Flamepunk: Pyros

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Flamepunk:Main Page -> Flamepunk: Character Generation: The Forge -> Pyros

Overview of Pyros

Pyros is inner fire - the essence of magic and pyromantic force that exists within every living being. Ordinary everyday humans only have 3 points of Pyros, but the player characters are something more special.

Player characters have a starting Pyros of 6 points. This is also their Pyros maximum.

Powerful NPCs (such as trained Guild operatives, mages, enemy runners and the like) will likely also have 6 points of Pyros. Especially powerful creatures (high power demons, elementals and ancient sorcerors for example) may have even more.

A character's Pyros pool can't normally exceed its initial amount, though some equipment and some special arcane traits can circumvent this.

Examples of Pyros levels

  • Pyros 1: A pet or intelligent animal. The smallest and most transient of demons.
  • Pyros 2: A small child, or frail old man.
  • Pyros 3: An ordinary human being. A small and weak demon.
  • Pyros 6: A talented and dynamic human being, such as a charismatic gang leader, a veteran soldier, an obsessive magus, a rabble-rousing Burner or an anarchistic Blazer. A standard demon or elemental. Player characters all fall into this category, and any with Pyros 6 will seem to burn brighter in their lives and personalities than those around them. Pyros 6 is as high as humans can naturally get.
  • Pyros 9: A powerful demon or elemental, such as demonic shock troops. Likely to be several times larger than a human.
  • Pyros 12: A prince amongst demons, or an exceptionally powerful lone demon. Likely to be house-sized.
  • Pyros 18: Ancient and powerful of demons, likely to be hundreds of feet tall.
  • Pyros 36+: Demonic god-entities, which exist in the reaches of the Elemental Plane of Fire. Likely to be city-sized, at the very least.

Using Pyros

Pyros is spent to power various arcane tricks, and can also be channelled through certain pieces of tech, and through specialised techniques. These are detailed in the relevant trait descriptions and the equipment chapter. Most humans can't access their own Pyros at all - its the ability to do so that makes the player characters (and more puissant NPCs) special and significant.

Regaining Pyros

Pyros can be regained by being in the vicinity of fire and flame, or by simple exposure to sunlight.

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