Character:Kitsune Princess
Not quite finished here...
Character in Once more with feeling, played by Torp.
Kitsune Princess
Caste: Changing Moon
Concept: Femme Fatale in the body of a perky young girl
First Impression and Appearance Text - to come
- Her Family
- Solitary Talon (Solar Bond, True Love)
- Blessed Radiance
Anima description to come. Totem is a fox.
Strength 2
Dexterity 5
Stamina 3
Charisma 5
Manipulation 5 (Elicting and Planting Information +3)
Appearance 5
Perception 4
Intelligence 4
Wits 5
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 4
Dodge: 4
Integrity: 4
Martial Arts: 3
Resistance: 2
Larceny: 4
Linguistics: 1
Performance: 4
Presence: 5 (5 bonus points)
Socialize: 5 (5 bonus points)
Stealth: 3
Survival: 4 (4 bonus points)
Bureaucracy: 3
Investigation: 3
Lore: 1
Solar Bond 5
Reputation 1
Resources 4
Contacts 3
Influence 2
Backing(Great Forks) 1
Artifact - Silken Armour 2
Artifact - Collar of Innocent Beauty
Manse 3 (Gem of Grace)
Followers 1
Kitsune Princess did
Kitsune Princess comes from a wealthy family, and her personal wealth is quite large. She owns a mansion in the Bastion district of Nexus, as well as several smaller holdings other places in the city. She also has access to several houses across the city, technically belonging to people whos Hearts Blood she's drunk. None of these are really rich or powerful people, though.
Kitsune Princess has built herself a wide net of contacts since she came to Nexus, and have gotten to know a few very powerful men and women. She has become the mistress of Thalevar, the August Councillor of the Eclipse, of the Council of Entities, and also become close to a powerful Guild Factor.
Obviously, being the mistress of a Councillor also give Kitsune Princess certain influence with the government of Nexus. Her Guild Factor might not have quite as much power to direct the power of the Guild, but is still valuable in this regard. Then there are the numerous wealthy socialites, merchant princes, higher-rung administrators of the city, and the up-and-coming young men and women at the School of Philosophy, whom Kitsune Princess has befriended in her time in the city.
Backing(Great Forks)[edit]
With the work Kitsune Princess does for the Ministry of Knowledge, and her high-status family, Kitsune Princess can get some limited backing from her home city. While not even the ambassador in Nexus know of her involvement with the Ministry, she's on the list of VIP's that the Embassy should help with anything they can.
Silken Armour[edit]
See Oadenol's Codex, page 159
Collar of Innocent Beauty[edit]
(final approval needed) This necklace is made of interlocking pieces of Moonsilver and Orichalcum, and decorated with polished Jade stones. It has one hearthstone slot set so as to be the main stone.
The wearer of the Collar of Innocent Beauty appears innocent and fragile, and stirs strong urges to defend and protect her. It adds 2 dots of Appearance, and makes actions that she takes always seem innocent and without malice. Whenever a character attempts to read the wearer to discern motivation and deceit, add the Appearance Difference as an external penalty, if the wearers Appearance is higher. As with the Relative Appearance rule, this effect can normally not go above +3.
The thought of hurting such a delicate creature, and of depriving the world of such beauty, is almost painful. Any character who wishes to take an action that he believes would cause direct harm on the wearer must fail a Compassion roll, except when he belives it to be in her best interest.
Spending 2 temporary Willpower will overcome the latter power, and also ignore the External Penalty to reading motivation, for the rest of the scene.
Furthermore, the wearer may reflexively roll Appearance + Performance when she takes an action, at a cost of 5 motes of Essence. Anyone who witness the performance, and who has an MDV less than the number of successes, feels a strong urge to protect and defend the wearer. This counts as a commitment as far as building an Intimacy goes. This Unnatural Mental Influence can be negated at the cost of 1 WP, and if a character pays the 2 WP required to negate the primary effect of the Collar, he will also ignore this effect.
The urge is somewhat fragile, and if a character with it observes the wearer performing acts that is wholly against his idea of how this innocent beauty should act, he may roll Wits + Integrity, with an external penalty equal to the wearers Appearance. Success means the effect is shaken off. Also, some of those affected by the power may become particularly zealous, like a very overprotective older brother, which can be a nuisance, if not a direct hinder, to the wearer.
