Minor death gods of the Ghidrane tribes, the Fou'long, or -- as certain less careful scholars insist on naming them, the Foulings -- were destroyed utterly during battle with Anwar of the Seven Shallow Rivers. Squat, bear-like beings, whose meeping cries would often be heard during the dark of the moon, it is likely that they enforced some of the ritual taboos of the tribes with they were associated. However, it must be noted that for all their reputed ferocity, most surviving legends associated with them suggest that at best, they are minor -- though grim -- trickster spirits, and it is unlikely that all would be involved in an attack on a small village. To begin with, it is unlikely that enough of the no doubt many and varied taboos of the Ghidrane would be violated by the inhabitants of one small village to merit such attention. It is perhaps more likely that the destruction of the gods in the tale of this battle refers to the utter subjugation of the tribes by an outside force, which is symbolised (or perhaps was historically associated with) the mythical hero, Anwar. As did many things during this period, the dissappearance of this vital Northen culture no doubt contributed to the Destruction of Gem.
-- Derian Hyma, University College of Deheleshen
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