Fading Halo:Tech Weaponry

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Many of these sections have been lifted, at least in part, from the Mass Effect Codex[1]. Please follow the link for more detail.

Body Armour[edit]

Modern combat hard-suits have a "triple canopy" of protection: shields, armor, and self-repair. The outermost layer is created through kinetic barrier emitters, which detect objects incoming at a high rate of speed and generate deflecting "shields" provided they have enough energy in their power cells.

If a bullet or other incoming object gets past the barrier, it contends with the more traditional body armor. A sealed suit of non-porous ballistic cloth provides kinetic and environmental protection, reinforced by lightweight composite ceramic plates in areas that either don't need to flex or require additional coverage, such as the chest and head. When the armor is hit by directed energy weapons, the plates boil away or ablate rather than burning the wearer.

The last level of protection is provided by the suit's microframe computers, whose input detectors are woven throughout the fabric. These manage the self-healing system, which finds rents in the fabric and, assuming any such tear would wound the flesh underneath, seals the area off with sterile, non-conductive medi-gel. This stanches minor wounds and plugs holes in the suit that could prove fatal in vacuum or toxic environments. Soldiers are not always fond of the "squish skin" that oozes gel on them at a moment's notice, but fatalities have dropped sharply since the system was implemented.

Kinetic Barriers ('Shields')[edit]

Kinetic barriers, colloquially called "shields", provide protection against most mass accelerator weapons. Whether on a starship or a soldier's suit of armor, the basic principle remains the same.

Kinetic barriers are repulsive mass effect fields projected from tiny emitters. These shields safely deflect small objects traveling at rapid velocities. This affords protection from bullets and other dangerous projectiles, but still allows the user to sit down without knocking away their chair.

The shielding afforded by kinetic barriers does not protect against extremes of temperature, toxins, or radiation.

Mass Accelerators[edit]

A mass accelerator propels a solid metal slug using precisely-controlled electromagnetic attraction and repulsion. The slug is designed to squash or shatter on impact, increasing the energy it transfers to the target. If this were not the case, it would simply punch a hole right through, doing minimal damage.

Accelerator design was revolutionized by element zero. A slug lightened by a mass effect field can be accelerated to greater speeds, permitting projectile velocities that were previously unattainable. If accelerated to a high enough velocity, a simple paint chip can impact with the same destructive force as a nuclear weapon. However, mass accelerators produce recoil equal to their impact energy. This is mitigated somewhat by the mass effect fields that rounds are suspended within, but weapon recoil is still the prime limiting factor on slug velocity.


Medi-gel is a common medicinal salve used by paramedics, EMTs, and military personnel. It combines several useful applications: a local anesthetic, disinfectant and clotting agent all in one. Once applied, the gel is designed to grip tight to flesh until subjected to a frequency of ultrasound. It is sealable against liquids - most notably blood - as well as contaminants and gasses.

Small Arms[edit]

All modern infantry weapons from pistols to assault rifles use micro-scaled mass accelerator technology. Projectiles consist of tiny metal slugs suspended within a mass-reducing field, accelerated by magnetic force to speeds that inflict kinetic damage.

The ammo magazine is a simple block of metal. The gun's internal computer calculates the mass needed to reach the target based on distance, gravity, and atmospheric pressure, then shears off an appropriate sized slug from the block. A single block can supply thousands of rounds, making ammo a non-issue during any engagement.

Top-line weapons also feature smart targeting that allows them to correct for weather and environment. Firing on a target in a howling gale feels the same as it does on a calm day on a practice range. Smart targeting does not mean a bullet will automatically find the mark every time the trigger is pulled; it only makes it easier for the marksman to aim.


Omni-tools are multipurpose diagnostic and manufacturing tools used for a variety of battlefield tasks, such as hacking, decryption, or repair. When equipped, an omni-tool appears over a person's left hand and forearm as an orange hologram. An omni-tool can be reconfigured to appear over the right hand for a left-handed user.

Omni-tools are handheld devices that combine a computer microframe, sensor analysis pack, and minifacturing fabricator. Versatile and reliable, an omni-tool can be used to analyze and adjust the functionality of most standard equipment, including weapons and armor, from a distance.

The fabrication module can rapidly assemble small three-dimensional objects from common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys. This allows for field repairs and modifications to most standard items, as well as the reuse of salvaged equipment and applying medicine from stimulants to medi-gel.

Omni-tools are standard issue for soldiers and first-in colonists.

Types of Small-Arms[edit]

There are all kinds of weapons in the galaxy from particle beams to arc projectors to smart rapid-fire missile launchers but most commonly available weaponry falls into one of five familiar categories. Almost all modern weaponry is collapsible to some extent, taking up less room when not in use and allowing the soldier to carry more weapons than his historical counterparts. Typically, a compressed weapon will take up 75% of the space of a combat-ready one. Example brands of each type of weapon are given but many more exist.

  • Heavy Pistols - Small-size personal or backup weapons, heavy pistols are accurate at mid-long range with a semi-automatic firing mechanism. They are effective against armour and typically have high capacity before needing to change thermal clips. They are also frequently fitted with stun modules for use in close-quarters. Examples: M-3 Predator, M-5 Phalanx, M-77 Paladin.

Heavy Pistols

  • Submachine Guns - The alternative personal or backup weapon to the heavy pistol, SMGs are, again, small in size. Unlike pistols they are capable of fully automatic fire which makes them more suitable for suppression use and taking down shields and biotic barriers. They over heat quickly though and are generally only accurate at shorter ranges. Examples: M-4 Shuriken, M-9 Tempest, M-12 Tempest.

Submachine Guns

  • Shotguns - A larger weapon that fires a dense cluster of projectiles (typically 6-8), shotguns are devastating at point-blank range. Their accuracy over greater distances varies by model but their impact will lessen over distance as the spread pattern increases. Like SMGs, shotguns produce a lot of heat and require changing thermal clips often. Examples: M-22 Eviscerator, M-23 Katana, M-300 Claymore.


  • Assault Rifles - The standard weapon for militaries across the galaxy, the assault rifle is a burst-fire or fully automatic weapon with good heat management. More than any other weapon, the qualities of an assault rifle depend on the brand with some being devastating on fully-automatic at short-mid range and others firing deadly accurate three round bursts at long range. Examples: M-8 Avenger, M-15 Vindicator, M-96 Mattock.

Assault Rifles

  • Sniper Rifles - Highly specialist weapons, the sniper rifle is a semi-automatic weapon that rips through armour and is lethal at long ranges. The heat management capabilities of sniper rifles is directly proportionate to the damage output with some models packing an incredible punch but requiring a clip change after each shot and others acting as more of a halfway house between assault rifles and offering up to half-a-dozen shots before reloading. Examples: M-29 Incisor, M-92 Mantis, N7 Valiant.

Sniper Rifles