SatCoC XP Rewards & Recaps

* 1st Level: 0
* 2nd Level: 1,000
* 3rd Level: 3,000
* 4th Level: 6,000
* 5th Level: 10,000
* 6th Level: 15,000
* 7th Level: 21,000
* 8th Level: 28,000
* 9th Level: 36,000
* 10th Level: 45,000
* 11th Level: 55,000
* 12th Level: 66,000
* 13th Level: 78,000
* 14th Level: 91,000
* 15th Level: 105,000
* 16th Level: 120,000
* 17th Level: 136,000
* 18th Level: 153,000
* 19th Level: 171,000
* 20th Level: 190,000
Age of Wonders - the AVENGERS 1888
issue #1
- M&M presents:
October 19, 2007.
- Opening Cut-Away Scene: the Horrible Case of Bloody Jack - Ripper Recap PART I - these scenes have opened on the scenes of "the Ripper" murders.
- Gathered together by the Queen - the Wasp, Marshall Rodgers, and the Argonaut read the letter from the Queen and their induction as the first of the new Avengers. Sir Nicholas Fury arranged them on the British Rail headed toward the Welsh country-side. It seems the Isle of Wight has a problem...
- Along the train toward the Isle Gentlemen and Ladies watch as the Men of Renown get to know one another. And suddenly the train is rocked!
- Decerning that the train is in danger of careening over the edge of a large cliff face as the train tressle is out, Fury bid the Avengers into action.
- After much well planned work, there are little injuries and no casualties - save the train engine and the first three cars. The most odd of the events is the thwarting and driving away of strange "Moleoid" beasts... As the team assembles to rush on to the Isle of Wight, Fury bellows the immediate need on the coast.
- Arriving at the ferry docks on England's side of the 3 mile channel, the heroes learn that the Empire Guardsmen have faced some beasts coming out of the massive hole that has destroyed the Osbourne House. As men and women that escaped the creatures on the Isle, having "coal burns" across their body's the heroes find an odd cocoon that men are trying to move. It seems inside of this volcanic was a guard, trapped and a little worse for ware - but not dead!
- As the heroes questioned the guards and arrived on the Isle, they quickly learned these "Magma-Men" were spreading their radius of heated ground. While the massive chasm sits without activity.
- Determining descression might be the better part of valor, the team retreats to search for answers, answers they believe will be had by Henry Pym...!
- TEAM ROSTER: Marshal America, the Wasp, Argonaut
- ISSUE APPEARANCES: Nicholas "the Fury" Dee, the Moleoids creatures, the Magma-Men (stone-apes)
- ISSUE CAMEOS/MENTIONED: Ripper, Queen Victoria, Pym
- 2 Power Points for this story first issue.
- 3 Power Points (if each player completes your wiki page entry)
- TOTAL CURRENT Level & Experience: PL8; 125pp
See you next time True Believers!
Eye of the Beholder
Experience as of 04/21/08
153,000 XP needed for level 18
- DURGAZ: 147,989.3 xp Total = 17th Level
- KYUAD: 145,362.2 xp Total = 17th Level (1,150 spent & 1,600 lost at Nisse's death)
- ERANON: 145,337.1 xp Total = 17th Level
- the elf, Z...: 137,339.8 xp Total = 17th Level (1,000 spent) (formerly ZAL'KAZZIR)
- XP EDITS: (all added/adjusted)
- SPECIAL XP REWARD: offered at the end of "the Battle for First-Hold"
- Chapter 40 - updated to give FULL reward for Zal's killing of Zaindal, following group discussion...
- Special Award: Andrew, Bill, Adam updating me on notes from Chapter 42.5 (500xp)
- ARROW Base Sheets: 400xp (Bill)
- First-Hold "fact sheet": 400 (Adam)
- Alignment Shift Talk (all 3 times over Email): 300xp (ALL)
- Kyuad/Zal Reports (one-on-one talks): 400 (Adam, Bill)
chapter # 46:3
- Tactics planning session (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam, Steve, & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- Z. summons Grandmother of Stone, the Earth Elementals (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam, Steve, & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- Z. and Eranon deal with the wounded wolf (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam, Steve, & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- As the Bloodguard leave Z. commands the Elementals to trap the majority on the Keep's path. (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 1200 xp (Adam), 850 xp (Andrew, Steve, & Bill) [BATTLE: 16xCR10, 37xCR5, 8xCR2 /2 | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- Kyuad masquarades as Gyrn and the group attacks the Bloodguard as they leave Crystal Keep (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 150 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam, Steve, & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- Battle with the Bloodguard Lts/elites (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 2550 xp (Adam), 1806 xp (Andrew, Steve, & Bill) [BATTLE: 1xCR12, 1xCR10, 14xCR10, 1xCR10, 10xCR5, 2xCR2 | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- Parlay with the High Captain Githuran and Mr. Lovoth (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam, Steve, & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- An elf appears on the horizon, the group watches and learns this is the dragon under screen! (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam, Steve, & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- Ancara makes himself known and attacks the dragon to reveal it fully! (Andrew, Adam, Steve, and Bill): 0 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam, Steve, & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 17th, 1PC @ 16th]
- Anaximath (xp to be rewarded at the end of this battle) [Max possible: 15,300]
- TOTAL = 5000 (Z.), 3906 (Kyuad/Eranon/Durgaz) [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Wiki Bluebooking: Each Player: (x? (??? xp))