Xia: Cloud Sword
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: The Gang -> Xia: Cloud Sword
Who are you?
I am Cloud Sword! I am an ancient and venerable sage, my wisdom learnt as hermit on the mountain plateau. I have honed my mind through powerful meditation and ascetic living.
What do you look like?
My long white beard shows how wise I am! My long eyebrows reflect the power of my intellect! See how I am still immaculately groomed, after sixty years of life as a hermit.
What do you want?
The Dao leads me from my mountain, and tells me that I must travel to cultivate my Shen. I seek to increase the power of my already formidable mind.
- Physical 2
- Mental 3
- Social 1
- Heaven 4
- Fire 2
- Wind 4
- Thunder 2
- Earth 3
- Water 1
- Mist 3
- Mountain 1
Chi Pools
- Yang Chi 12
- Yin Chi 8
Resilience Pools
- Physical Resilience 12
- Mental Resilience 13
- Social Resilience 11
Kung Fu Secrets
- Active Preparation
Shen Secret from sheet Xia: Eight Lessons of Rightful Mind
- Monkey Cloud
Magic from sheet Xia: The Mystic Sage
This age added by Asklepios, but character designed by one of his players. All fault/acclaim for this character should be attributed to that player!