Episode 507: Harem-Scarem, Special Features

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Gallery of Guest Stars[edit]

  • Baron Duerté - Minor Noble/Owner of Brothel in Pottersville, Verbena
  • Miles Bannon - Director of Interstellar Hardwoods Mill in Pottersville, Verbena
  • Jaioli aka Jelly - One of the kidnapped women who escaped her brothel and joined the rebel insurgents on Verbena's Central Continent
  • Lanie aka Roland - Miles Bannon's favorite 'girl' at the Baron's brothel
  • Sebastian "Baz" Arrow - Captain of the Dōngzhì

Shiny Things from the Props Department[edit]

  • Collar - As used to control the women at the brothel, later removed by Arden.
  • Jukebox - Wurlitzer Jukebox, the transmitter/receiver used to control the women at the brothel, and play music.

How To Speak Chinese[edit]

Dōngzhì = 冬至 = Dong - tzhi = Solstice sound clip

Unanswered Questions[edit]

  1. There is reason to believe that Lanie might not have been kidnapped as a girl but was originally a boy. How was the gender change done and who did it? Why?
  2. Lanie wants to go home to Greenleaf to her family. What will she do if her family will not take her back as their daughter?
  3. Now that the mill is basically up in smoke, what will Pottersville do to support itself? Will it wither away like Del Marin on the Central Continent or will it rebuild?
  4. The mill is part of the ISH, based in the Core. Will the home office of ISH send financial/material assisstance in rebuilding its asset? Or not?
    1. FYI:Interstellar Hardwoods Corporation. IHS = Interstellar Hardwoods Security.
  5. What is the agenda of the Insurgency? Do they want to reduce the industry and infrastructure on Verbena? If so, to what end? To create a population that is dependent on any means of support that the Insurgency will step in and offer? And has the Insurgency offered to rebuild what they've destroyed to gain the hearts and minds of the people they are liberating? Heck, are they even in the liberation business or are they in the blowing-stuff-up-because-we-hate-the-Feds business?
  6. In the picture of Jiaoli, above in the guest stars section, her uniform has the Green-and-Yellow Independent flag from the war. Is the Insurgency of Verbena part of a rising-again of the Browncoats from the war? Or was this simply a group that is really into recycling?

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