Ironblood's Story (Tobyverse)
The most dreaded thing about the Changeling race, to many people, is that tiny window of time after they change when they lose their minds and their powers run wild. The anti-Changeling elements in the press like to play this up to a great extent, claiming that no a Changeling can be born without things getting destroyed. This is of course, a gross exaggeration. Not all Changelings have destructive, or even impressive powers, and even those who do don't always do a lot of damage.Really, the frequency of Changeling births causing mass havoc is over represented.
Of course, you also of situations like Ironblood.
Lucas Draques, or Luke to his friends, was a bit of a troublemaker long before he became a Changeling. He was a constantly partying collage student who seemed to be under the impression that he wasn't having fun unless he was drunk off his ass, breaking stuff, causing problems...of course he had a whole house of frat brothers just like him, so he was more of a portion of the problem then the problem itself. Still, he was loud, obnoxious, and filthy, and saw no reason to change any of that.
If the Changeling strain could be predicted, people who knew it was coming could have guessed he'd become a troll.
Luke's awakening is important because to date, there has never been a more public Changeling rage. By some absolute miracle, no one actually died. However, in an absurd, cinematic moment, the world saw a giant troll climbing one of the tallest buildings in Empire City. He stood atop it in a blind, animalistic fury, beating his chest and roaring to the sky. It looked like things were going to get very violent, very quickly. Then, out of nowhere, he suddenly vanished into thin air.
What no one had known was that Dr. Kadabra had been making his way to the scene. He used his incredible powers to teleport the entire beast to his estate outside the city. How he rode out the remaining time in his blood-rage, no one can know. But after running out the clock, Luke calmed down. With Kadabra offering to train his new-found strength, Ironblood joined the fight to protect Changeling kind.
Ironblood stands about seven feet tall. His skin is blue, and he possesses a pair of horns atop his head (a surprisingly common Changeling mutation). His build is something between chubby and muscular, and he has a tiny blond soul patch on his chin. He loves partying, loyal friends, and beating the piss out of bad guys (his words.)
He normally has some impressive super strength and durability, as he is bulletproof and can lift about two tons with little effort. However, he has the power to transform into a much more powerful, twelve foot tall troll. In this form, he is at Doomsday level strength, is almost impossible to injure, possesses a healing factor, and can jump incredibly long distances. He also has a Kong sized form, but as he has only assumed this form once, the day of his change, it's strengths have not been tested.