Xia: Twelve Zodiac Stances
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Wushu Secrets -> Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu
This page is a Lore Sheet for Twelve Zodiac Stances, a set of twelve Wushu Secrets that explore the animal forms of kung fu.
These techniques can only be used for physical conflict. The fighting styles relating to the stances mean that they can only be used for unarmed attacks. They can be used to defend against any physical attacks though.
In time, animal kung fu stances will become widespread across the middle kingdom. At present, such techniques are still rare and exciting, and have much greater power thanks to their primal forms. A Xia seeking to learn zodiac animal techniques has three options.
First, he could seek to discover the fundamental truths by watching real animals. The Monkey style, for example, can be deduced by watching apes playing and fighting with each other. Such observation is easier for some creatures than others - watching battling dragons would require one to climb a sufficiently tall mountain to observe their battles in heaven, for example. Even with observation, enlightenment is not guaranteed. Often, such observations are just the first step, revealing to a Xia warrior the idea of animal kung fu, but not the actual secrets.
Second, he could be taught animal kung fu by an already established practitioner. Of course, Animal Kung Fu is still pretty rare in the Middle Kingdom, so this is easier said than done. Such knowledge would certainly have to be earnt.
Third, he could seek out texts on the kung fu secrets. The problem is that these texts don't exist yet, at least not in the Middle Kingdom. A Xia would either have to travel up to Heaven or down to Hell to find the celestial/infernal scrolls with the secret styles in them.
This Lore Sheet introduces a new concept - Stances.
If a power is marked as a Stance, it follows the rules below:
- At the start of your turn, you can select a stance you know. Paying the Chi cost puts you in that stance. This does not take an action.
- You don't have to keep paying for a stance, once you're in that stance, you stay in it in subsequent turns. However, each stance has a "maintain" condition. You must meet this condition at all times while in te stance - if you fail to do so the stance ends.
- You can only be in one stance at a time. If you adopt a new stance, then the previous one automatically ends.
Stance of the Ascendant Dragon
The Dragon represents the triumph of intelligence over physicality. The philosophy of this stance is that you assess the situation, out-think the enemy and then use his own power against him. Visually, the stance is fluid and adaptive, sometimes with open hand, sometimes closed, sometimes using kicks and footwork, and sometimes concentrating on balance and arm movements.
Cost: 3 Yang Chi and 3 Yin Chi to adopt this stance.
Effect: While in this stance, you add +2 to physical Accuracy, Power, Dice Pool, Initiative, Interference, Absorption and Evasion, but only when attacking or defending against opponents that have a lower Mental trait than you.
Maintain: The stance can only be maintained for as long as you have opponents left to fight. Once a conflict is over, the chi flow fades.
Stance of the Perfected Tiger
The Tiger represents hardened, trained and disciplined physicality. There is no messing around with trickery or specialised approaches - the Tiger is simply stronger, quicker and better than his opponent. Visually, the Tiger form is one of hard, linear attacks with perpetually tensed muscles and shouts of aggression. The martial artist will often use Ying Jow (eagle claw) hand shapes, as well as powerful straight kicks and aggressive strong parries.
Cost: 3 Yang Chi and 3 Yin Chi to adopt this stance.
Effect: While in this stance, you add +1 to physical Accuracy, Power, Dice Pool, Initiative, Interference, Absorption and Evasion.
Maintain: The stance can only be maintained for as long as you have opponents left to fight. Once a conflict is over, the chi flow fades.
Stance of the Resplendent Rooster
The Rooster uses style and charisma to win through, defeating enemies who ought to be stronger through panache, showmanship and trickery. Visually, the stance is postured and flamboyant, with apparent overuse of extension and telegraphing actually concealing a brutally efficient fighting style full of feints and hidden attacks.
Cost: 3 Yang Chi and 3 Yin Chi to adopt this stance.
Effect: While in this stance, you add +2 to physical Accuracy, Power, Dice Pool, Initiative, Interference, Absorption and Evasion, but only when attacking or defending against opponents that have a lower Social trait than you.
Maintain: The stance can only be maintained for as long as you have opponents left to fight. Once a conflict is over, the chi flow fades.
Stance of the Swift Snake
The Snake is all about speed, with precise darting movements and a philosophy that if you defeat your opponent fast enough then he never gets a chance to attack you. Visually, the stance is agile and mobile, with sinuous turning movements, and strikes ending with crane-hand stabbing techniques or sharp toe-point kicks.
Cost: 3 Yang Chi and 3 Yin Chi to adopt this stance.
Effect: While in this stance, you add +2 to physical Accuracy, Power, Dice Pool and Initiative. Also, the chi cost of any powers you use that allow multiple attacks is reduced by 1, to a minimum of zero chi cost.
Maintain: You must make at least one physical attack on your turn. If you make less than one physical attack, the stance ends.
This page created by Asklepios.