Xia: Super Mook
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Foes and Allies -> Xia: Super Mook
They're just big mooks!
The Super Mook is a generic footsoldier of the enemy, that happens to be quite dangerous at the same time.
A Super Mook usually has higher traits than an ordinary mook. For example:
May vary, but tend to be higher than normal mooks.
Big Troll Thing:
- Physical 3
- Mental 2
- Social 1
Even Super Mooks can't mess around with chi, and so have Trigram ratings of 0 all round.
Chi Pools
None still.
Resilience Pools
Big Troll Thing:
- Physical Resilience 13
- Mental Resilience 12
- Social Resilience 11
Kung Fu Secrets
None, still.
Asklepios 09:15, 13 January 2009 (PST)