Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/adventures/avis armois

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City of Avis Armois[edit]

See description here


Surname Given Name Occupation Location Notes
?? Yves Innkeeper/Owner North Wall, Avis Armois The Broken Oath
Orellana-Alcalde de Peña Nalencampa Retired/Sage Alcalde Estates, West of Avis Armois Powerful mage, unaligned to either Cabal of the Seven Rings or the Order of the White Staff; has provided advice to the party through their adventures
?? Brais Groundskeeper Alcalde Estates, Avis Armois with Amais, teleported party to front of Nalencampa´s estate
?? Amais Cook/Housekeeper Alcalde Estates, Avis Armois see Brais
Artigas Guilleme Master, Fenwalkers Westshore, Avis Armois Leader of the paramilitary scout/ranger group known as the Fenwalkers
Lacan Thaïs Wayward Daughter Avis Armois Rescued from Kem´s Hideout; injured, has travelled south to seek healing; loaned her magical spear to Violet while she is away.
du Serna Arsène Lionel Soldier Avis Armois Chevalière; Captaine of the Black Lions (City Garrison); has been good friend and council to the party.
Rozru Snizovn Innkeeper Longnose, Avis Armois Male Gnome; Inn of the Fallen Star
??? Possa Criminal Outer Docks, Avis Armois Leader of a local criminal gang (Mark of the Wolf, aka The Mark); former associate of One-Eyed Kem; requested Kem's head as proof he was dead in return for information on where the hideout was.
??? Nardo Criminal Outer Docks, Avis Armois Huge, hulking fighter. Muscle for the Mark
??? Alceste Criminal Outer Docks, Avis Armois "The Asp"; Handsome, quick rogue working for The Mark
??? Archak Tavern Owner Colosseum, Avis Armois Own's "Archak's Pen"; can be used to get messages to Chevalière du Serna
??? Shaheer Fariya's Instructor in Magic Jhon Powerful mage; member of the Cabal of the Seven Rings; currently in Jhon
??? Wissam Shaheer's agent in Avis Armois The Embers, Avis Armois Shaheer's agent in Avis Armois; has a room at The Bird of Paradise Inn; keeps watch over Fariya and relays messages to and from Shaheer
Aphier Boulen Gabriel's Instructor in Magic ??? Member of the Order of the White Staff & Gabriel's mentor. Based out of Aven Bentois, a city in the central part of Athervon. Currently in Aven Bentois.
Lapointe Clothilde Landlady for party rooms Bronzechapel, Avis Armois Widower, husband (Gaston) was well-known weapons master.
Achard Romaine Swordfighting Instructor Colosseum, Avis Armois Former student of Gaston Lapointe, now has school of his own; has fought duels in town
Felippi Venusto Priest Bronzechapel, Avis Armois Head Priest at St. Antelmo di Sennuli; became friends with Violet, bonded as Veniri ex-pats
??? Victor Innkeeper Colosseum, Avis Armois proprietor of Victor's Spoils, an inn frequented by fighters from the Colosseum
al-Dajani Sallah Priest The Embers, Avis Armois Mullah of the Blue Mosque
??? Ishaaq ???? The Embers, Avis Armois Supposedly an informed man, according to Wissam; can be found at the Al-m'raj
Soki Othio Child Irontown, Avis Armois Youngest son of Ilvikir Soki (age ~10); now resides at Bronzechapel residence with Madame LaPointe and characters.
??? Ztopo ??? ???? Mentioned by Possa; leader of the "Pdoma Mob"
Coates Chall ??? ???? Deputy Guildmaster of the Mark of the Wolf; works for Possa.