Antonius, Prince of Mars

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Name: Prince Antonius nath Gajom, of the House of Kar'Tar


Born the second son of the Emperor of Mars, Antonius grew up in the lap of luxury, with a kind father, a wonderful mother, and two brothers and a sister whom he all loved dearly. He was educated in the ways of both the battlefield, and the court, and grew adept at both, though he was always better as a warrior than a courtier. Perhaps the greatest lesson he learned in his childhood, though, was one of honor. Antonius has never broken his word, and never will.

Aspects: Prince of the Blood, Honorable Man,


Unfortunately, when he was a mere 14 years old, civil war broke out, with one of the Vassal-Kings attempting to usurp his father's place as Emperor, and to dissolve the Senate to boot. This could obviously not be allowed, and both Antonius and his elder brother Marcus led armies under their father's command. Antonius demonstrated such prowess, both personally and as a leader, that his father gave him his family's ancestral blade, breaking centuries of tradition to hand it down to his second son. Marcus didn't even mind, while he had served with distinction himself, he had never had his brother's personal prowess, and did not begrudge him a simple sword.

Aspects: Fearless In Battle, My Father's Sword,

Mentor Novel: Doc Leviathan and the Secret of the Martian Monolith

Doc Leviathan, Explorer of the Unknown, finds his way to Mars via a trans-dimensional portal, and arrives just in time to find Prince Antonius and a small squad of his men, barricading themselves inside an ancient temple, rife with catacombs, to avoid a much greater force of rebels. The two rapidly come to an understanding, and Prince Antonius agrees to help the Earth-Man return home, if possible. But first, there is something old, dark, and dangerous lurking below the temple, and only Doc Leviathan and Prince Antonius together can stop it, and perhaps save both their worlds!

Aspects: Well Schooled, A Great Destiny,

Novel: Prince Antonius and the Traitor's Web

Shortly after the war, Antonius is approached by traitors who wish to use him as a figurehead in a rebellion against his father, capitalizing on his reputation as a war hero. Unfortunately for him, they don't care if he's willing or not, and attempt to abduct him. This goes poorly for them, and he eventually dismantles the entire organization, with the help of a certain woman from Earth, brought there by the traitors, more or less by accident. Unfortunately, there is a great risk of something similar happening again, and so Antonius accepts a voluntary exile to Earth, bidding goodbye to his family, his world, and all he has ever known, and travelling with his new companion back to Earth.

Aspects: War Hero, Exiled Martian,

Guest Star: Professor Excelsior and the Armada of Aether!

Shortly after coming to Earth, and being inducted into the Century Club by his old acquaintance Doc Leviathan, Prince Antonius is contacted by Professor Excelsior to serve as a translator between himself and the people of a new civilization he has discovered, but as it becomes clear that the people of these cities have been corrupted by a modern man, it is his talents as a warrior that are most useful.

Aspects: He Must Be Crazy!, Master of the Blade,

Guest Star: The Black Mantis in: the Armies of the Night!

Hearing that his one-time comrade, Professor Excelsior, has been kidnapped, and following certain rumors of where he has gone, Prince Antonius runs into the Black Mantis and eventually aids him in the defeat of Koschei the Deathless, and the rescue of the Professor, holding off a large contingent of the armies of the night, while the Black Mantis faces down Koschei himself in single combat.

Aspects: Unfailing Courtesy, Hardened Veteran,

Character Sheet:

Superb (+5): Weapons

Great (+4): Rapport, Resolve,

Good (+3): Leadership, Endurance, Academics,

Fair (+2): Alertness, Empathy, Athletics, Mysteries

Average (+1): Survival, Fists, Might, Investigation, Science

Mediocre (+0): Art, Burglary, Contacting, Deceit, Drive, Engineering, Gambling, Guns, Intimidation, Pilot, Resources, Stealth, Sleight of Hand,

Stunts: International (Rapport), Close At Hand (Weapons), Weapon of Destiny-Bishari Two-Bladed Scimitar-Throwing Weapon/Returns to Hand* (Weapons), Linguist (Academics), Gift of Tongues (Academics), Eye of the Storm** (Weapons), Mix It Up (Weapons), Army of One (Weapons),

  • It's basically a boomerang sword, returning to his hand when thrown.
    • Renamed Brawler for Weapons. Thanks to KreenWarrior for coming up with the name.

Languages: Martian; Old Martian, Venusian, Lemurian, Atlantean, 4 more bizzarre languages. All normal Earth and Martian languages.

Health 7 Composure 7

Appearance: Antonius is tall (perhaps 6'1") and well built, with powerful muscles. His eyes are bright blues, and his hair is black, and worn at shoulder length, held in a ponytail by a leather thong when he is ready for battle. He looks fairly Western European, but with deeply tanned skin, like he's been out in the sun a great deal.

Opinions on Colleagues:

La Maupin: Antonius is more than a little bit in love with Julie. She's beautiful, charming, and perhaps the only person he's ever met who's his equal or superior with a blade. He almost certainly wouldn't make the first move, though. Possibly just a tad bit intimidated.

Black Mantis: Antonius considers the Black Mantis a good comrade to have with you on the battlefield, but far too serious for his own good.

The Vox: Amusingly, Antonius has a litlle bit of a hero worship thing going for Blake Sexton. Not as a crimefighter or anything, as an anthropologist! Antonius is something of a scholar in his own right and is deeply impressed with Mr. Sexton's writings in the field, and has been ever since he came to Earth and read them. Having adventured with him has dampened this down a bit, but well, he's still a fan at heart.

Professor Excelsior: Unlike Mr. Sexton, Antonius can't actually seem to muster the hero worship for Professor Excelsior. He's good enough at anthropology to understand how brilliant Sexton is on a much deeper level than he can for Professor Excelsior's scientific marvels due to his significantly less impressive grasp of Science. That said, Antonius really likes the good Professor, and admires the sheer exuberance he brings to the table. He's also occasionally frustrated by the Professor's obliviousness to practical concerns, but well, one can't have everything.

Springheel Jack: The only one Antonius has never worked with. Antonius is willing to accept him as an equal regardless of age, after all he was commanding armies at that age, but isn't quite as comfortable with the criminality. Really, Antonius doesn't quite know what to make of him.

Here's some links:

Antonius's Family
