Kolvir Musketeers

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The Kolvir Musketeers were created by King Random in 5286. Member's backgrounds may vary but they are extremely well trained. They serve many roles. They act as personal messengers. They are tasked with guarding specific places in Amber including the Throne Room, the Library, the Tombs, and other important sites. They do not act as Pattern Guards.

The Musketeers may be part of other units and have other duties. They active duty rotation varies.

The main difference between the two is that the elite primarily are part of the Amber army. The Musketeers are associated with the police forces.


  • General of the Kolvir Musketeers: Baroness Doria of Amber.
  • Colonel of the Kolvir Musketeers: Sir Garry Gavno.

Colonel Gavno demanded that all Kolvir Musketeers receive Rasak training and Prince Benedict and Baroness Doria both agreed and convinced the King. This made them at least on par with the Elites and as such all of the musketeers are listed as Elites as well. They can perform protective services for the royal family. In practice the KM and the Protective Elites are separate and some principals have both. There is a developing rivalry between the Elites and the Musketeers.


The KM have a variety of duties.

  • The Primary duty is the protection of locations on Mount Kolvir. The Tombs. The North Stair. The East Stair. (Where Bleys and Corwin fought their famous battle). Faiella's Wood. Calicalic. The Grove of the Unicorn.
  • The secondary duty is protection of the ruling family. While the royal family all have Elites assigned to them members of the ruling family need a few extra guards.
  • The Kolvir Musketeers have police powers rather then military powers.


One of the points of pride among the members is their dueling. It is considered a part of their training as well as their notoriety.


Prince Giovanni insists they be skilled in war-weapons so he trains them in great sword when he is in the kingdom.

The Musketeers train with Nail gun and Nail Musket. Giovanni also trains them in heavy crossbows


Musketeers use clockwork nail guns. Rifles and pistols. dueling sword. Great Swords. A full Kolvir Musketeer's equipment list:

  • Suit (67) Most wear their Rasak cord on their suit
  • 2 Pistols (16)
  • Musket (10)
  • Dueling Blade (21)
  • Greatsword (11)
  • Boots (10)
  • Hat
  • Rasak Blade- Not strictly part of the musketeer kit it is included because the musketeers attend Rasak.
  • Deck of Amber Trumps. Non-magical with contact trumps for musketeers.

Amber Musketeers Suit (67)[edit]

They wear a version of the Ranger Suit just more colorful. They have a great deal of permission to customize their suit. They do have a standard formal suit and Day Suit. They also have a black funeral outfit worn at funerals or when on duty in the Tombs Area.

  • 2 Chaos Vitality. 5 transfer
  • 2 Double Speed. 5 transfer
  • 4 Endless Stamina. 5 transfer
  • 2 Combat Reflexes. 5 transfer
  • 4 Invulnerable.
  • 2 Danger Sense. 5 transfer
  • 4 Regen 10 transfer
  • 2 N/N Forms Street clothes, Formal outfit, Camo, Blackout or Funeral Wear, duty uniform. Chain under plate armor of a Rebman style, Amber Full Jousting plate. Personal work outfit.
  • 2 Shadow Path
  • 4 Ability. Transport like trump to 6 places:Throne Room, Library, Courtyard, Assigned Principal, 2 at wearers choosing.
  • 1 Ability: Call to don/Return
  • 1 Ability:Cleanse uniform and person wearing it.
  • 1 Ability:Cleanse removing urine and fecal matter.
  • 1 Ability:Clean a person they have their hand on, including urine and fecal matter.
    • 67 x 3 Horde=201 Random, Doria, Giovanni, Martin, Dworkin.

Pistol (16 for a pair)[edit]

Each Musketeer carries 2 pistols at (8).

  • 2 Vs Gun
  • 2 Double Damage
  • 1 Self-heal
  • 1 Alt-form: Pistol, eating knife.
  • 1 Ability: Load in combat.
  • 1 Call to hand/ Return
    • 8 x3 Horde= 24 Doria

The internal capacity of the gun is 50 nails

Musket (10)[edit]

  • 2 Combat Reflexes: Expresses as being easy to handle and carry.
  • 4 Invulnerable. The guns are sturdy and easy to use in combat. They are sturdy as clubs striking with barrel or butt.
  • 2 Double Damage
  • 1 Self-Heal
  • 1 Alt Form. Musket, Buckler. Many carry the musket as a buckler for convenience.
    • 10 x3 Horde=30 Doria

Kolvir Musketeers dueling blade (21)[edit]

Tot-21 each Mithril Blade(Original Created by Arloxedra and Paid for by Random)

