Regular Citizens

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Sir Bill Du'Crion- The Guy Who pretends he's a hero.


(sorted by first name rather than Last Name)

Goodman Dunrick (N Human Male Expert 4)- Head of the Town's Baker Guild and a Brelish citizen whom is secretly spying for the King's Citadel. The man never misses an opportunity to undercut the authority of the Karrnathian dictatorship ruling the castle and bitterly loathes the Governor after being humiliated for a day by his law. Dunrick is also a bigot against Mourners and does his best to make their wretched lives worse whenever possible.

Matron Kellas "Kelly" Grimwolf - Tough talking owner of the Boar's Head tavern.

Tomas No Name (N Human Male Commoner 1)- Tomas No Name is a typical victim of the Mourning. Uneducated, orphaned, and easily confused. The boy is mostly forced to subsist by odd jobs to stay alive but is an affiable chap. Notably he falls into an utter panic whenever he sees a Mourning influenced creature.


The Lando Clan (LN Human Male Warrior 1)- The extensive clan of similarly appearing dark skinned soldiers who are suicidally brave and noble. This often results in many of them dying in the campaigns to fight the evils of the world. An extensive arm of this clan serves in the ranks of the Red Hawk Garrison.

Shadows over Cyre