Talk:Exorcise Morikage Toshi/Session One

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Don't beat yourself up about leaving half the group twiddling their collective thumbs when we chose to split up. Narrating multiple scenes simultaneously is challenging for people with years and years of experience; especially when combat is involved. There are really two good solutions for this problem. One is to make sure that there is combat occurring in both scenes, then just run it as a single initiative count. The other is to hand off NPCs and other duties to the inactive players. The former is still pretty tough because it requires you to keep track of what is going on in both scenes without mixing up the antagonists or scenery, and the latter is unappealing to some players. I generally go with handing off NPCs, but there are times when it's just more convenient to let people sit.

I think you did a great job with the first session and I look forward to playing again on Friday. Let us know if you're starting to feel lost or overwhelmed though. We'll take a breather and let you get your feet back under you. The game is supposed to be fun for you too, not a chore. -- Bill 01:17, 31 March 2008 (PDT)