Character: Li Jin Gang
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Game: Once more, with feeling.
Li Jin Gang
Caste: Half Moon Caste, Lunar Exalted
Concept: Supernatural Martial Artist
- To become the greatest martial artist within Creation.
Natural Intimacies[edit]
- The City of Denandsor (+)
- The Exalted of Denandsor (+)
Supernatural Intimacies[edit]
- Lunar Mate: Sakura Tenchi (Eternal Vow) (True Love) (+)
- Solar Mate: Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady (Eternal Vow) (True Love) (+)
- Black, black, black. Hair and eyes of infinite shining darkness.
- An abstract mandala of runic sigils, among which dances the shadow of a sable, blurring the palest silver light into consuming darkness.
- Strength 5 (Martial Arts, +3)
- (F) Dexterity 6 (Martial Arts, +3)
- Stamina 6
- (C) Charisma 5
- Manipulation 5
- Appearance 4
- (C) Perception 5
- (C) Intelligence 4
- (F) Wits 6
War Abilities[edit]
- Archery 4
- Athletics 4
- Awareness 5 (Join Battle!, +3) (Unexpected Attacks, +3)
- (F) Dodge 5 (Unarmored, +3)
- Integrity 4
- (F) Martial Arts 6
- Melee 4
- Resistance 5 (Poisons, +3) (Diseases, +3)
- Thrown
- War 4
Life Abilities[edit]
- Craft
- Craft (Air) 0 (Calligraphy, +3)
- Larceny
- Linguistics 5
- High Realm (Native), Low Realm, Old Realm, River Speak, Forest Tongue, Various Tribal Tongues
- Performance 3
- Presence 4 (Seduction, +2)
- Ride 3
- Sail
- Socialize 3
- Stealth 3
- (C) Survival 3
Wisdom Abilities[edit]
- Bureaucracy 2
- Investigation
- Lore 4
- Occult 4 (Demons, +2)
- Medicine 4 (Diseases, +2)
Ally 4: Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady[edit]
- Solar Bond (5), Eternal Vow, True Love
Ally 3: Sakura Tenchi[edit]
- Lunar Bond (5), Eternal Vow, True Love
Artifact 6 (Legendary): Insidious Moonsilver Shards[edit]
- Moonsilver Shapeshifting Weapon
- (Attack Statistics) Speed 4, Accuracy +6, Damage +9L, Defense +6, Rate (Infinite), Disarming, Martial Arts, Reach
- (Clinch Statistics) Speed 5, Accuracy +6, Damage +7L, Defense --, Rate (Infinite), Clinching, Martial Arts, Piercing, Reach
- Allows the attuned wielder to assume multiple Martial Art Style Form Charms, up to a maximum of (Essence) different Form Charms at any one time. Considered a form weapon for any martial arts that the wielder knows.
- Attunement: 15 motes
Backing 3: The Silver Pact[edit]
- The Sun King Seneschals
Face 4[edit]
Resources 4[edit]
- Personal wealth, family inheritance, blackmail payments.
Form Acquisition: Animal[edit]
- Humble Mouse Shape
- Towering Beast Form
Form Acquisition: Human[edit]
- Prey’s Skin Disguise
- Honing the Stolen Form
- Intimate Training Recollection
- Flickering Star Infusion
Form Acquisition: Supernatural[edit]
- Green Sun Child
- Heart Theft of the Behemoth
Form Acquisition: Miscellaneous[edit]
- Life of the Hummingbird
- Taste of Luna's Champions
Shapeshifting Refinement[edit]
- Internal Form Mastery
- Subtle Silver Declaration
- Twin Faced Hero
- Snake Hand Style
Strength Charms: Grappling[edit]
- Roused Bear Throw
- Throat Baring Hold
- Wasp Binding Method
- Jaws of the River Dragon
- Flesh Tearing Entanglement
- Cunning Porcupine Defense
Dexterity Charms: Balance and Grace[edit]
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Light Footed Mountain Goat Stance
- Cat Falling Attitude
Dexterity Charms: Crafting[edit]
- Clay Wetting Practice
- Lunar Blade Reconfiguration
Dexterity Charms: Defensive[edit]
- Golden Tiger Stance
- Wary Swallow Method
- Wind Dancing Method
- Flowing Body Evasion
- Flowing Body Ascension
Dexterity Charms: Lunar Hero Style Expansion[edit]
- Predator Distraction Method
- Snake Body Technique
- Coiled Serpent Strikes
Dexterity Charms: Movement[edit]
- Ground Denying Defense
- Instinct Driven Beast Movement
- Furious Hound Pursuit
- Flight of the Sparrow
- Pack and Flock Guidance
- Mist Walking Prana [2] (Creation)
Dexterity Charms: Speed and Extra Action[edit]
