The Dragon Knights

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Alignment: LN

Symbol: A mounted Knight riding atop a Dragon


The Dragon Knights are the brainchild of Gerald Greywood, seeking to shore up the deficiencies of the Watchmen's defenses of their home. While the Watchmen takes the various talents and personalities of its members and gives them fairly high free reign within any conflict, the Dragon Knights are far more disciplined in their operation and are intended to be a force that can meet any potential aggressor Nation in the field of battle.

Though they are intended to be a semi-autonomous force within the Watchmen, they are still a part of it, and can be called upon to shore up the regular forces when need be. They do not, however, serve the whim of the head of the Watchmen. Their first and foremost allegience is to the Ideal of the Watchmen: Defend those who cannot defend themselves. Individual members are expected to hold to a code of honor that promotes personal responsibility combined with loyalty to the whole, heroism in the face of Evil, compassion to victims, and mercy to any who might be turned from the path of evil.

That, of course, is the theory of how they should work. How well it comes into practice has yet to be tested, but the current crop of members isn't terribly promising...

Given that Gerald created them so soon after Cassius granted him temporary control of the Watchmen has many wondering if this is in some way a sign of growing division within the Watchmen, and that Gerald is trying to either weaken Cassius' hold on power or usurp it completely. The fact that Maya Ir'Wynarn is among the first recruits tends to weaken this argument, but that she has not been given rank within it is often sited as an argument for such speculation, rather than a sign that Maya shouldn't be ordering people around in the first place.

Shadows over Cyre