  • 7} Double Speed 2 -Transfer 5
  • 7} Combat Reflexes 2-Transfer 5
  • 4} Deadly Damage
  • 1} Mold Stuff-Find in Shadow if lost.
  • 1} Alt Form-Main Gauche
  • 1} ability-Return to hand
    • 21 x3 Horde= 63 Giovanni

Musketeer's Greatsword- (11) pips[edit]

  • 2 Double Speed-Transfer 5
  • 2 Combat Reflexes
  • 4 Deadly Damage
  • 1 Alt-Form, Poinard.
  • 1 Ability-Call to hand/ Return
    • 12 x3 Horde = 35 Giovanni

War Boots.-(10) pips[edit]

  • 4 Invulnerable
  • 4 Deadly Damage Steel Toed
  • 2 N/N Forms.Low Shoes, Thigh High Slops

Musketeer's Hat-7 pips[edit]

The appearance of a musketeer's hat is a very personal matter and they differ greatly.

  • 2 Pip Vs Guns
  • 2 Rapid Heal
  • 2 N/N form. sack hat, slouch hat, Cavalier hat, Roman Helm, Baseball Cap, Fedora
  • 1 Ability: Call/return
  • 1 Ability- Only they can remove it.
  • 1 Ability : Cleanse hat and wearer
    • 9

Kolvir Trumps (1)[edit]

A regular non-magical trump deck with contact trumps for Kolvir Musketeers

  • 1 Contact Trumps
    • 1 x3 horde Random= 3


  • Baroness Doria of Amber-Royal Advocate
  • Prince Giovanni Obersonson-Royal Advocate
  • Prince Martin of Rebma- Royal Advobate

Captain Garry Gavno-Active[edit]


  • Principal Musketeer.. First Commander of the Kolvir Musketeers
  • Captain. Calro. Frequent Castle Courtyard Captian

Gruff and straightforward as most Calro. Once part of Prince Bleys' detail.

Protective service for the royal family is a duty of the Elites. When Gavno was made First Commander of the Kolvir Musketeers he insisted that all members attend Rasak, and thus are members of the Eiltes as well.

Lieutenant Darcy Rozero-Active [edit]


Sergeant Malica Fin Digby[edit]


A member of the Thelusian noble house of Digby she was raised in Fantalin on the campus of the university where her parents were both professors. She became an effecianado of the Duelist Culture much to the horror of her parents. After preliminary schooling she entered the Thelusian military becoming a Judge Advocate. She was demoted numerous times for dueling in defiance of edict but her scholarship and family connections helped her retain rank.

In 5265, while on an assignment in Amber, she engaged in a scandalous duel with Sergent Darcy Rozaro through the halls of the Castle Amber and throughout the Library of Amber. Afterwards she and Rozaro were arrested and taken for judgement to King Random. At the recommendation of Prince Arloxedra, Sergent Rozaro's Protectee, she was entered into the Army of Amber in the Seventh Legion, First Cohort:File:TerantonBalaGathara.jpg The Duelists.[[1]] After 8 years of service she was sent to Rasak and enrolled in the Elites.

As an Elite, to both the horror and honor of her parents, she was given duty in the Amber Embassy at Fantalin, Thelusia.

Upon creation of the Kolvir Musketeers, Malicia was promoted Sergeant and entered in the Founding Rolls of the Order. Currently on duty in Royal Protective Duty.

When in Amber she is a frequent sight at the CCC events, especially Dueling Tourneys at Brightedge

Running Sheet Malica Fin Digby

Corporal Teranton Bala G'athara[edit]


An Amberite of House (). He joined the military after a 40 year term in the family business. He spent much of his youth and his early adulthood active in the CCC. It had a frequent development into a musketeer culture. It seemed a fad when it began. But people like Prince Giovanni encouraged it. He dove deeply into it.

After his 5 year term in the military he joined the Amber police. He rose to the rank of sergent. He rejoined the military and served 20 years before being offered membership in the elites.

As an Elite he served in Diaga and Farnsdale. Both had growing Musketeer cultures that were aided by the development of useful Nail Guns.

When King Random founded the Kolvir Musketeers. He was one of the first to volunteer. Having been a Sergeant in the police forces and already an elite, he was a natural member.

He is officially a corporal in the Kolvir Musketeers.

Elstead Flintborn Clemens[edit]

Buck Flintborn[edit]


At the time of the creation of the musketeers there were 20 people involved in the working out of the details. It was King Random and Prince Martin who were the main driving force. Baroness Doria was a strong advocate of a mobile force and a strong connection with the police.