Yari No Name, Sarin No Name, Johnny Carter

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Great Men Squad[edit]

Yari No Name LN Human Monk 3, Swordsage (Setting Sun) 2

Yari was at one time a cheerful and bright lad with a cute face and a kind disposition. But a bad run in with the Deck of Many Things made him confront his darker half and he has become a more sullen ever since. He has adopted the style of Setting Sun to reflect his more passive style of fighting.

Aside from this, Yari is incredibly cute and also has a crush on Marie Longstrider

Ly Sarin LN Human Duskblade 6

Sarin is Yari's closest friend and the voice of cynicism in the group. He is always the first with a sarcastic comment and openly criticized Yari's actions regularly. Despite this the two boys are close friends and will be willing to protect one another should the need arise.

Johnny Carter CG Human Scout 3, Seer 3

Johnny is Rupin's younger brother and the newest member of Yari's gang. He's shy and often not one to speak up unless spoken to and he seems to be fond of his brother Rupin. He went to Shadowfast to live with Rupin but he was currently out on a mission to kill Rameraze so he wound up in Yari's group.

Shadows over Cyre