MTH:Super Speed

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Super Speed[edit]


Prerequisites: Super Speed, Wined-Up

Effect: While Super Speed is active the character gains +1 Defense and Initiative per dot.

Note: Characters can activate Super Speed at any point in a turn, including during someone else’s turn (which can be useful for defense) and before rolling initiative (unless they are surprised).

ALACRITY (**)[edit]

Prerequisites: Super Speed, Celerity

Effect: On the turn they activate Super Speed, the character is able to take a number of additional rolled actions equal to their dots in Super Speed. Each action added this way costs one Verve. All of these actions resolve on one die roll, using the lowest applicable pool with the highest applicable penalty other than, and then subtracting one die for each rolled action.

Actions involving multiple dice rolls such as Gunslinger attacks cannot be added this way.

Note: Rolled and unrolled actions can be mixed, so a character with three dots of Super Speed could move across a warehouse floor, punch out two goons, pick up a hostage and run out the door in one turn (2 rolled, one unrolled). If the character had a Strength + Brawl pool of 7, with one goon having a defense of 2 and the other of 3, the speedster would roll 2 dice for the attacks (7 – 2 rolled actions, minus the highest defense 3).

Please read the relevant part of the discussion section before editing this merit.

CELERITY (*)[edit]

Prerequisites: Super Speed

Effect: The character may take additional unrolled actions each turn, up to as much as twice their dots in Super Speed. Each two unrolled actions added this way cost one Verve. However, the character cannot move further than twice their multiplied Speed in one turn this way (otherwise their potential movement would increase quadratically).

This merit specifically allows only actions that would normally be unrolled when preformed at normal speed.

WIND-UP (*)[edit]

Prerequisites: Super Speed

Effect: The character can make a special dash attack provided they can get up to full speed before doing so, slamming their target with their body, or striking them with a limb or weapon. To get up to this speed, the character must move at least 5 yards, even if they do so in a circle, then make a single melee attack as an instant action. The player takes a penalty to their initiative of up to the character's Super Speed dots. Each point of penalty translates to a +1 to the damage modifier for the attack. This effect can be used only with an activation of Super Speed and the penalty to Initiative is applied after the bonus to initiative Super Speed grants.

The player declares this action on their Super Speed initiative, but resolves it on their penalized initiative. This does mean that some characters may see the wined-up attack coming and choose to alter their actions based on this information.

If the character can fly, they can apply this merit to a mid-air attack with the same mechanics.

FLICKER-FLASH (**)[edit]

Prerequisites: Super Speed 2+, Power Level 3+, Alacrity

Effect: The character has begun not just to move quickly, but move with certainty and grace, such that her actions barely register to those moving at normal speed. While using super speed the character suffers no penalties to stealth rolls.

In addition, the character may trade one of their rolled actions while using Super Speed to make a stealth roll. The Stealth roll is applied to all action the speedster takes in that same turn, rolled or unrolled.

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