Episode 701: Nuptials, Special Features

Rina's mother and Prima Donna of Traditional Russian Opera. Now a tranplanted Coresider on the Rim.

Rina's father, now transplanted on the Rim with his wife and son.

Captain Shyla Kramer: Late 40s/early 50s, redhead, blue eyes. No-nonsense, to the point, and in the past vocally anti-Alliance, Shyla is now Captain of PDF Decatur based in Blue Sun. No matter the change in command or the distance that separate them, Nika maintains contact with her old Captain and mentor.

Weaponmaster Yu-shin Harrington: She is the tiniest little kicking-est ass-iest woman that Nika has ever met in her life. She is also, like Shyla Kramer, a woman whose wisdom and guidance she respects.

E.Z. Salazar - Independence Fighter/Fixer
Angel - Home of Lucifer's Landing and Jibril, two wildly different places.
Blue Sun 127, Dr. Joan Guan's private yacht.
Reaverized Quan Fu, Mike Carter's Intelligent Reaver vessel.
- Nika actually knows leading Independents fairly high up in the command chain from 4 out of 5 systems. Will she capitalize on those connections? Or will she let them slide?
- E. Z. Salazaar offered her a position working as a Merchant Marine ship with ties to the Independents, complete with pay and rank and uniforms. While the regularization of the crew and our status as a working ship would be welcome, what sort of unintended consequences will we risk going this route?
- Nika agreed to be flagged an Independent ship. Will this make doing business harder or easier? If harder, how will we overcome the obstacles? If easier, how can we capitalize on it?
- What happened at the bachelor/bachelorette parties the night before the wedding?
- What delayed Dr. Joan Guan?
- Mike Carter was sentenced to exile on Miranda for the assassination of You Ge of Blue Sun. To ensure his incarceration, he had an explosive implanted in his neck that was set to detonate if he left Miranda's atmo. How did he survive leaving Miranda?
- Did he remove the explosive? If so, how? If he didn't, who did?
- Or did he find a way to deactivate it permanently? If so, how and who did it?
- How did he get off Miranda?
- How did he get a ship or a ride off?
- Did he get the ship or the ride from the same people who helped him get that explosive taken out/taken care of?
- Or did Mike run into a different party with a different agenda, who subseqently turned him into an Intelligent Reaver.
- There have been reports, with documentary video, showing 'intelligent' behavior on the part of Reaver ships. Is Mike one of these? If so, is he the first of many? One of many? Or the only one?
- Who is behind the 'Intelligent Reavers'--making them, moving them, maintaining them, funding them?
- Is it the Independents? The Alliance? A mega-corp? An unknown other party?
- No matter who is behind this development--*why* did they develop it? What do they stand to gain? What do they hope to accomplish?
- Mike Carter had first been altered chemically and genetically by the Alliance as a result of an experimental interrogation drug. Through our research into finding a cure for him we discovered it was a derivative of the Pax used on Miranda. The cure Valerie Samson devised to free Mike of the drug's influence further altered his genetic and chemical make-up, rendering him immune--by Carter's own account--to the Pax on Miranda. Mike now wants to make more people like him.
- How? Does Mike have more of Samson's cure? Or does he have more of the interrogation drug? Does he have both?
- What part does Arden play in all this? Is Arden's genetically engineered immunity to the Pax a vital component to Mike's transformation of others? Or does he want Arden's medical knowledge to execute the change?
- Mike Carter also wants Rina and has hinted strongly he will transform her into the Reaver he's become.
- If he loved her, why would he change her?
- Is there another reason he wants her with him? Breeding purposes, perhaps?
- If so, does this mean that Mike's changes are inheritable?
- If the changes are permanent, what does that mean for humanity? Is this a new species of human?
- Mike Carter claims the change has made him stronger, faster, better.
- If so, does that make Homo sapiens an endangered species? Or even obsolete?
- Is Mike Carter a catalyst for change or a harbinger of change?
- How is this development of 'Intelligent Reaver' similar to the other experiments like Blue Sun's Reader/Academy program and the Alliance's Elect and the Blue Sun Augmented Hunter/Killers such as has been seen on Beaumonde?
- Do all these augmented humans serve the same purpose?
- Does the invention and the research for augmented humans come from the same source? If so, where? From whom?
- If 'Intelligent Reavers', Blue Sun Readers, The Elect, and the Hunter/Killers have all been developed independently from each other, by parties independent of each other, for agendas that are independent and even in opposition to each other, then at what point will all these versions of humanity clash?
- Is there a war for supremacy amongst the augmented humans coming? If so, when will it arrive? Who will be calling the shots? What will be the stakes in such a war. Where does un-augmented humanity fit in?
- Who benefits from such a war? What is that party's ultimate goal and agenda?
- In this kind of war, what place do people like Kiera's father hold? Or Joshua's mother?
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