Mister Starkweather's private projects including one steel mill he bought.
- Wakandan Embassy: The White Tiger (The Black Panther's adopted white brother) representing British Trading Company that has been co-opted by the Wakandans in secret.
- Latveria: Wallachian Breakaway Province, heavily Hungarian influenced (see map in Saga Marvel Guide p28)
- Wakanda: The African Congo (King Solomon's mine area) (see notes in Saga Marvel Guide p42)
- Savage Land: The Lost World of Jules Verne (see notes in Saga Marvel Guide p126)
- Baron Zemo’s Satelite Base: Jules Verne's Robur, the Master of the World airship base
- Atlantis: Mu or Lemuria (see notes in Saga Marvel Guide p120)
- Inhuman’s Home: “Attilan” is a risen portion of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean. (see notes in Saga Marvel Guide p116)
- Subterranea & Monster Island: The Hollow Earth and the Island of Doctor Moreau just below Scandanevia (its warm because of the Volcanos) (see notes in Saga Marvel Guide p128)
19th Century villains
- French island where the Count of Monte Cristo took place: Château d'If, a fortress (later a prison) located on the island of If, the smallest island in the Frioul Archipelago situated in the Mediterranean Sea about a mile offshore in the Bay of Marseille in southeastern France. It is famous for being one of the settings of Alexandre Dumas' adventure novel The Count of Monte Cristo. The château is a square, three-story building 28 m long on each side, flanked by three towers with large gun embrasures. The remainder of the island, which only measures 30,000 square meters, is heavily fortified; high ramparts with gun platforms surmount the island's cliffs.
- Professor Moriarty
- Dracula
- Jack the Ripper: Jack the Ripper would play a role as Hatemonger inspiring others to to do his killings after ending his "private" career. Utilizing his own terrible mind and the detailed study of mesmerism.
- Invisible Man
- Jekyl/Hyde
- Creature from the Black Lagoon
- Frankenstien's Monster
- Doctor Fu Manchu: the Insidious Doctor Fu Manchu is an established character in Marvel canon--he's Shang-Chi's father.
- Aladdin
- Sexton Blake
- Captain Ahab
- Doctor Quartz
- Don Quixote
- Phileas Fogg
- Hawkeye
- Edward Hyde
- Professor Moriarty
- The Scarlet Pimpernel
- The Tin Woodman
- White Fang.
IMPERIAL History Ideas
- summer parties, the importance of the social network, tea and crumpet also the darker side of London, create a London’s for them, the rookeries, seven dials, white chapel, lime house, the fog, the smell etc.
- It's a great time for exploration Journey to the Centre of the Earth, King Solomon’s mines, etc.
- A great time for Masterminds, especially gothic ones:
- Moriarty
- Fu-Manchu
- Cthulhu
- Important items from the Crimean War:
- In 1889, England had not been at war for 33 years (1856 - Crimean War) and the enemy then was Russia.
- first use of armored ships
- first appearance of Florence Nightingale
- first use of anesthetics on a war front
- the Charge of the Light Brigade
- Important items from Franco-Prussian War:
- France crushed and "Emperor" Louis Napolean deposed
- first big victory for a united Germany (united under the Prussians)
- first European "modern" war - though American Civil War was actual first modern war. F-P war was really what put Germany on the map and started them thinking about world empire. A good start for a Zemo character.
- War of the Worlds opening with either the Skrulls or the Brood being the Martians... Another option is to make them invaders from the sea, or the centre of the earth instead. While space travel was certainly around as a concept in literature during the Victorian era, it wasn't the realm of sci-fi that we usually associate with the Skrull. Thus I'd just amalgamate the Molemen and the Skrull for a bit of fun.
- Maybe a "King Solomon's Mines" that heads to Wakanda.
