WFRP2 The Outing

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Revision as of 22:24, 11 September 2015 by (talk) (Loot & Treasure)
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Every spring once the frost has thawed the people of Leicheberg gather in town square to proclaim which of their children are ready to go on their Outing, a rite of passage exclusive to this community in which children deemed responsible and wise enough are allowed to venture out into the world. The idea is to gain some experience in the outside world and return home for a life of hard work and service to the community.

In most cases, living in such a tight community for their lives, these children return home quite quickly. Most return within a week and don't even leave Stirland or go past Mootland. But occasionally a group of young ones takes months, perhaps even years, to return - and when they do they come back telling tales of monsters and horrors lurking in the wilds. Some even return with friends who they have brainwashed into joining their community. Some never return.


Loot & Treasure

Stuff that hasn't been claimed by any particular character

  • Map of the Empire - a gift from the mayor of Leicheberg before you left town
  • Wineskin of Dwarven Fire Ale - gift from councilman Grun'Thark which is "guaranteed to keep ye warm on the oldest of nights. And also good for shuttin' up certain talky folk"
  • Large Iron Pot - a gift from councilman Palefoot before you left town. It's very heavy, at least 30lbs of iron
  • Healing Draught - a gift from councilwoman Jane before you left town. It is a single use potion which will heal 4W of damage
  • Letter to the Church of Sigmar - a gift from councilwoman Alana before you left town. It is sealed with wax and is address to High Priest Alex Winterbright in Altdorf. You probably shouldn't read it before delivery...probably...

Points of Interest

Custom Rules

GM (kritch) rolls all dice

We will be using the following books:

  • Core Rulebook
  • Realms of Sorcery
  • WFRP Companion
  • Career Compendium
  • Old World Armoury

You do not need to roll for your starting career if there is a specific one you want to take (there are a ton of new basic careers in the Career Compendium too). If you don't know what to play just roll like usual. That being said, your starting career should be realistic for a small community. There's a few that really just don't fit (i.e. Pit Fighter really won't work here). If anybody starts out with the Apprentice Wizard career they are not officially recognized by the College of Magic. You will need to make the trek to the College to petition to officially join and move onto Journeyman Wizard. Until that time you risk being pursued by a Witch Hunter

We'll be following the Arcane Lore rules from the Realms of Sorcery book, not the main rulebook. So if anybody gets to the point of taking Arcane Lore we'll tackle it then.

If anybody wants to be a trader we will use the trade route rules from the Companion book.

Everybody in the starting group will be young, in the range of 12-18 years old for a human (18 would be considered very old to be going on their Outing). We'll have to figure out appropriate ages for the other races