Preys Skin Disguise
Subtle Silver Declaration
Hybrid Body Rearrangement
Deadly Beastman Transformation
Changing Plumage
Internal Form Mastery
Description of Hybrid Body and Deadly Beastman to come
Golden Lion Stance
Ox Body (8x-2) Bruise Relief Method
Cobra Hypnotic Method
Mask of White Jade
Cat Face Presentation
Labyrinth of the Beast
Commanded to Fly
Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Perfect Symmetry
Sense Borrowing Method
Predator Is Prey Mirror
Essence: 4
Personal: #
Peripheral: #
Committed: 3
Compassion: 2
Conviction: 5
Temperance: 1
Valor: 3
Limit Break[edit]
Crippling Self-doubt
Pair of very nice (war) fans. Needles. Drugs (both recreational and the kind that can be used on others). Fine clothes and jewellery.
I was born in Great Forks 24 years ago. My family is rich, faboulously so, and I had a great childhood. Life was wonderful. But when I came into my teens, life got harder. I mean, daddy is great, but he was so overprotective. Okay, so he had a point, I've learnt that now, there is a lot of danger out there. I didn't get to do anything I wanted, like, going out alone with my friends. So, I learned to get my way, and when that failed, how to do what I wanted without him noticing. For example, when I met Blessed Radiance, he instantly disapproved of him, and forbade me to see him. I ended up sneaking out almost every night. That was a wild time, lots of parties, lots of fun. I also met a lot of other high-ups in the city, like in the administration, and I caught the eye of one of Lady Jozakuras lieutenants. I think maybe Blessed Radiance had something to do with it, but suddenly I found myself in a very different world from what I was used to, a world of espionage and dirty secrets. It was so exciting, and my natural talents really helped me do it well. I was working a man who Lady Jozakura suspected was a traitor when I exalted. Turns out he was a Realm spy. I never told Lady Jozakura what I had become, but I think she knows, since shortly after I was promoted and given a lot more important tasks.
I was sent to Nexus by my family to attend the College of Philosophy. Lady Jozakura, of course, gave me some... extracurricular activities to do. I'm not doing the secret agent business anymore, I'm working more indirectly now, gathering information, building a network and just, well, having fun and learning about the city. It's very interesting, really. Anyway, I've gotten to know so many interesting people living here. Guild Factors, merchants from far-away places, or just the rich merchant princes and their children living here in Bastion. And I've even become close to one of the Councillors! He's such a gentleman, really knows how to treat a girl. A bit like daddy, really, except... eugh, that would be yucky.
My life changed just recently, though. I met this woman, friend of Blessed Radiance, who I had learned was in town, and, wow! I never was that into other girls, I mean, sure, I've experimented, but this was *so* different! It was LOVE, with capital letters!
Kitsune Princess looks lithe and delicate, with reddish-orange hair and a narrow, slightly fox-like face. While it is not normally visible, she has a series of scars running across her body, cuts from the night she Exalted that despite her increased healing didn't heal right. She dresses in fine clothes fit for her station, with a particular liking for short silk dresses. The best word to describe her is perky, of character as well as appearance. She is energetic, cheerful and quick, but sometimes acts with a charming innocence and naivete. The latter is more of an act, though, and in situations where she needs to act differently, she can change completely, often surprising others.
Merits and Flaws[edit]
3-point Merit: Eidetic Memory (Sight, Smell, Hearing) Free Merit: True Love (Solar Mate) 1-point Flaw: Rival (fellow agent of Great Forks) 2-point Flaw: Secrets (secretly an agent of Great Forks) 1-point Flaw: Addiction (Cocaine)
Kitsune Princess used to work directly for the Ministry of Research back in Great Forks, and still sends semi-regular reports back to her home city and favourite Minister, Lady Jozakura, detailing any information she's come upon that might be of interest. These letters are sent via the Embassy, usually adressed to a miss Hira, and written in an intimately friendly form, as if adressing her best friend back home, telling stories of her life in Nexus. The information is hidden within, either in an elaborate code (for more sensitive information), or sometimes plainly as just something that she overheard the other day. The Ministry sends letters back from the fictional miss Hira. These are usually just for appearance sake, but may sometimes contain hidden information in a very simliar code to what Kitsune Princess uses.