- Who would play the era’s ultimate villain Jack the Ripper…
- Teosophy had these ideas of Man evolving into stages both spiritually and biologically - current mankind is, what, the Sixth Race or something. "Mutants" could be the first signs of the Seventh Race, divided among those who thinks the Sixth Race should do as the Atlanteans and Lemureans and just up and die already, and those who think they have a White Man's Burden towards us plain lesser humans.
- Spiritism was really the psionics of its day - despite being seen as a new religion by many, it was also considered "scientific", with ideas that spirits must have something to do with electricity and so on.
- And "electricity" then was what "radiation" was in the sixties. It could do anything. Anyone worth his salt would get his powers from an electrified spider or whatnot.
- The Inhumans etc is just perfect - ancient civilisation of superhumans are so right for a Victorian setting.
- What would be the World War II of such a setting? Being American-centric, I'd assume the Civil War - but it could be the Napoleonic Wars, I assume. Or maybe the War of Independence - Captain America being given his powers by Benjamin Franklin (maybe through a bolt of lightning that unfortunately killed FRanklin)? The Redcoat Skull?
- I haven't come up with my "Ripper plot" yet. If you can think of anything good, I'd love to hear it. My other couple "common threats" might be opening with an alien invasion possible or another invasion from below with the Mole Man and Lava Men, but I was thinking of leading up to that more - having a smaller plot (that's still a tough mystery) open...
- "PUNISHING JACK" or "JACK THE SCOURGE": this idea would change the ripper's victims to supers. If I end up with the Ripper being "the Punisher" (my first thought) or have him be "the Scourge" it'd both likely be more criminal thug supers with maybe a hero super thrown in. (again the majority being Marvel Comic supers analogues)
- "WAR OF WORLDS": the Chitauri (aka. the Skrull) invade Earth... I'm thinking of mixing the Skrull and Brood of Marvel Comics, with possibly some Starro from DC comics. Threating it very War of the Worlds style - but super! With Tri-pods, etc...
- "INVASION FORM THE CENTER OF THE EARTH!": this takes the classic ideas of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and mingles them with another invasion story of a couple original Avenger villains (from the early comics). Taking the "Lava Men" and giving them a leader in "the Mole Man". When we learn that the rock is seemingly growing out of the Earth and has been pushed to the surface by the Lava Men.
- The Mole Men and Magma Men could still exist, but just not have been in the way of the Invasion Machines from the empire at the Center of the Earth!
Otto von Bismarck, 1889
- The new Germany sees the formation of this League as another HMS Dreadnaught. Only instead of being made out of metal and plying the waves, it is made of unfortunate people being exploited for a distinctly military purpose that can go anywhere in the world, and even places outside... Other Powers are forming their own super teams in France, Spain, Russia, and even the backwards Americans and Japanese. Unfortunately few people with special abilities have come forward to safeguard our newborn Empire, for which we are ever grateful for. While other nations rely in divine providence, arcane powers, or simply the great unknown potentials of life, our future will be directly in our people's hands! With steel, steam, and gasoline shall we ensure that we do not fall behind in this new and terrible new arms race where men and women are the most devestating weapons in nations arsenals.
Doktor Belivar Trask
- a prodigy of the under appreciated genius Charles Babbage and continues his work on perfecting Difference Engine technology until he creates the Vorlagenverstand Engine, a massive steam powered computer that has an eerily human thought pattern. When his homeland starts searching for an alternative for a super team of their own, Trask comes forward with a miniaturized automaton that could be controlled by wireless Tele-type from the main engine. So this world's version of Sentinels would be less internal hunters of other super powered beings, but a foreign equivalent to the Avengers and other threats that the old Prussian tactics can not deal with. They would still be their usual size, mostly because he couldn't fit the mechanical computer into anything smaller, built of stark angles of steel and belching smoke from their backs.
Vorlagenverstand Engine
- I also had the really weird idea that the core of the Vorlagenverstand Engine might be the brain of Lady Ada Byron or an equivalent that eventually starts to add a little bit of a 'maternal' instinct to the Sentinels.
Villain Compilation Picture

Letter from the Queen