Exorcise Morikage Toshi/Session One

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Pre Game[edit]

Over the past week I didn't put in as much time as I would have liked to, mostly due to being ill and just not getting around to it. This is something I hope to change in the future, I was very disappointed in how unprepared I was. But I did get to go over some of the basic rules with the players, I think only having one book sucks, I still think that. But until I feel better and get to a copy machine or type out some of the stuff from the book that's unfortunately how it's going to go.

Session Highlights[edit]

  • Through the Woods
  • Finding the Castle
  • The Kidnap attempt
  • Back into the Woods

The group got a lot more done this session than I was anticipating, this gives me hope that we will reach the end of the story. Just about everyone seemed pleased enough with their characters the way I generated them. I think only Steve ended up adding disadvantages and advantages to Mirumoto Toichi. I started the group off with the basics of the story, and then moved the game along, skipping travel because it's my least favorite part of L5R, and just skipped ahead to them arriving in the City of the Ghost Castle. The group was set up in the only hotel in the small farming/fishing town. Daidoji Sachi seemed quite interested in the intrigue of the story, and found opportunity to seek more of the story from locals, which the hotel owner and his wife were happy to share rumors with the crane. Shiba Hikaru took over the mission with ease, guiding the group through the forest and back with ease just taking the scenic tour. Towards the end of the game, the group split up and that's when it got boring for those not in focus. I'll have to work on that.

Post Session[edit]

Everyone was awarded 5 experience. I feel a little better now that the game is being played that it might be an interesting cast, but overall I think it will work out. The characters are good at what they do, which seems to make them happy. In this next week I hope to at the very least copy some content out of the book to give to my players as cheat sheets, if that's just photo copies from the book it's better than nothing. But I'm feeling a little more confident that people will like the game, we'll see if it makes all 8 weeks though.

Exorcise Morikage Toshi Session 2 >>