- Wasp Sting Blur
- Octopus and Spider Barrage
- Spreading the Wyld Roots [2] Creation)
Stamina Charms: Healing[edit]
- Bruise Relief Method
- Halting the Scarlet Flow
- Lunar Perseverance Infusion
- Lightning Starfish Concentration
- Purging the Tarnished Silver
Manipulation Charms: Defense and Dissembling[edit]
- Mask of White Jade
- Cat Face Presentation
- Labyrinth of the Beast
- Commanded to Fly [2] (Counter Attack is Automatically Successful)
Intelligence Charms: Sorcery[edit]
- Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Intelligence Charms: Sorcery: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery[edit]
- Demon of the First Circle
- Emerald Counter Magic
- Emerald Circle Banishment
Wits Charms: Reaction[edit]
- Meerkat Alertness Practice
- Furious Unhappy Recourse
- Hungry Eagle Method
- Silver Swift Retort
- Serpent’s Tooth Reply
Wits Charms: Speed and Extra Action[edit]
- Wasp Sting Blur
- Many-Armed Monkey Style
- Blinking Eye of Chaos [2] (Creation)
Terrestrial Martial Art Styles[edit]
First Pulse Style[edit]
- Lightning Mental Armament
- Stubborn Monkey Hesitation
- Hunter Bags the Deer
- Bird of Paradise Whistles in the North
- Poisoned Rat Moves Without Pride
- First Pulse Form
- Introduction to the Stone Prince
- Fleeting Wings of Dust
- Titan of the Streets
Orgiastic Fugitive Style[edit]
- Clarity of Mind Moment
- Saturnalia Memoriam Kick
- Orgiastic Fugitive Form
- Drunken Moss Loses His Sash
- Two Fisted Merrymaker
- I Wasn’t There Understanding
- Drunken Monk Finds His Sandal
- Unhealthy Miasma Stance
Celestial Martial Art Styles[edit]
Elegant Blood-Dancer Style[edit]
- Dancing Within the Bonfire Technique
- Aggressor Chastisement Retreat
- Crimson Veil Method
- Elegant Blood Dancer Form
- Blood of the Hero Sacrifice
- Blood Armor Prana
- Rejected by Battle Technique
- Blood Spiral Technique
- Blood Runs On Methodology
- Blood Answers for Blood Approach
Laughing Wounds Style[edit]
- Sensuous Torment
- Kiss of the Whip
- Laughing Wounds Form
- Instructive Punishment Method
- Brand of Obedience
- Insatiable Slave Stamina
- Ecstatic Tenacity
- Rapture in Chains
- Groveling Penitence Prana
- Ravishing the Unworthy Heart
Lunar Hero Style[edit]
- Foot Trapping Counter
- Rabid Beast Attitude
- Thousand Claw Infliction
- Lunar Hero Form
- Armor Rending Claw Fist
- Crouching Tiger Stance
- Den Mother Method
- Running Through the Herd
- Terrible Wolverine Onslaught
- To be determined during play.
- Essence: 5
- Personal: 23 of Twenty-Three.
- Peripheral: 43 (15) of Fifty-Eight.
Committed Motes[edit]
- 15 motes, Peripheral -- Insidious Moonsilver Shards
9 of Nine.
- Compassion: 2
- Conviction: 4
- Temperance: 2
- Valor: 5
Limit Break[edit]
"The Curse of the Lone Wolf"[edit]
- 0 of Ten.
Combat Values[edit]
Defensive Values[edit]
- Parry DV: 11 (Martial Arts)
- Dodge DV: 10
Social Defensive Values[edit]
- Parry MDV: 5
- Dodge MDV: 9
Soak Values[edit]
- Soak, Natural: 6 Bashing, 3 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Hardness Values[edit]
- Hardness, Natural: 0 Bashing, 0 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Health Levels[edit]
- -0 []
- -1 [], -1 []
- -2 [], -2 []
- -4 []
- Incapacitated []
Insidious Moonsilver Shards[edit]
- Speed 4, Accuracy 21, Damage 18L, Defense +6, Rate (Infinite), Disarming, Martial Arts, Reach
- (Clinch) Speed 5, Accuracy 21, Damage 16L, Defense --, Rate (Infinite), Clinching, Martial Arts, Piercing, Reach
- None
Physical Merits[edit]
- (1) Omni Dexterity
- (1) Selective Conception
- (2) Double Jointed
- (3) Fleet of Foot
- (3) Legendary Ability: Martial Arts
- (5) Improved Resistance
Social Merits[edit]
- (2) Carouser
Combat Merits[edit]
- (3) Improved Join Battle
- (4) Brutal Attack
Supernatural Merits[edit]
- (4) Past Lives
Stunt Merits[edit]
- (4) Daredevil
Background Merits[edit]
- (3) Legendary Artifact
Social Flaws[edit]
- (5) Enemy
Background Flaws[edit]
- (5) Wanted