Interlude (With the McAlisters)

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"They comm'ed the port. ETA tomorrow afternoon," Max announced happily as he rode up in a thunder of hooves. "And Tommy's coming in. I just beat him." He grinned wickedly. "Told him traffic control would put him at the back of the line."

Rachel scowled at her older brother, releasing the baby's ears from the cups of her hands. "I just got the baby to sleep," she stage whispered, the gentle movement of her rocker uninterrupted. "And of course they put him back of the line to let everyone else get up in the air. He flies crazier than you."

She glanced at her granddaughter, curled up on the porch swing, her head on her daughter Rosalie's lap. But Taylor's golden curls didn't move, her gentle breathing easy and deep.

"Momma, they're used to this family," her daughter called softly, stroking her own daughter's head. "Don't do nothing quiet."

"I do,"Rachel replied. Cooper whined softly in her arms, his little fingers moving for a moment before he returned to deeper sleep. She brushed her grandson's head with her lips as both her relatives bit back laughter.

Her brother spoke first. "I've seen you fly."

Rachel tossed her head, glaring at Max as he laughed silently and dismounted. He lay two bags on the porch and then left them to go pull off tack and put his black stud back in the pasture. Rosalie frowned a little, looking at her mother.

"Sounds like we lose you soon again, Momma." She paused for a moment. "You sure 'Lilah's ok to fly? I know you said something about Pipes being sick lately. Uncle Pete said that she sounded real bad taking off when they left you this time."

"Most like that new pilot doesn't know how to coax her up baby. The Delilah's just fine. Freddie is learning her mechanics from his father. It just takes time. Laz said they were doing just fine when we last messaged."

"Uncle Pete said that Uncle Colin thought the same thing," Rosalie persisted worriedly. "Enough that they both talked to Uncle Trent and Uncle Sam 'bout what they heard in the engines."

Rachel just rolled her eyes. "My brothers are like a bunch of old biddies. Cluck, cluck, cluck. The ship is fine," she announced firmly. She didn't know if she said it to reassure her daughter or herself.

"Would you stay if it wasn't?" came the plaintive question. "Rickon said he'd come and join us in a month for a little vacation before taking us back. You could stay here on the ranch until we went back home. Get a ride that brings you home more often." Rosalie sighed, her next words barely audible, but projected accurately. "And is in a little better shape."

"Laz, Pipes and the crew need me, honey." Rachel got to her feet and went to lean against the porch post near the swing. She regarded her pretty daughter with pride, her lips curling into a tiny smile. So like her father in many ways.

"I need you too, Momma."

Rachel cuddled her grandson closer. "You don't need me honey. You got the family here, a husband coming to join you for a month of vacation, and then a big house with nannies, maids and such waiting for you to return."

"They ain't 'my momma'. I want you to stay a little longer." Big blue eyes looked steadily into hers when Rachel looked at her, stubborn and firm with an inner confidence. Most people couldn't resist her. But Rachel could.

"What?! Seven uncles, six aunts, and fifty dozen cousins aren't company enough child?" Rachel waved her arm out to the rolling grassy hills that surrounded them and noted the small dot of Tommy's craft coming in to land on their airstrip. Her brother had just finished a private run to the Core, would leave in a week or so to go fetch Rosalie's husband so he could spend some vacation time with his family and new son.

Tommy was just in time for dinner. Her brothers never missed dinner.

Rachel leaned over to kiss her daughter's head. "Stars are calling baby. I'll be back. McAllisters' always come back home." She watched critically as Thomas playfully rolled the craft before coming for a landing as the cows watched his arrival.

A bit of pride and rivalry raised its head in her gut. She was still better than her brothers. There wasn't one of them that didn't fly, but as their daddy and grandpa had said, Rachel was born behind the stick. She felt the body memory of the feel of the landing as Tommy slid gracefully to the earth and then felt the distant memory of the Delilah's powerful engines beneath her fingers. The sense of power, thrill, freedom, fear, called to her like a never ending siren.

She rubbed her nose against her grandson, feeling the immense and thunderous wave of her love for her family wash through her, strong and sure, as the rest of the family appeared from various buildings to move towards the hanger to greet Tommy.

But it wasn't strong enough to keep her on the ground. The bond that held the McAllisters together had never been strong enough to keep any of them on the ground for long. But Rachel more than the others. Addicted, that's what she was. A pitiful adrenaline junkie.

"C'mon honey. Tommy will have presents." Holding the swing steady for her daughter as she gathered up the sleeping three year old girl, Rachel and Rosalie went to join the rest of the herd heading to the hanger.

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